Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Fri Sep 20, 2024 11:54 pm

Chapter 22: Forever Glory or Eternal Shame


As the four girls walked alongside Queen Varanda through the hallways of the Wizardry School of Callisto, they were all in awe of its grandeur. The school stood atop a cliff that overlooked the endless ocean, its walls made of gleaming white stone, enchanted with magic that made them shimmer under the light of Callisto's suns. Every detail seemed to speak of ancient power, from the intricate symbols carved into the columns to the floating chandeliers that gently bobbed in the air, casting soft glows across the vast corridors.

“This place is incredible,” Roxy whispered, her eyes wide as she took in the grandeur around her. She marveled at the sight of students—mostly boys—gliding through the hallways, their transformed fairy wings sparkling with magic. Every one of them seemed to carry themselves with confidence, and their energy buzzed in the air.

“They’re all transformed…” Alice noted quietly, watching the students, particularly the fairies, in their full magical forms. “I’ve never seen so many people stay transformed in a single space.”

Mirta frowned slightly as she absorbed the scene. “It must be exhausting.”

The queen nodded in agreement, her voice gentle but firm. “It is. But here, they don’t have much of a choice. The school is designed for wizards, fairies, and paladins—though witches have their own separate academy on Callisto.” She gestured to the halls that stretched endlessly around them. “Only two classes of female fairies are admitted here, since this institution was primarily built for boys. The girl fairies who attend are the daughters of powerful families, and they’re placed in their own exclusive wing to separate them from the rest.”

Clarice glanced around, curious. “But… what about poor families with fairy powers? Isn’t there another school nearby that’s more… balanced?”

Queen Varanda nodded, her expression softening as they walked. “Yes, there's a public school a few hours away, it has more or less the same number of both boys and girls. But it’s public, and because of that, there’s a certain stigma attached to it. Many families here on Callisto prefer the prestige of the Wizardry School but not all can get in.”

Alice tilted her head, intrigued. “So only the strongest families—those with a strong magical lineage—send their children here?”

“Exactly,” the queen confirmed. “The strongest families, the most powerful bloodlines. It’s a matter of pride for them. Their children are expected to rise to the top in both magic and societal status.”

As they passed through the grand hall, the girls couldn’t help but be amazed at the sheer size and complexity of the school. Towering archways led to various classrooms, training rooms, and open courtyards where students were practicing their magic. The energy in the air was palpable, and the sight of students constantly in their transformed state was overwhelming.

“They’re forced to stay transformed?” Clarice asked, her voice tinged with disbelief. “I’ve never spent more than one or two hours transformed at a time. Any longer, and I start to feel drained.”

The queen smiled sympathetically. “It’s true. The school enforces strict training. They must stay transformed throughout the entire day. Only when the sun sets are they allowed to detransform. The idea is that constant transformation will push them to enhance their powers, forcing them to grow stronger.”

Clarice shuddered at the thought. “No way. I couldn’t do that. It would completely drain me.”

“It was hard for me as well,” the queen admitted. “When I first started, it felt unbearable. My body ached every day, and there were times when I could barely walk. It takes a long time for your body to adjust, but eventually, you do get stronger.”

“But not everyone can handle it,” Mirta said softly, glancing at the queen.

Queen Varanda’s expression darkened slightly. “No, they can’t. Many students sneak away to the bathrooms during breaks, just to detransform and replenish their energy. I did it myself, more times than I can count. Some students faint, and others sleep for days just to recover.”

“And yet their parents still make them come here?” Roxy asked, shaking her head.

“It’s a matter of honor,” the queen explained, her voice tinged with sadness. “For many of these families, sending their children here is not just about education—it’s about legacy. They’re expected to become the best, no matter the cost.”

Mirta sighed deeply, her gaze drifting to the students who moved with precision and grace around the halls. “I could never study here. It’s too… harsh.”

Queen Varanda smiled softly at her. “Neither could I, if I had a choice. I would have much preferred to attend Alfea, where there’s more balance. But sometimes, we don’t get to choose our path.”

The group fell silent as they approached the central courtyard of the school. The space was enormous, with a grand fountain at its center, and students practicing spells and transformations in every corner. The sight was both awe-inspiring and intimidating, the weight of tradition and expectation heavy in the air.

Clarice looked around in awe, but her earlier discomfort remained. “It’s impressive, but… I don’t think I’d last a day here.”

Queen Varanda chuckled softly. “Many feel the same way at first. But those who endure become some of the most powerful fairies and wizards in the universe.”

Mirta remained quiet, her thoughts drifting as she looked at the determined faces of the students around her. The Wizardry School of Callisto was unlike anything she had ever seen, and while it was grand and prestigious, it felt like a place that would push anyone to their limits.

The group stopped right in the center of the grand courtyard, the weight of the school’s grandeur settling around them. They had been told to wait for Headmaster Cyrus to arrive, but in the stillness, Roxy's thoughts began to drift.

“You know, I’ve been thinking…” she began, her voice tentative as she looked toward Queen Varanda. “About all the boys—those who aren’t from magical bloodlines. They can’t learn magic in schools like this. They have to teach themselves at home, and some struggle to connect with their own magic so they can't even find balance, right?”

The queen turned to Roxy, her expression soft but thoughtful. “If you’re referring to the regular wizards, those who aren’t born into a magical family then yes, that is correct.”

Roxy nodded, her frustration bubbling up. “Exactly. They’re neglected, and it feels like they don’t even have a chance. They’re stuck learning by themselves, and in some places, using their magic is forbidden. How are they supposed to defend themselves? Or even reach their potential? It’s like they’re being punished for something they can’t control. If everyone is born with magic, why can't they choose their path?”

There was a silence for a moment, the only sound the distant murmur of students talking. The queen sighed deeply before speaking. “That’s a good question... I won't lie, that's the type of things that are in the back of my mind. Perhaps, in the back of the entire Magical Dimension. Things have been this way for two whole centuries. I never thought about it that way nor have I placed myself in that position.”

Alice glanced up, intrigued. “No one’s ever tried to change it in two whole centuries?”

“There was a lot of unrest when the rule was first implemented,” Queen Varanda explained. “Back then, many students at Red Fountain felt it was unjust when they were suddenly rejected and couldn’t complete their studies. The same thing happened here, in Callisto, and later on in Eraklyon. But after a time, it became accepted. People grew used to the rule, and the complaints faded in almost all the planets of the magical dimension.”

Roxy shook her head. “That’s awful. So many were just cut off from their education like that?”

The queen nodded sadly. “Yes. Solaria and Andros are the only real exceptions. Solaria has a school where all wizards can attend, regardless of bloodline. But truthfully, Solaria doesn’t have many regular wizards to begin with. It's a planet that has mainly fairy magic. Most of those who attend the school are bloodline wizards who were rejected from places like Callisto and other planets and are forced to study abroad. As for Andros, it’s more welcoming of all magical people, whether they come from powerful bloodlines or not. Regular wizards stopped trying to enter into schools and pursue their magical abilities, most men don't even tap into their powers. They only attempt to know one or two spells at most.”

Alice looked thoughtful. “So why did this rule even come about? What’s the purpose?”

Queen Varanda’s expression grew darker, her eyes reflecting the weight of history. “The rule was implemented to preserve the purity of magic, or so it was said. To ensure that only the strongest families, the most powerful wizards, would be the ones wielding magic.”

Clarice glanced at the queen, sensing the burden of her words. “Can't you do anything about it? Change the rule a little? I mean, you’re the queen.”

The queen smiled sadly. “I may be the queen, but I’m not without constraints. I have a council, a board filled with people who still defend the traditions. They argue that this is the way it’s always been, and they fear that allowing regular wizards to learn magic could lead to chaos or dilution of power. Changing such deep-rooted laws is not easy.”

“But don’t you think it’s wrong?” Roxy pressed gently.

“I do,” Queen Varanda admitted, her voice quiet but firm. “I think it’s a sad rule. People just want to learn magic, to defend themselves, to have a place in the world. Denying them that because they weren’t born into the right family—it doesn’t sit well with me.”

The girls were silent for a moment, reflecting on the queen’s words. The grandeur of the school seemed to lose some of its luster in the wake of the conversation, its shimmering halls now cast in a shadow of injustice.

“If I was a guy, I'd hate this lifestyle,” Mirta said quietly, her gaze far away. “To be deprived of our future, to have choices stripped from you? I hate it...”

"Zyron's a bad guy, there's no question about that..." Alice began, her voice showing how carefully she was trying to finish the sentence. "But I understand why he snapped. He should never act the way he did, don't get me wrong, but it is unfair..."

Queen Varanda placed a hand on Alice’s shoulder, her expression filled with understanding. Before they could say more, the sound of footsteps echoed through the hall. They all turned to see Headmaster Cyrus approaching, his robes trailing behind him like a shadow. His presence was commanding, yet there was a strange, quiet intensity to his gaze.

“We should continue this later,” Queen Varanda whispered softly to the girls. “Cyrus doesn’t take kindly to distractions.”

Headmaster Cyrus approached the group with an air of grandeur, the polished emblem of the Wizardry School of Callisto gleaming on his chest. His eyes locked onto the queen as he began to speak in a deep, resonant voice that seemed to fill the vast courtyard.

"Your Majesty," he said, bowing deeply, "it is an honor to have you here, gracing these halls with your presence once again. I can assure you, the students of Callisto have been learning diligently, and I dare say, they are among the finest the Magical Dimension has ever seen, yet none as powerful as you were." His words were dripping with formality, and though his tone was respectful, there was an unmistakable sense of pride—bordering on arrogance—behind his every syllable.

Queen Varanda smiled politely, but the moment he turned away to lead them on the tour, she rolled her eyes in a silent expression of exasperation. The girls stifled their giggles, exchanging amused glances as Cyrus continued his monologue.

As they walked, Cyrus pointed out various groups of wizards inside the classrooms that could be seen through the glassy windows, all dressed in resplendent uniforms, practicing their spells with precision. Some hovered above the ground, their robes fluttering as they conjured intricate magical attacks and defensive shields. Others were engaged in intense duels, their spells crackling through the air with power.

"Look at them," Cyrus said proudly, gesturing to the students as they cast spells that glowed with raw energy. "These wizards are preparing to be the best of the best, the magical dimension’s finest protectors, leaders, and guardians. Every person, every world, has its own magical essence, and my role as headmaster is to ensure that these students discover the unique powers they are destined to wield."

The headmaster's chest puffed out with pride as he watched his students. "My task is to help them unlock that potential."

Mirta, who had been quietly observing, suddenly spoke up. "Don’t regular wizards also have their own magical essence and powers as well?"

Cyrus stopped in his tracks, clearly taken aback by the question. For a moment, he faltered, but quickly regained his composure. "Well, yes… of course," he began, his tone slightly flustered. "But this school is for the elite—those with the strongest magical bloodlines as I assume you're aware."

Roxy, sensing an opening, quickly added, "But if they have their own magical essence, just like your students, why can’t they study here? Don’t they deserve a chance to discover their potential too?"

Cyrus’s face tightened with irritation and the Queen realized what the Alfea students were trying to do. Cyrus tried to keep his voice calm. "Because, miss, they are not at the same level as the wizards trained here. This institution is designed for those with a natural, inherited power. Regular wizards would—" he hesitated, clearly uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation, "—simply fall behind."

Mirta crossed her arms, her brow furrowing. "But how can you know that if they’ve never been given the chance? You’re saying they’re not good enough when you haven’t even seen what they can do."

Cyrus's patience was wearing thin, and he turned to the queen, his irritation now barely masked. "Your Majesty, I'm deeply sorry but I can't stay silent no more. My concerns need to be voiced this instant! Are you certain these fairies are truly qualified to protect you? My students are the finest from this planet—they will undoubtedly do a far better job."

Mirta took a step forward, her eyes flashing with defiance. "I can protect the queen just fine."

Clarice, standing by her side, nodded in agreement. "No offense but that statement was pretty bold. How can you be sure I’m not stronger than any of these students?"

The tension in the air thickened, and the Pixies, who had been quietly observing, suddenly fluttered around nervously, sensing the rising heat of the moment.

"Everyone, please calm down!" Livy squeaked, her tiny voice full of concern.

"Yeah, let’s not argue!" Jolly added.

But Cyrus, his pride wounded, smiled darkly. "Oh, you think you’re stronger? Would you dare to put that theory to the test?"

The challenge hung in the air, and the girls exchanged glances. Mirta seemed to regret speaking, but Clarice would never allow them to back down, her pride was at stake now. She stepped forward, her chin raised in determination. "Sure."

Cyrus’s eyes gleamed with a mixture of annoyance and amusement as he turned to the queen. "Your Majesty, do I have your consent for a friendly duel? I believe it would be… enlightening to see just how strong these Alfea fairies truly are."

Queen Varanda raised an eyebrow, her expression calm but firm. "Yes, you have my consent. But I want it to be fair. Only second-year students, and one third-year student, will be allowed to match the Alfea fairies’ power levels."

Cyrus blinked, clearly surprised by the condition, but he quickly regained his confidence. "As you wish. I accept. My students are more than capable."

Before he could turn away, the queen added, her voice carrying a subtle edge. "And if the Alfea fairies win, you will add an extra class for thirty more girls next year."

The shock on Cyrus’s face was unmistakable. He had clearly not expected such a demand. "An extra class? But it's been only two for a long time..." he repeated, his voice faltering. But after a brief hesitation, he straightened his back, masking his surprise with confidence. "Very well. I accept. But I assure you, my students will prevail."

As he walked away to make the arrangements, Roxy turned to Queen Varanda, a smile spreading across her face.

The queen gave her a small, knowing smile and whispered, "Baby steps towards change. But now it’s in your hands."

The girls nodded, their determination renewed.

The sun was just beginning to go high now over Alfea as the Winx finished up their last class of the morning, detransforming from Enchantix as they landed. The students they had been teaching waved goodbye, always happy to have the Winx as teachers. With a few quick goodbyes, the Winx stepped away from the training grounds, feeling both a sense of accomplishment and exhaustion.

"That was intense," Stella said, stretching her arms over her head. "But I’m glad we’re getting the hang of teaching."

"Yeah, I thought we'd not have any idea of what to do after a few classes, but it's been pretty rewarding, and our program has been great!" Aisha admitted with a smile.

Just as they began to walk back to the main building, Tecna’s communicator buzzed. A small hologram flickered to life on the screen, revealing the bodies of the Specialists. Immediately, the girls perked up, smiles spreading across their faces.

“Hey, girls!” Sky greeted, his usual confidence shining through despite the faint static of the hologram. “Sorry for the early call. We’ve been up all night redoing the dragon test, and we just wanted to check in.”

Tecna’s smile softened as she adjusted the communicator for a clearer view. “Redoing the dragon test? Did something happen?”

Sky sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah… We had a face-to-face with Zyron yesterday. He disrupted the test. We barely had time to realize it was him... he escaped right away.”

The girls exchanged worried glances. Bloom’s expression grew serious as she stepped closer to Tecna’s communicator. “Zyron again? This is getting out of hand. Did anyone get hurt?”

“No, only a second year student but he's completely fine now...” Brandon chimed in. “But we’ve had to start over. He really caught us off guard.”

Musa crossed her arms, her brow furrowing. “That guy’s slippery. We need to figure out what he’s up to before things get worse.”

Flora’s gaze lingered on Helia, noticing that he had been unusually quiet during the conversation. While the others seemed engaged, Helia’s expression was distant, his eyes reflecting a kind of internal struggle that Flora hadn’t seen before. She leaned in slightly, her voice gentle. “Helia, is something wrong? You’ve been quiet…”

Helia’s eyes flicked up to meet Flora’s, and for a moment, his lips pressed into a thin line. “Yes. Sorry... I should be focusing on you."

"If you're not ok, then you should absolutely not." Flora whispered, smilling warmly to him. Helia looked into her eyes, their love stronger than ever.

"I… I’ll explain everything at the Gala,” he said softly, his voice carrying a weight that made Flora’s heart sink.

Flora’s hand hovered near the communicator as she frowned. “The Gala?”

Helia nodded. “Yeah. It’s just… complicated. But I promise, I’ll tell you everything then.”

Before Flora could respond, Aisha spoke up. “Actually, the Gala might have to wait for us. We won't attend.”

Sky blinked, clearly surprised. “Wait, why? What’s going on?”

The Winx exchanged glances, and Bloom took a deep breath before explaining. “We’ve just been assigned a mission. There’s a lot happening with Zyron and the Trix. Faragonda thinks they’re planning something big.”

Timmy adjusted his glasses, his expression turning serious. “What’s the plan?”

“Faragonda has divided us,” Tecna added. “Some of us will be going to Cloud Tower, and others to Red Fountain. We need to keep a low profile, but we’ll be on guard in case anything happens. It’s the perfect time for Zyron and the Trix to strike while everyone’s distracted.”

There was a brief pause, and then Sky’s voice was heard. “Be careful, Bloom. Stay safe.”

Bloom smiled softly, her eyes meeting Sky’s through the hologram. “You too, Sky. Don’t do anything reckless in those tests of yours.”

Sky chuckled. “Reckless? Me? Never.”

The girls and specialists shared a brief laugh, though the underlying tension remained. There was so much uncertainty with Zyron and the Trix still on the loose, but for now, the brief moment of connection with the specialists brought some comfort.

Helia’s voice broke the silence, softer this time. “Flora… I’ll see you soon, okay?”

Flora’s heart fluttered as she nodded. “Okay. Just… take care of yourself, Helia.”

“We all will,” Timmy said reassuringly. “We’ll keep an eye out on our end, and we’ll keep you updated.”

With a few final goodbyes, the holograms flickered out, leaving the Winx standing together in the quiet courtyard.

The four Alfea fairies stepped cautiously into the enormous arena of the Wizardry School of Callisto. The towering structure loomed over them, its colossal columns rising into the sky as if piercing the heavens themselves. They had been confident walking through the classrooms, but now, standing in the center of this vast coliseum, the magnitude of the challenge ahead began to weigh on them. The arena was packed with students and faculty, and even the most minor movement seemed to be seen by thousands of people.

Roxy glanced around nervously, "It looked big from the outside, but this... this is on another level."

Clarice nodded, her determined expression faltering for just a moment as she took in the sea of eyes watching them. "I wasn’t expecting all... this."

A soft murmur rippled through the crowd as the girls noticed something unusual—a series of hovering holographic screens flickering to life in the sky. As they looked up, their eyes widened in disbelief. They were being broadcasted?!

Across the magical dimension, planets like Solaria, Eraklyon, Dolona, Magix, Linphea, and Andros displayed the unfolding event. The news channels were broadcasting live, and people from all corners of the universe were now watching.

Alice exhaled sharply. "This is… c-can we still refuse this?"

High above, screens projected their every move, and onlookers across multiple worlds leaned closer to witness the spectacle.

Back on Alfea, the Winx were gathered together, their eyes on the sky as a huge screen was now high in the sky. And they, alongside countless of students, started watching the massive broadcast in stunned silence. Faragonda stood in her office, her eyes fixed on the screen with concern, while the witches at Cloud Tower and the specialists at Red Fountain exchanged anxious looks as they watched from their respective schools.

But there was another set of eyes watching, eyes filled with fury. Deep in the forests of Magix, Zyron stood beside the Trix, his gaze fixed on the sky as the broadcast played out above them. His lips curled into a sneer as the scene unfolded, and his eyes darkened with anger.

“Why are they there?” he muttered under his breath, fists clenching at his sides. “Weak fairies... what could they possibly be doing in my school?”

The Trix, surrounded by books, watched silently, their usual smirks absent as they observed the broadcast. Curiosity in their faces.

Back in the arena, the tension grew thick as Queen Varanda leaned toward Headmaster Cyrus, her brow furrowing. "All this spectacle—is it really necessary?" she asked in a low voice, her tone carrying a hint of unease.

Cyrus smiled, his voice dripping with pride as he responded. "It’s been 150 years since the last duel between Alfea fairies and Callisto’s elite. This is a rare event. The world deserves to witness it."

The queen's lips pressed into a thin line. "I recall reading that last time, the Alfea fairies won," she said pointedly.

Cyrus’s smile faltered for a brief second before he recovered. "Perhaps the outcome will change this time," he said, his tone sharper. His eyes glinted with ambition as he turned back to the arena.

The girls stood at the center, waiting. They exchanged glances, trying to calm the rising nerves within them. The audience hushed as a group of Callisto’s finest wizards and fairies entered the arena from the opposite side. Their uniforms gleamed under the magical lights, and their wings shimmered with the full power of transformation. These were no ordinary students—these were the elite, chosen for their strength and skill. Two wizards and two male fairies were now already transformed looking straight at them.

Roxy swallowed hard. "So, this is it."

Clarice straightened her back, her voice steady but tense. "We can do this. We faced the legendary Trix."

"Once! With the equally legendary Winx!" Alice said with a very high-pitched voice, her traumatizing face being zoomed in by the cameras.

"Wait..." Clarice finally said, her face falling with panic. "Does this mean Griselda knows we're here?!"

The three girls started panicking with the thought while Roxy was just confused. Griselda wasn't that bad to her, but they barely interacted so far.

Across the magical dimension, people watched with bated breath. The stakes had never felt higher. The girls, once confident, now felt the weight of expectations pressing down on them.

Faragonda, watching from her office, shook her head slightly. "This will be a test for them all, maybe I shouldn't have allowed them to go," she murmured to herself, worry creasing her brow.

Meanwhile, in the arena, Cyrus stepped forward, his voice booming across the space. "Welcome all, to the rematch of the century! Callisto versus Alfea! Well then, let the duel begin!"

The crowd erupted in cheers, and the four fairies took their stances, knowing there was turning back.

The tension in the air grew thicker as the four Alfea fairies stood in the center of the arena, their hearts pounding. The signal to start the duel reverberated through the arena with a deafening boom.

Roxy, Alice, Mirta, and Clarice barely had time to react. The Alfea fairies, minus Roxy, quickly raised their hands to transform, their voices uniting as they began to shout, “Magic Wi—!”

But before they could finish, the two Callisto fairies attacked with ruthless precision. A massive burst of magic shot toward them, exploding in a brilliant flash that nearly engulfed them all. The impact sent the girls flying in different directions, their bodies crashing hard against the arena floor.

Clarice hit the ground, gasping for air as she rolled to her feet, her face twisted with panic. “This is not fair!” she screamed, her voice echoing across the coliseum.

One of the wizards smirked as he raised his staff, slamming it down to create a massive hole in the ground beneath Clarice. The floor cracked and crumbled away, threatening to send her plummeting thousands of meters down. With a gasp, Clarice threw herself to the side just in time, narrowly avoiding the fall.

Alice, quicker on her feet, scrambled up, her voice rising above the chaos. “Alice, Magic Winx!” she shouted, and in an instant, her body was enveloped in a swirl of shimmering magic. Her basic fairy form emerged.

The audience erupted in cheers, and across the dimension, the Winx cheered the loudest for Alice.

"Come on! Kick their butts!" Musa said angrily to the sky.

Encouraged by her transformation, Alice quickly sent a flash of blinding light toward the Callisto students, dazzling them for a moment.

Roxy, seizing the opportunity, shouted, “Believix!” as her wings burst into view and her common clothes are replaced by the ones from her transformation. Next to her, Mirta and Clarice followed suit, their voices ringing out with, “Magic Winx!” and in a whirl of magic, they transformed into their fairy forms and ascended into the skies.

The four girls hovered above the arena.

One of the wizards, however, remained unfazed. He muttered a spell under his breath, “Caeli Sereni,” and the flashes of light from Alice’s magic vanished instantly, the illusion dispelled.

Roxy narrowed her eyes, focusing her energy. “Wolf Talon!” she shouted, sending a powerful offensive spell hurtling toward one of the male fairies with a scepter gleaming in his hand. With a simple dodge, he spun gracefully out of the spell’s path, wielding his scepter like a weapon.

Mirta, undeterred, raised her arms and shouted, “Illusionary Vision: Deep Depths!” A mystical wave of magic flowed from her, and in an instant, the four Callisto students found themselves in the middle of a vast ocean, water pressing in on them as they struggled to hold their breath. Though to everyone else, they were simply fluttering in confusion, the illusion was vivid enough to make them react as though they were drowning.

“Self-reflective shard!” Clarice yelled, sending a shard of glass hurtling toward the enemies, intending to knock them down agressively. But as soon as her spell struck, the opponents vanished—nothing more than projections.

Cyrus, watching from the sidelines, grinned with satisfaction.

The Alfea fairies’ eyes widened in shock, realizing they had been tricked. Before they could react, the real wizards and fairies of Callisto struck. Their magic slammed into the girls, throwing them to the ground with brutal force. The impact knocked the wind out of them, leaving them stunned on the arena floor.

Livy and Jolly, fluttering nervously next to Queen Varanda, gasped in horror. “They’re in trouble!” Jolly squeaked, her tiny hands trembling.

“They won't make it!” Livy added, her voice full of fear.

The four girls lay on the ground, struggling to get back up. The pain was sharp, and the realization that they were up against powerful foes began to sink in.

Roxy gritted her teeth, her voice shaking as she spoke to her friends. “We can’t give up.”

Mirta, still recovering from the hit, nodded, her eyes filled with determination. “We have to outsmart them.”

Alice, her wings trembling from the impact, pushed herself up. “We’ll need to work together… like we did against the Trix.”

Clarice, her pride bruised but her spirit unbroken, joined them. “I won't let strangers take me down so easily, as if.”

She exchanged determined looks with Mirta and Roxy, a grin spreading across their faces. In unison, they shouted, "Charmix!"

Bright lights enveloped each of them as they called upon the added power of their Charmix, their magical jewels and bags materializing to amplify their abilities.

But before they could fully complete their transformation, the Callisto students launched a powerful offensive spell. Alice, realizing the danger, quickly sprang into action. "No you won't!" she shouted, leaping in front of her friends. Her hands glowed as she summoned a protective barrier, the magic shimmering as she braced herself for impact. The Callisto students’ four spells slammed into Alice’s shield, shattering it with an ear-splitting crack. Alice cried out as the force of the explosion sent her flying backward into Roxy, knocking her down mid-transformation. Roxy’s jewel flickered and disappeared.

"Alice!" Roxy exclaimed, pushing herself up, her body aching from the blow.

Clarice and Mirta exchanged quick nods as Charmix fairies now, taking to the skies. They soared in opposite directions, flanking the Callisto students from either side. Clarice’s voice cut through the air, "Self Reflection!" Her magic formed a large, shimmering box made of mirrors around their opponents, trapping them inside. On the other side, Mirta unleashed her own spell, "Ugliness Exterior!" A dark wave of magic surged through the Callisto students, warping their appearances into grotesque beasts, forcing them to watch their own hideous reflections in Clarice’s mirror prison.

Alice quickly scrambled to her feet, guilt flooding her voice as she said, "I'm sorry, Roxy! I couldn't hold it."

Roxy gave her a quick, reassuring smile as she dusted herself off. "It’s okay. We’re still in this!" She stood tall, her voice ringing out with renewed determination, "Charmix!" A surge of energy surrounded her as she completed the transformation into a Charmix fairy, her jewel and bag gleaming into view. Both smiled and took off, joining their friends.

The Callisto students thrashed and clawed at the mirrored walls, their panicked faces reflected over and over again. For a moment, the crowd held its breath, wondering if the battle was over. The four Alfea fairies hovered in the sky, waiting to see if anything was going to happen or it was the end.

The crowd was silent, waiting for what would happen next. Across the magical dimension, millions of eyes were glued to the spectacle, their breaths held as they waited for the final outcome.

But suddenly, with a loud crack, the mirror prison shattered into a million shards, raining down across the arena. Clarice’s face contorted in panic as her own mirrors flew toward the spectators in the coliseum. "No!" she screamed, her voice laced with fear.

Thinking fast, Clarice summoned four massive mirrors, using them to shield the audience from the sharp shards. The mirror fragments slammed into her protective barrier, sparking as they collided harmlessly against the reflective surface. The audience gasped, some shouting in surprise, but then—slowly—a cheer began to rise from the stands.

"Alfea!" someone shouted, and soon others joined in, chanting for the girls who were turning the tide of the battle. Some of the crowd, however, continued to cheer for Callisto, their loyalties split as the tension in the arena grew.

Cyrus, who had rise with his staff to protect the audience himself, scowled as he saw Clarice take control of the situation. His face darkened with annoyance, but he said nothing as the crowd continued to chant. He looked at the queen, who seemed amused with the whole thing instead of being angry like he was.

Back on the battlefield, the Callisto students—shaken but not defeated—regrouped. They floated together in a tight formation, their eyes burning with resolve. In unison, they raised their hands and shouted, "Convergence!" A swirling vortex of magic began to form between them, the power building as they poured their energy into the spell.

Clarice’s eyes widened in horror. "No… they’re trying Convergence!" she gasped. "We haven’t mastered that yet…"

Faragonda, watching from Alfea, covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes wide with fear. "They know convergence this early?! Oh no!" she whispered to herself, worry for her students tightening her chest.

The energy from the Callisto students continued to swell, spiraling out of control. The vortex crackled and sparked, growing more unstable by the second. The four Alfea fairies braced themselves, knowing they had only moments before the spell was unleashed. The two male fairies turned their focus toward Mirta. The dark skinned male fairy smirked at her, his voice dripping with mockery. "Aren’t you the witch-turned-fairy we’ve heard about? Mirta, daughter of Darko and Clara?"

Mirta, confused by the sudden mention of her parents, nodded cautiously. Her brow furrowed as she tried to understand where the conversation was heading.

The fairy's grin only deepened. "Perfect," he sneered. "I heard you were a pumpkin once. Let's revive the old days, shall we?"

They send the spell towards her and her friends. Mirta's expression darkened immediately, memories of her past flooding back. The casual cruelty of the comment ignited a fury inside her. Alice, Clarice and Roxy screamed in terror as the Convergence vortex hurtled toward them, spiraling with uncontrollable power.

But Mirta, consumed by rage, closed her eyes. A dark energy enveloped her, the power of her emotions taking control. Her eyes snapped open, glowing with a cold, unsettling light. In a low, icy voice, she whispered, "Why don't you be one yourselves?"

A dark, spider-like glove of magical energy materialized around her hand, extending toward the vortex. In one swift motion, Mirta turned the Convergence spell back on its casters. The swirling magic reversed, surging toward the Callisto students with unstoppable force. In a matter of seconds, the four students were transformed into pumpkins, eerily similar to the one Mirta had been turned into during her time at Cloud Tower.

The arena fell into a stunned silence. The crowd, who had been cheering moments earlier, was now utterly quiet, unsure of what they had just witnessed. All eyes turned to Mirta, whose expression was still hard and unyielding.

The witches watched back in Cloud Tower, exchanging confused glances. Lucy, who was watching everything as well, turned to Miss Griffin and asked in a hesitant voice, “Was that… a fairy spell? It looked a lot like our "Darkness Hold" spell.”

Griffin’s face was serious, her eyes narrowing as she watched Mirta. “That was no fairy spell.”.

Faragonda, watching from Alfea, let out a quiet sigh of relief that the battle was over, but her face reflected the same concern. Mirta’s use of dark magic had not gone unnoticed.

The Winx exchanged glances, their worry mirrored by the specialists back in Red Fountain. Even Rory and Manuel, watching the battle, were spellbound by what they had just seen.

Back in the arena, Alice, Clarice, and Roxy opened their eyes, slowly realizing that the battle was over—and that they had won. They started cheering, their voices filled with triumphant laughter, but their joy was met with silence. No one in the crowd joined in their celebration.

Hovering above the battlefield, Cyrus flew down, his face twisted with satisfaction. “You lost,” he declared, his voice ringing out for all to hear.

Clarice froze, her confidence turning into indignation. “What do you mean? They became veggies!”

Cyrus’s expression grew stern as he locked eyes with Mirta. “You used a witch spell, Mirta,” he said, his voice dripping with condemnation. “Witch magic is not allowed—ever—in this school. You’re disqualified.”

Mirta’s face flushed with embarrassment. Alice, Clarice, and Roxy looked at her in shock, their joy replaced by surprise and soon after, sadness.

"I can't believe this..." Clarice mumbled, her expression turning into rage. "My mother is going to kill me!"

With a prideful grin, Cyrus turned to the audience and shouted, “Callisto wins! The Alfea fairies have been disqualified!”

Cheers erupted from the Callisto supporters, and the noise filled the arena as people began chanting in favor of their school.

The Winx, still watching from Alfea, looked disappointed and frustrated, their expressions reflecting their disbelief at what had just transpired.

But before the celebrations could continue, a regal voice cut through the noise. Queen Varanda appeared next to Cyrus, her presence commanding and her expression unreadable.

“Both sides are disqualified, actually,” the queen said calmly, though her words carried a weight that silenced the crowd.

Cyrus spun around, his face a mask of outrage. “I beg your pardon?!” he exclaimed, his voice rising in disbelief.

The queen met his gaze, unflinching. “One of your students is repeating, Cyrus. That second-year fairy isn’t a new student—he’s repeating the year. He was in second year, last year. This creates a power imbalance I did not consent to. You bent the rules.”

Cyrus's face contorted with pure rage. “Wha- My Queen!" he began, his voice rising. "This could have been the glory Callisto needed!” he hissed, his fists clenched. “How could you take this from us?”

The queen’s gaze remained steady, her voice unwavering. “I prefer fairness over false victories, Cyrus. Both sides are disqualified. There are no winners today.”

The cheers for Callisto died down as confusion spread through the crowd. People whispered among themselves, unsure of what to make of the queen’s decision. Some still supported Callisto, while others began chanting for Alfea again and clapping awkwardly, their voices growing louder as they turned toward the underdog fairies.

Mirta, standing with her friends, looked down at her hands, still shaken by her own actions. She quickly detransformed and started walking away, ashamed. The sting of failure, the fear of having let her past witch powers slip through—it all weighed heavily on her.

Clarice, Alice and Roxy also detransformed, following Mirta with a certain distance, unable to describe what they felt.
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