To keep Winx Club a clean place the following things are
NOT permitted. Any account breaking these rules will have their messages removed and their account permanently deleted.
1.Posting real surname, email address, password and any other personal data!
2.Posting any offensive or sexual messages of any kind. This includes: profanity, disgusting or violent situations, insults/harrassment of players, hentai, se-xy pics, sexual symbols (especially symbols that represent male or female body parts), or any kind of *naughty* talk. (and using spaces, symbols or creative spelling to try to hide those words is not fooling anyone.)
3. Impersonating Winxclub staff or claiming to have special influence with members of the Winxclub Staff.
4. Asking for passwords or attempting to gain access to other peoples accounts in any way (such as asking people to change their email address to your email address). Winx Club will NEVER ask for your password.
5. Promoting any kind of advertising for any other web sites.
6. Do not discuss religious or political views anywhere on Winxclub.
7. Do not spam!
8. Posting rude messages/
swearing/fighting with others.