Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

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Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Tue Sep 03, 2024 3:47 pm

Hey everyone! zao_zao


This is my quick story, a what if season 5 story where the winx are Roxy's teachers and the story slowly shows her integrating into Alfea and having her own battles and struggles. /houra//

  • In this imaginative "What If" scenario set after the events of Season 4, the story will focus on Roxy, the newest fairy of Earth, as she embarks on her own magical education at Alfea, guided by none other than the Winx Club themselves, who have taken on the roles of her teachers. With Bloom, Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna, and Aisha stepping up as mentors, Roxy is set to learn not only the basics of fairy magic but also the deeper, more complex aspects of her unique powers as the Fairy of Animals.

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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Tue Sep 03, 2024 5:06 pm

Chapter 1: A New Beginning
(Sparkles explode like in season 4 :mrgreen: :lol: )


Roxy stood at the entrance of Alfea, the grand fairy school that seemed to shimmer in the morning light. She took a deep breath, feeling both excited and nervous. The majestic building, with its spires reaching towards the sky, was a place she had only heard stories about. So many stories had she heard from her friends the Winx... so many people she heard about...
And today, it was her turn to step inside, not just as a visitor, but as a student.

Roxy adjusted the strap of her bag on her shoulder and glanced around. The courtyard buzzed with activity. Fairies were running around, chatting, laughing, and showing off their magic to carry their bags. The lady that checked if she was on the list kept screaming and scolding students, saying: "Magic is forbidden except for inside the classroms!".

Roxy’s heart raced; she felt like she had been thrust into the middle of a dream. Everything felt familiar, especially after the adventures she had with the Winx, but at the same, it was all so new... and exciting.

"Roxy!" a familiar voice called out, pulling her from her thoughts.

She turned to see Bloom approaching. Roxy immediately smiled with the sight of her mentor and friend. She was flanked by the rest of the Winx: Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna, and Aisha. The sight of them filled Roxy with relief and warmth. These were her friends, the ones who had believed in her when she first discovered her powers as the Fairy of Animals. And now, they were here to guide her through this new chapter of her life.

"Hey, you made it! I was afraid I had to teleport to Gardenia to get you!" Bloom said laughing, pulling Roxy into a quick hug.

"My mom created the portal for me to come here. I wouldn't say I made it.." She says, jokingly.

"Well, are you ready for your first day?" Aisha asks.

Roxy nodded, though her eyes betrayed a mix of excitement and uncertainty. "Yeah, I think so. It's just...a lot to take in."

Stella twirled a strand of her blonde hair and grinned. "Don’t worry, Roxy. You’ve got the best teachers in the whole realm! Us!"

Musa nudged her playfully. "Yeah I'm not so sure about you".

Stella stops smiling and looks offended at Musa, making everyone laugh. Roxy relaxed right away, feeling a bit more at ease. It was true; she couldn’t have asked for better mentors. They helped her during the crisis with the Wizards of the Black Cirle, and she knew that each of the Winx had faced their own challenges. She learned about their story, their powers, and all their accomplishments.

Roxy looked around, seeing every student around looking at the Winx with excitement, containing themselves not to come further. She knew she couldn't be in better hands.

"Come on," Tecna said, her voice laced with her usual practicality. "We’ve got your schedule all set up, you're with the 2nd years."

"Huh? I'm a 2nd year student? I thought I'd be a first" Roxy says. "I thought Miss Faragonda said I'd study for 3 years here..."

"You were supposed to, but you are on a stronger level than 1st year students." Flora quickly explains.

"You have the Believix transformation. For us faires of the Magical Dimension it's an optional spell above Enchantix, but it's your first fairy form as an Earth fairy, so you already have your equivelent to Magic Winx!" Bloom quickly adds.

"During the final battle with the Wizards, you were able to cast a powerful spell, your magic was quite powerful for a beginner student, so we talked to Faragonda and decided you should be a 2nd year student instead." Musa adds.

Roxy couldn't lie. She felt relieved to know she'd be going home to her life sooner than expected. But at the same time, part of her wished she could take the full experience for herself. She was ready to spend three years here and she accepted it long ago. She followed the Winx through the bustling courtyard, her senses heightened by the vibrant surroundings.

As they walked, Roxy found herself falling into step beside Aisha, who gave her a reassuring smile.

"Your first class is Cognitive Analysis," Aisha said, holding out a small schedule that glimmered with faint traces of magic. "It’s a mix of theory and practice. You’ll learn how to analyze different types of magic, which is really useful for identifying spells and defenses."

Roxy nodded, glancing at the schedule. "Cognitive Analysis... and then Applied Convergence? What’s that one about?"

Tecna chimed in. "Remember the Believix Convergence? It's sort of the same thing! Applied Convergence teaches you how to blend your magical abilities with others. It’s vital for team-based scenarios, like when we work together as the Winx. You'll learn how to synchronize your spells and make them more effective in combination."

Bloom leaned closer, pointing to a spot on the map they had magically conjured. "After that, you have Magic Invocation and Magic Self-Defense. Those are both really important, especially if you ever find yourself facing any hostile magic."

Roxy took a deep breath, feeling the weight of all this new information. She caught glimpses of other students whispering and pointing at her group, undoubtedly recognizing the Winx. She felt intimidated to have so many eyes on her, especially because some of those eyes looked at her with curiosity and others with envy.

She took a deep breath, waved goodbye and closed the door, entering the classroom. Roxy’s first class took place in a grand room filled with enchanted globes and magical projectors that displayed spells and magical creatures for study. She took her seat among the other second-year students, who greeted her with curious, friendly smiles. Her classmates seemed eager to welcome her into the fold, and she soon found herself in a conversation with a fairy named Lyna, wearing sporty light blue hue-clothes.

"Hey, I’m Lyna," the fairy introduced herself, her voice bright and cheerful. "It’s so cool to have someone who knows the Winx in our class! Everyone’s been talking about you. How do you feel?!"

Roxy blushed, a little overwhelmed by the attention. "Hi, Lyna. It’s... different, but I’m really excited to be here. The Winx are amazing, and I’ve learned so much from them already."

"How are the Winx like?!" Someone shouted and approached her seat - a girl with very bright blonde hair and a casual dress.

"Is it true they used their Enchantix powers to create magic pets on Earth?" - Another person joined in next to her.

"How did they rescue you?"

"Are you also an Enchantix fairy?"

"Did Stella give you an authograph?!"

Roxy was overwhelmed, she didn't know how and what to reply. Then something interruped everyone - an elephant appeared in the middle of room, making a huge noise!
Everyone took a seat for some reason, and the elephant became... Roxy's teacher! He winked at her and gave Roxy a warm, welcoming smile. She smiled back, understanding he did it on purpose to save her and acknowledged his attitude with a soft nod.

As class began, Professor Wizgiz hopped up onto a podium that adjusted to his height. The lesson focused on recognizing and interpreting magical signatures—an essential skill for any fairy. Roxy found herself engrossed in the topic, her mind buzzing with possibilities.

After Cognitive Analysis, Roxy moved on to Applied Convergence, where she practiced synchronizing her animal magic with a classmate’s air magic. The synergy was exhilarating, and she realized just how powerful combined spells could be. Their powers combined created a tiny windcurrent where birds could travel without needing to use their wings and exaust themselves. It only lasted a few moments, but it was wonderful!

By the time she reached her third class, Magic Invocation, Roxy felt like she was finally hitting her stride. The teacher, Professor Palladium, a soft-spoken but wise fairy with knowledge of ancient spells, guided the class through summoning protective barriers and basic healing spells. Roxy’s animal magic gave her a unique edge; she could summon small creatures to assist with spells, a talent that fascinated both her classmates and the professor. She did it before with the Winx, so she was already more advanced than the others in this area.

When Magic Self-Defense rolled around, Roxy found herself face-to-face with Griselda, the lady that checked her in the list!
Turns out... Griselda’s class was no-nonsense! It focused on teaching the students how to protect themselves from both physical and magical threats. Roxy struggled —her magic had always been more about connection than combat—she was able to send a few hits, but Griselda dodged them with some sassy comebacks and managed to hit her back with her own spell twice!

"Did the Winx forget to teach you how to dodge?!" Griselda laughed as Roxy fell on the floor for the third time, finally letting exhaustion settle.

Meanwhile, the Winx were in Headmistress Faragonda. They gathered in her office. Faragonda greeted them warmly, her wise eyes twinkling with a mix of pride and contemplation.

"You’ve done well, bringing Roxy into Alfea," Faragonda began. "She’s already showing great promise."

Bloom smiled and spoke, her tone a mix of excitement and reflection. "Her magic is very strong already. It’s amazing how quickly she’s adapted, considering all she’s been through."

Stella nodded enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling. "She’s got so much potential! I can’t wait to see her get her Charmix, and then her Enchantix. Oh she'll look fabulous with her Enchantix form, I can already tell! And with her powers, she’s going to be just as strong as us!"

Musa leaned forward, her expression serious but filled with admiration. "Roxy’s Believix transformation gave her a jump start, but she’s still learning so much. It’s going to be incredible to see her grow. I can already tell she’s got a special connection with her magic."

Faragonda listened thoughtfully, her smile softening as she spoke. "Roxy is indeed a remarkable fairy, but remember, no fairy is strong enough on their own. The journey of magic is not just about power, but about growth, learning, and understanding. Even the most talented fairies have to continue evolving."

She gestured to a shelf filled with books about the history of the fairies and the entire magical dimension. "Some fairies have been at Alfea for many years before earning their Enchantix and graduating. The path is different for everyone, and there is no rush. Roxy’s journey will unfold in its own time."

Aisha nodded thoughtfully. "That’s true. We all had our own challenges before we earned our Enchantix. But Roxy’s already faced so much with the Wizards of the Black Circle. She’s brave and determined, and that’s going to take her far."

Tecna adjusted herself in the chair, putting her mini computer down and pausing her online conversation with her Pixie, Digit, considering Faragonda’s words. "We’ll keep that in mind, Headmistress. We’re here to guide Roxy, not push her. She’s got the potential to be amazing, but she’ll need to find her own way, just like we did."

Faragonda’s expression grew more serious as she leaned forward, her eyes holding a hint of mystery. "I called you here for another reason as well. There’s something I need to discuss with you all. The history of the Earth fairies has always been shrouded in mystery, but thanks to you and the recent discoveries that were made, I realized there is so much more to their story..."

The Winx exchanged curious glances, intrigued by the headmistress’s words. They had fought alongside Roxy, helping her unlock her powers and understand her heritage, but the Earth fairies' history was still largely unknown to them.

"Tomorrow," Faragonda continued, her voice calm yet filled with anticipation, "I will explain everything to Roxy and to you. It's her first day today, let's make sure she enjoys it."

Bloom nodded, her expression serious as she absorbed the headmistress's words. "We’ll see you tomorrow, then."

As the meeting concluded, the Winx stood and thanked Faragonda before leaving her office. They walked through the winding halls of Alfea, heading to the caffeteria.

After a busy morning, Roxy met up with the Winx again for lunch. They chatted about her classes, with each of the Winx sharing stories from their own school days, which made Roxy laugh and feel more at home.

Finally, her last class of the day, Winxology, was the one she had been most looking forward to. It was held in a special classroom designed specifically for the Winx, with magical decorations that reflected their adventures. The class focused on the unique transformations of fairies, including Charmix and beyond. It was taught by the Winx themselves, and Roxy was thrilled to learn directly from her friends.

Bloom stood at the front of the room, her presence commanding yet warm. "Today, we're going to talk about Charmix. It's your aim for this year and you need to understand it well if you wish to archieve it! As many of you know, Charmix is earned when a fairy overcomes a significant personal challenge—something that’s been holding them back."

Stella chimed in, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "Think of it as a way of leveling up! But it’s more than just power; it’s about growth. When you face your fears or weaknesses head-on, you gain a deeper connection to your magic."

Aisha looks at her and smiles, closing her eyes. Stella notices and smiles back, thinking back to when Stella got her Charmix.

Musa nodded in agreement, adding, "For me, I had to learn to trust the people I care about and give them a second chance. It wasn’t easy, but once I did, my magic became so much stronger."

Roxy listened intently, absorbing every word. Flora spoke next, her gentle voice radiating kindness. "For me, it was risking myself and forget my fears and insecurities... I had to say out loud what's in my heart instead of keep it buried."

The students gasped in excitement. Lyna, which was right next to Roxy, raised her hand and asked, "Miss Bloom, what if we don’t know what our challenge is yet? How do we find it?"

Bloom smiled thoughtfully. "That’s a great question, Lyna. Sometimes, our challenges aren’t immediately obvious. They can be buried under layers of doubt and fear. But they usually reveal themselves when we least expect it—like when you’re faced with a difficult decision, or when something you’ve been avoiding finally catches up with you."

Roxy remembers when she tried to deny she was a fairy on the day she met the Winx. Bloom dodges her eyes from Lyna to Roxy and smiles.

Stella added with a wink, "And when a challenge arises, don’t panic! Remember, it’s not about doing the spells perfectly. It’s about being brave enough to face it, even if you’re scared or you don't succeed the first time around."

The class quickly wrapped up and Roxy joined the Winx. As the sun dipped low, casting a golden hue over Alfea, Roxy found herself back in the courtyard. She was exhausted but happy, her heart full from a day of learning and growth. The Winx gathered around her, each of them radiating pride and encouragement.

"You did great today," Bloom said, placing a hand on Roxy’s shoulder. "Remember, it’s okay to make mistakes, especially now that you've just begun. I make mistakes even now too, but you're not alone."

Roxy smiled, feeling a surge of gratitude. She knew she had a long road ahead, filled with challenges and uncertainties, but with the Winx by her side, she felt ready to face anything. For the first time in a long time, she truly believed in her own potential.

"Thanks, everyone," Roxy said, her voice filled with determination. "I won’t let you down."
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby Melissa » Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:56 pm

I'm obsessed ! I didn't know you could also come up with such cool scenarios ! I'M REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO THE SEQUEL. :ahhh: in_love_
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Tue Sep 03, 2024 8:42 pm

Melissa wrote:I'm obsessed ! I didn't know you could also come up with such cool scenarios ! I'M REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO THE SEQUEL. :ahhh: in_love_

Thank you so much! I'm working on it! /houra//
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:19 pm

Chapter 2: The Power of Charmix


As the sun dipped behind the towering spires of Alfea, casting long shadows and painting the sky in shades of orange and pink, Roxy's day of firsts was about to come to an end.

"Sleep well Roxy, tomorrow you have a very busy day ahead of you." Tecna said with a smile.

"And so do we..." Stella mumbles.

She waved back at her friends and followed the main corridor lined with portraits of distinguished fairies to her room, her steps echoing slightly in the empty hallway as most students had already found their way to their rooms or the evening's leisure activities.

Arriving at her designated room, where she placed her bags earlier, Roxy turned the golden kno.b and pushed the door open. The room was larger than she expected, despite her being in there earlier to leave her bags in a hurry, she didn't take the time to actually look around. There were two beds on either side and a connecting door that hinted at more space beyond. She noticed personal touches already in place: posters of magical bands, stacks of books about enchantments, and a small, glowing orb that hovered gently by the window, filling the room with soft light.

"Hi, you must be Roxy!" a voice chirped from the doorway to the connected room. Roxy turned to see a girl with fiery red hair styled in a quirky, uneven cut that matched her vibrant, expressive eyes—Mirta.

The Winx told Roxy about her before, said she'd be her roommate and helped them a lot when they were just students. She's a third year now.

"Yeah, I'm Roxy. Nice to meet you, Mirta!" Roxy smiled.

Mirta clapped her hands excitedly. "I've heard so much about you already! It’s so cool that you’re staying here. I think we're going to have a lot of fun!"

Roxy nodded as she walked to her bags, ready to put the essential things in the room. Then, another door opened, and two more girls entered from the adjoining room. One had a carefree smile and light orange-ish hair pulled back in a practical ponytail—Alice. The other, with sharp green eyes and blonde hair, introduced herself with a mix of pride and a hint of shyness as Clarice.

Alice jumped around, obviously excited. "This is going to be an amazing year! I can't believe I'm rooming with people who know the Winx!"

Clarice, however, had a more contemplative expression. "It's nice to meet you, Roxy. I've heard... quite a bit about your adventures." Her voice trailed off slightly, revealing a depth of emotion that suggested personal reflection.

Roxy smiled warmly at Clarice. "They really were adventures..."

"You are a Believix fairy right? We never heard of that transformation before until the Winx got it."

"I don't know that much myself. But yeah, I am a Believix fairy." Roxy smiled at Mirta. "I know the Winx are Enchantix fairies, although I didn't see much of their Enchantix myself. But everyone seems to be enchanted by it."

"It's your final fairy form. Mirta needs Enchantix to graduate this year. She didn't make it last year, so she's repeating." Alice says and Mirta nods with a smile.

"An Enchantix fairy is the final transformation for any fairy of the Magical Dimension and the one that truly unlocks your potential." Clarice joins in the explanation.

Roxy starts unpacking as they continue. Her attention focused on her roommates.

"With Enchantix you become stronger, your wings are fast and handle strong currents and you can even use fairy dust to stop dark spells... those powers stay with you regardless."

"That sounds amazing..." Roxy whispers to herself, but everyone hears and smiles.

"It is, but this year you'll be getting your Charmix, it's a transformation that helps boost the powers you already have, allowing you to tap into them even in areas without magic." Mirta replies.

Clarice took a deep breath and continued. "Actually, despite being a first year at the time... while you were being rescued from the Wizards of the Black Circle, I faced a challenge of my own here, so I already earned my Charmix," she announced, her voice a blend of pride and vulnerability.

"Yes... at the very end of first year..." Alice mumbles, looking at her best friend with a faint smile.

Clarice looked down, fiddling with a bracelet that twinkled with a faint light. "It was about admitting my fear... the fear that I was never good enough compared to everyone else who seemed to excel without effort. I was jealous, and it was eating me up inside. I struggled a lot last year, was called to Faragonda's office at least three times for bad behavior..." Her honesty hung in the air, raw and real.

Alice moved closer, placing a supportive hand on Clarice's shoulder. "That's a tough thing to admit. But look at you now, stronger and more brilliant!"

Roxy felt a surge of respect for Clarice, her name felt familiar, she was sure the Winx talked about her briefly before, but she couldn't remember what it was about. "Earning your Charmix must have been a powerful moment for you," she said, genuinely interested in learning more about the process from her new roommate.

"It was... transformative," Clarice admitted, a small smile breaking through as she shared her journey. "It helped me connect with my magic in a way I never had before. It’s not just about being powerful; it’s about understanding and accepting yourself."

The conversation deepened as the night grew darker, each sharing bits and pieces of their stories and dreams. Mirta, with her unique perspective on magic and fascination with the unconventional, discussed her own aspirations to blend traditional and modern magical techniques, including turning some dark spells into positive energy and fairy magic, which was something not everyone attempted for how hard it was.

Alice, ever the optimist, talked about her hopes to master defensive spells, while Roxy shared her excitement and anxieties about learning at Alfea and growing into her role as a fairy.

As they talked, the bonds of friendship began to form. They laughed, planned, and dreamed together, unaware of how the time slipped by until the moon was high in the sky, casting a silvery glow through the window.

Exhausted but content, Roxy finally climbed into bed, her thoughts a pleasant blur of the day's events and the potential of tomorrow.

The dawn broke with a gentle light flooding the courtyards of Alfea, promising another eventful day. Yesterday, Winxology was the last class. Today however, it was the first one!

The courtyard was buzzing with students, all eager to witness a demonstration of the powers that had saved the Magical Dimension multiple times. Griselda was also there. Already setting up for what appeared to be a remarkable collaborative session with the Winx.

Tecna, as an Enchantix fairy, finally landed from the sky in front of everyone and took the lead, her voice carrying clearly over the crowd. "Good morning, everyone! Today, we’re not just going to talk about magic; we’re going to show you what it can do when combined with true understanding and control. We'll be showing you the true power of Charmix!"

The other Winx all land beside her and shout "Charmix!". A bright light flashes quickly and mirrors and purses now appear in the Enchantix forms.

As the students whispered among themselves, Lyna raised her hand. "Why use Charmix with Enchantix?"

Alice quickly replied with another question. "Doesn’t reaching Enchantix mean you can’t go back to basic forms?"

Bloom smiled. "Great question, Lyna! Alice is right. Once a fairy unlocks Enchantix, it indeed becomes their new baseline form. It’s the embodiment of their ethereal energy. The Charmix is a spell that works for every transformation; You learn it because you need it to become stronger and more powerful before you can get Enchantix."

Everyone cheers and the demonstration begins as Griselda suddenly creates a spell. "If you don't have any more questions for your teachers, then we'll start this lesson!"

"Pay attention now, look at how Charmix can be used to improve your powers!" Tecna quickly said.

The demonstration began with Stella, glowing radiantly, taking the forefront. She attempted her "Solar Blast" a brilliant burst of solar energy aimed at a conjured target. Griselda, prepared and poised, used "Barrier Absorb" to neutralize the attack effortlessly.

Griselda quickly conjured a spell and sent back at Stella. The girl quickly raised her arms, screaming: "Enchanted Moon Shield!" and protected herself from the attack easily.

Flora went behind Griselda while Musa distracted from the front and quickly blew pollen from her mouth. "Luxuriant Ivy!" she whispered loudly. Vines appeared from below Griselda, and she quickly jumped to the side, raising her two arms on opposite sides and shooting the same spell from both arms. One reached Flora before she could defend herself and she got knocked to the floor. Musa was able to shout "Disco Shell!" and protect herself. Griselda's spell however sent her to the floor, her ball bounced back up and she hit Aisha who was flying right above, exploding upon the collision of both.

Tecna deployed a series of technical spells, her precision met with Griselda’s "Fer Midex," a robust shield that absorbed and held the incoming magical assaults. The students watched, captivated by the exchange, as Griselda deftly managed the flow of the battle.

Flora quickly got back up, now with an angry expression. "Energy of Mother Earth!" Vines quickly destroyed the ground around Griselda.

"Reflect Shield." Said Griselda with a smile and the vines turned to Flora instead. She quickly established a connection and stopped the vines.

Musa jumped in front of Flora suddenly.

"Sound Wave Attack!" she shouted.

Her powerful soundwaves, aimed to disrupt Griselda's concentration, were canceled out by "Enversio Cinosmab." The courtyard filled with the resonating echo of canceled vibrations. The entire placed seemed to be filled with silence for a few seconds as the lingering effects of the magic were present. Roxy was amazed at the battle. Clarice was in a transe, trying to learn everything.

Then, as Aisha appeared next to Bloom, both prepared to send a spell in her direction. As magic appeared from both's hands, Griselda shouted "Raivus Sombnus" in an attempt to end the demonstration by putting her opponents to a brief sleep. Musa gasped, flying upwards next to Aisha and Bloom before the spell could get to her. Tecna, Flora and Stella ended up falling asleep due to the promixity with Griselda.

"Charmix Convergence!" The three shouted from up in the sky, joining hands together.

"Max Volume" Musa said, with a huge ray of energy.

"Iridescent Blade" Aisha joined, her massive ray joining Musa and forming a sphere at the tip of the spell.

"Essence of the flame!" Bloom joined in, her ray making the sphere huge.

They aimed the spell at Griselda, a stunning fusion of fiery energy, resonating sound waves and the force of the tides. This powerful combination finally breached Griselda's defenses, causing the "Fer Midex" shield to shatter in a spectacular display of light and sound. The match ended in a tie as they both stopped attacking each other.

Griselda smirked, a look of pride on her face for her ex-students who had grown into formidable fairies. The other Winx wake up and everyone, including Roxy, start cheering for the Winx and their power.

"Being a Charmix fairy isn't bad at all!" One of the students shouted.

"The Power of Charmix on an Enchantix fairy is amazing!" another voice screamed into the air.

As the Winx detransform and wave, the air was thick with excitement and awe. Students chattered animatedly, impressed by the raw display of power and control. Roxy felt so inspired by her friends, seeing how far she still had to go but how powerful a fairy can truly be.

Clarice leaned over to Roxy, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "Seeing them in action, it’s more than just power. It’s about harmony with your magic. It’s something I hope to achieve with my Charmix."

Alice nodded in agreement. "Imagine the spells we could weave, the barriers we could break. Today was just a glimpse!"

As the students dispersed, Roxy felt more connected to her path as a fairy. The potential within her seemed boundless. She was more eager than ever to explore her own powers.

As the last echoes of cheers faded and the students began dispersing together into the next class with Palladium, the Winx approached Roxy who stayed behind, their faces bright with pride and excitement.

"Roxy, that was something, wasn't it?" Bloom asked, her eyes twinkling. "It's amazing to see what you can achieve with the right training and heart."

Alice and Clarice, who had been standing beside Roxy throughout the demonstration, nodded in agreement, their faces lit up with admiration and inspiration.

Stella chimed in, "Alice, Clarice! We didn't have the time to talk to you yet, but we've heard about your progress last year already. It's fantastic to see how much you both have grown since we last saw you. I'm sure the Wizards would feel a little threatened now that you truly have control over your magic"

Alice smiles shyly. Her mind taking her to when she fell trying to save Flora from the shapeshifter Wizard.

Musa added, "You girls are on a great path."

Before the conversation could continue further, Tecna glanced at her watch, a subtle reminder of their next engagement. "This is nice, but you should be heading to your next class girls. Roxy, you'll need to come with us instead."

Roxy's eyes widened in surprise. "What's going on?"

"We've been called to Faragonda's office," Aisha explained, her tone serious. "She’s discovered something important about the Earth fairies and she said you had to hear it too."
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Wed Sep 04, 2024 8:35 pm

Chapter 3: The Forgotten Fairies


Footsteps are heard in the corridor... Roxy walked beside the rest of the Winx, her heart racing with anticipation. It wasn’t every day that Faragonda called for a special meeting, and certainly not in such a secretive manner. As they approached Faragonda’s office, Roxy couldn’t shake the feeling that whatever awaited them inside was going to change everything she thought she knew.

“I’m anxious,” Roxy admitted, her voice tinged with nervous laughter. “Do you think something's up with the Earth Fairies?"

"Maybe we did something wrong back then. What if we're in trouble?” Flora speculates, nervously.

Stella flipped her hair over her shoulder, her eyes filled with cockiness. “Trouble? We’re teachers now, remember? If anything, we’re the ones supposed to be keeping others out of trouble!”

“Except this feels different,” Musa interjected, her expression thoughtful. “Faragonda wouldn’t call us in like this unless it was serious. And if it’s serious enough to involve Roxy, then… well, let’s just say I’m a little uneasy too.”

Roxy nodded, her grip tightening on her bag’s strap. Despite her achievements with the Wizards, the doubts still lingered. Could she ever truly live up to the legacy of the Winx? Could she find her own place among actual legends of the Magical Dimension?

Finally... they entered Faragonda’s office, where the headmistress stood waiting with an air of solemnity. Her usual warmth present with her smile as she saw the girls come in.

“Thank you all for coming,” Faragonda began. “I have much to tell you all, including you Roxy, but it won't be in my office. Please follow me, if you still remember the way."

Roxy’s eyes widened, but before she could ask, Faragonda moved aside to reveal a hidden passage embedded in the mirror. The Winx exchanged glances, realizing where they were going, their expressions a mix of curiosity.

“This way,” Faragonda said, leading them into the shadowy corridor.

Roxy trailed closely behind Bloom, her pulse quickening with each step. The walls were lined with ancient carvings, depictions of fairies, creatures, and symbols that Roxy couldn’t quite place. Slowly, the room became bigger and brighter, the stairs wider... there was an undeniable magic in the air.

“I almost forgot about this place” Flora whispered, her voice echoing softly. “it's amazing to be back...”

"But where are we?" Roxy asked.

“We're in the Hall of Enchantments,” Faragonda explained as they stepped into a vast room after the stairs. Shelves lined the walls with books, books and more books that filled the space completely, but not even them could stop the echo that was heard when anyone spoke. The ceiling stretched high above, encrusted with sparkling crystals that bathed the room in a soft, otherworldly light. The Winx as holograms were in the corner of the room. The hologram flickering between Enchantix and Believix.

Faragonda led them next to a shelf where a pedestal stood, cradling a large, ornate book. Its cover was intricately decorated with symbols of nature, vines and flowers interwoven with depictions of fairies in flight.

“This is the Book of the story of the Earth Fairies,” Faragonda said, her voice tinged with reverence. “It contains the true stories of your kind, Roxy. Stories that were lost to time, hidden even from those who sought it most.”

Roxy stepped closer, her heart pounding. The book seemed to call to her, a faint whisper at the edge of her consciousness. “I’ve seen this book before… I mean, I’ve read about it. Tecna digitized it when the Winx were looking for me."

"Before our journey began." Tecna says, quickly showing a hologram of the book. "It had a lot of empty pages, almost like it was incomplete."

Faragonda nodded. “The book was incomplete because the magic that kept its secrets hidden was still in place. But you girls, you restored the balance, the barriers of the dark magic began to fade, and the truth started to resurface.”

The Winx look confused among themselves, trying to understand what Faragonda meant.

She opened the book, revealing pages that shimmered with a soft, ethereal light. Roxy and the Winx leaned in, captivated by the images of fairies surrounded by humans, nature flourishing at their touch, and a world where magic and belief were one.

“There was a time,” Faragonda began, her voice filled with the weight of wisdom, “when Earth fairies and humans lived side by side. They were guardians of human civilization, helping them thrive since the beginning of time, drawing their power from the belief and love of the people. But that all changed when the Wizards of the Black Circle began their hunt.”

Roxy’s eyes were fixed on the illustrations. The joy in the faces of the fairies and the humans slowly turned to fear and despair as the Wizards appeared. The fairies were shown being captured, their wings torn away, their magic siphoned.

“The Wizards hunted the Earth fairies relentlessly,” Faragonda continued, turning the page to reveal haunting images of the fairies in chains, their wings broken, their light dimmed. “They drained their magic, one by one, becoming immune to their spells and the posite energy that is within every fairy. But their cruelty didn’t end there. To ensure the Earth fairies would remain powerless, they cast a spell over the entire magical dimension and the Earth thanks to the help of the Ancestral Witches...”

"Those old, ugly witches? Why are they in everything?!" Stella quickly spoke, anger in her voice.

Roxy’s breath caught in her throat. She could feel the echoes of that pain, the desperation of the fairies as they fought to survive. “What kind of spell?”

Faragonda looked at her, her eyes filled with sorrow. “A spell of forgetting. You and your father experienced it personally... but it wasn't just your family, Roxy. The Wizards erased the Earth fairies from the memories."

"The memories...?" Aisha mumbles, confused.

"Humans, fairies, magical creatures—everyone who knew of the captured Earth fairies forgot them. Each time a fairy was captured, her presence was erased from everyone. Slowly, their existence was wiped away, one by one, until all that remained were faint whispers and legends created by the humans themselves.”

Roxy could hardly believe what she was hearing. She had always known the story of the Earth fairies was tragic, but this… this was far beyond anything she had imagined. “So… it wasn’t that humans stopped believing in magic. They just… forgot.”

Faragonda nodded. “Exactly. The spell was insidious, designed to sever the connection between humans and fairies, to make magic fade from the world. Humans believing in the magic of the fairies were the Wizards weakness, and removing the fairies from the humans' mind was the perfect way to ensure they'd be victorious on their hunt. By the time Bloom was sent to Earth, the last Earth fairies at the time, such as your mother, were about to be captured, and the existence of your kind after that was all but erased. Even the archives here at Alfea were not spared.”

"That's why everyone thought the fairies disappeared for centuries, right?" Stella inquired.

Faragonda nods in agreement.

Bloom’s face tightened with resolve. “That’s why it was so hard to find any information about Earth fairies when we were searching for Roxy. Everything had been hidden. Gone just like the memories of the people.”

"Those poor humans, the Earth fairies were after them for revenge and they didn't even do anything..." Aisha exlaims.

Tecna’s gaze was intense, her mind racing with the implications. “If the spell is weakening now, does that mean everyone is remembering now?”

“Yes,” Faragonda confirmed, turning the book to reveal another page, the text slowly appearing. “As the magic restores itself on Earth and the Earth fairies return to their lives, so too do the memories and records. This book is a living testament of it.”

Roxy stared at the page, a tear slipping down her cheek. It felt like looking into a mirror of the past, seeing her ancestors, the strength they once wielded, and the hope that still lingered in their eyes. “They never gave up... when they were trapped...”

“No,” Faragonda said softly. “And neither should you. The Earth fairies were—and are—symbols of hope and resilience. They adapted, they fought, and even in captivity, they never lost the essence of who they were, even if they were confused in the beginning. That spirit lives on in you too, Roxy.”

A heavy silence filled the hall as Roxy absorbed the enormity of her heritage. Now she understood the true depth of her significance. She was not just the last Earth fairy before; she was a bridge to a forgotten past that was lost to time due to the Wizards, a key to rekindling a connection that started to be severed centuries ago when the hunt began.

Faragonda closed the book gently. “Your journey, Roxy, is about more than discovering your powers. It’s about rediscovering your history, your roots. And through you, the Earth fairies of the past, and the future, can once again be a part of this world.”

The Winx encircled Roxy, their unity and friendship a powerful reminder of what they had accomplished together. Roxy couldn't hold back the tears.

"Thank you girls..." She whispered softly.

"Ow, come here..." Flora mumbled and they all hug.

As they left the Hall of Enchantments, Roxy glanced back at the book one last time, smilling softly. She knew the road ahead would not be easy, but with her friends by her side, she felt ready to face whatever challenges awaited them.
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby CrystalRose » Thu Sep 05, 2024 1:33 pm

So fun to read this! It's great to see a story about Roxy. She should have been a Winx :(
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Fri Sep 06, 2024 12:36 am

CrystalRose wrote:So fun to read this! It's great to see a story about Roxy. She should have been a Winx :(

Thank you! /houra// Indeed :cry:
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Fri Sep 06, 2024 2:18 am

Chapter 4: The Shadows Rise...


Morning dawned over Alfea and a new day was now beginning. The courtyard was alive with the chatter of students heading to breakfast, their excitement palpable as another day of magical learning unfolded. Roxy made her way to the dining hall, still reeling from the revelations of the previous day. Her mind was full of thoughts about the Earth fairies' tragic past. It was a lot to process, and she knew she needed to share it with her friends.

As she entered the dining hall, Roxy quickly spotted Mirta, Alice, and Clarice already seated at a long table. The Winx were there too. They chatted animatedly, each one contributing to the lively energy that filled the room. Roxy felt a wave of comfort wash over her at the sight of all of them.

“Roxy! Over here!” Mirta waved enthusiastically. Roxy made her way over, sliding into a seat between Mirta and Alice. The table was laden with plates of fresh fruit, pastries, and steaming cups of tea, the scent of which filled the air with a soothing aroma.

“Morning, Roxy!” Alice greeted, her light orange hair tied back in its usual practical ponytail. “You look like you’ve got something on your mind.”

Roxy smiled faintly, still digesting the significance of the previous day’s discoveries. “I do. I learned some pretty heavy stuff from Faragonda yesterday, and I think you all should know too.” She took a deep breath, her eyes scanning the attentive faces of her friends and the Winx who nodded in agreement, telling her it was ok to say.

Mirta’s eyes sparkled with curiosity, while Alice and Clarice leaned in, their expressions serious. “What is it?” Clarice asked, her green eyes sharp and focused.

Roxy began recounting everything Faragonda had revealed about the Earth fairies: the spell of forgetting, the centuries of erasure from history, and the severed connection between fairies and humans. As she spoke, the emotions she had kept in check since leaving the Hall of Enchantments bubbled to the surface.

Mirta’s face softened with empathy. “That’s… that’s awful, Roxy. To be forgotten like that, after everything they went through. But it’s incredible that thanks to you and the Winx you’re bringing their story back. Earth is safe again and the Earth fairies are free!”

Alice nodded, her expression resolute. “Yeah, and you’re not doing this alone. We’re here for you, no matter what.”

Clarice, usually the quiet observer, placed a reassuring hand on Roxy’s arm. “We’ve got your back, girl.”

Roxy felt a swell of gratitude. Despite the short time they’d known each other, Mirta, Alice, and Clarice had become immediate friends at Alfea, and their support meant everything. She glanced over at the Winx, who had been listening quietly, their expressions a mix of pride and determination.

“We’ve faced a lot together, Roxy.” Flora said, her voice filled with conviction. "You've been a very brave girl, braver than I would if I was in your position, for sure!"

Roxy closed her eyes, settling in those words and smilling softly.

The rest of breakfast passed in a blur of laughter and friendship as they shared stories about their classes and the usual mishaps that came with spell practice. Alice couldn't stop laughing when she found out Musa asked Stella not to blow up the room they were living with Roxy now and Stella did it when the Army of Darkness appeared.

After breakfast, Roxy, Alice and Clarice said goodbye to the Winx and Mirta and made their way to the first class of the day: Applied Convergence with Faragonda. They quickly went to their seats. Faragonda stood at the front, her presence commanding yet kind, a figure of wisdom that the students respected deeply. Just looking at Faragonda was enough to see her kind yet fierce heart. Roxy understood, since being face to face with her, why the Winx liked her so much. The computer screen didn't do her justice at all.

“Good morning, everyone,” Faragonda began, her voice carrying effortlessly across the room. “Today, we will explore the art of convergence again, and step up into a slightly harder level from last class. This time is not merely a convergence; it is a full spell, meant as a demonstration of harmony, understanding, and the merging of your magical essence with that of another fairy. To achieve a successful convergence, you must move beyond your individual strengths and work as one. Your spell has to begin and end with two fairies together. Only then can it be successful.”

Faragonda went around and made groups of two. Roxy stood beside Clarice, her designated partner for the lesson. Clarice’s Charmix glowed softly, an advantage no one else had in this class. Roxy, in her Believix form, felt the familiar rush of energy that came with her transformation. They exchanged a glance, both determined to make this work.

Faragonda gestured toward them. “Roxy, your Believix powers connect deeply with the spirit of all animals, drawing strength from their qualities. Clarice, your Magic Winx combined with your Charmix gives you the ability to reflect and manipulate energy. Today, your challenge is to merge these powers to create a spell that embodies both the raw energy of the animal kingdom and the reflective precision of light that gives life.”

Roxy nodded, feeling the pulse of her magic. Clarice gave her a small, reassuring smile, however, slowly, her green eyes became focused and competitive. The smile became slightly cocky.

"I'm ready." Clarice said.

They stepped into the center of the room, their classmates watching closely.

“Remember,” Faragonda said, her tone both encouraging and cautionary, “Convergence is not just about combining magic. It’s about aligning your intent, your energy, and your trust in one another. When you’re ready, begin.”

Roxy took a deep breath, channeling her magic. She envisioned the strength of a lion, its fierce roar and powerful presence. Green light sparked at her fingertips, forming the outline of the majestic creature, its form pulsing with life and raw energy. Clarice, standing beside her, concentrated on her Charmix, summoning a reflective barrier that shimmered like a mirror in the air, ready to amplify Roxy’s creation.

“On three,” Roxy said, her voice steady. “One… two… three!”

"Reflecting claws!" They both shouted.

They released their spells simultaneously. The lion surged forward while Clarice’s reflective shield caught the creature’s energy, intending to amplify and direct it. For a moment, the room was filled with the combined glow of green and silver light. Suddenly, the magic began to destabilize. The lion’s roar grew erratic, and the reflective barrier flickered, failing to contain the wild energy. Roxy’s eyes widened as she realized what was happening. “Clarice, pull back!”

But it was too late. The spells collided chaotically, creating a surge of unstable energy. A loud crack echoed through the room as the magic erupted in a brilliant, uncontrollable explosion. A shockwave rippled outwards, rattling the walls and knocking over anything not bolted down. Roxy and Clarice were sent against the board, detransforming with the energy pulse of their magic.

Faragonda reacted instantly, raising her hands and casting a protective barrier that enveloped the other students. Her shield absorbed the blast, containing the explosion and preventing any harm. When the dust settled, she lowered the barrier, her expression calm but serious.

Roxy got up with a grunt, a sad face quickly settling in, stunned by the failure. She wanted so badly to succeed like the did in the first class. Clarice got up with her hand in her chest, almost like it was too heavy. After the pain started to disappear, she opened her eyes, sending an angry look at Roxy. She looks away and flips her hair, but not without doing an audible "humph".

Faragonda approached the pair, her expression softening as she saw their dejection. “Convergence is a complex skill, one that even the most experienced fairies struggle with at first,” she said gently. “You attempted something difficult, especially given the differences in your magical levels. What matters is that you tried, and that you’re willing to learn from this.”

Roxy nodded, though her disappointment was hard to mask. Faragonda’s words were kind, but they didn’t erase the sting of failure. Clarice just nodded without showing any emotion in her face, returning to her place with her eyes closed.

Faragonda clapped her hands, drawing the class’s attention once more. “Let’s continue.”

Alice and Lyna stepped forward next. As Magic Winx fairies, their magic was more leveled out and they understood each other’s powers well. Alice, the fairy of clarity, could shed light on illusions and see through to the truth of things, while Lyna, the fairy of dreams, could manipulate perceptions and create illusions of her own. Their convergence was an intriguing blend of light and imagination.

The two fairies synchronized their energies, Alice’s magic glowing in a clear, brilliant white while Lyna’s magic took on a soft, ethereal blue. They moved in perfect harmony, their powers weaving together seamlessly. The classroom was bathed in a luminous glow as their convergence spell...

“Luminous Dreamlight,” as they shouted, took form.

Faragonda nodded approvingly. “Excellent work, Alice and Lyna. Your convergence demonstrated not only your individual strengths but also your ability to complement each other’s magic beautifully. Well done.”

The class broke into applause, and Roxy joined in, feeling happy for her friends. Clarice slowly got up and gave a few claps, her face looking down.

One by one, she watched as other pairs took their turns, some achieving their convergence with grace, while others, like herself and Clarice, faced challenges and ugly failures. Faragonda protected everyone over and over again, except for those doing the convergence, since they had to learn what a failure in battle would mean.

As the lesson drew to a close, Faragonda addressed the students one last time. “Today’s lesson was an introduction, a first step into an infite possibilities of convergence spells. Remember, each of you has the potential to create something extraordinary, not just as individuals but together. Keep practicing, keep supporting each other, and never stop believing in the power of your magic.”


The door slammed as Griselda stormed into the classroom, her usual composed yet stern demeanor replaced with urgency. Everyone turned their eyes at her with a blank face, trying to understand what was happening. The Winx were teaching to the third-year students, and Tecna was in the middle of her demonstration, her Enchantix form glowing brilliantly as she used her fairy dust to show how to break a dark magic spell. She pauses before her fairy dust touches the mutated plant, looking at Griselda.

“Winx, I need you to come with me immediately. There's no time to explain.”

Tecna quickly closed her eyes and, despite being barely flying, she softly touched the ground and detransformed, her casual outfit replacing the amazing transformation. The other Winx exchanged quick, concerned glances. Bloom was the first to speak, her brows knitting together. “What’s going on?”

“With me, now.” Griselda replied, her eyes scanning the classroom briefly before settling on the Winx.

Without further questions, the Winx hurriedly gathered their things, giving quick nods to the students to assure them they’d continue the lesson later. As they followed Griselda through the corridors of Alfea, the atmosphere was tense. They moved swiftly, their footsteps echoing against the stone walls.

When they arrived at Faragonda’s office, it was empty. The Winx hesitated for a moment, but Griselda didn’t stop. She marched to the center of the room, her posture stiff. “Faragonda is currently with the second-year students, but you need to hear this immediately. It’s critical for you as educators and guardians of your worlds.”

Before anyone could ask for more details, the hologram projector on Faragonda’s desk flickered to life, showing the figures of Griffin and Saladin.

"Griffin? Saladin?" Stella asked, taking a step further. "What's going on?"

Griffin spoke first, her voice calm but laced with a deep concern. “Winx, the battle in the Omega Dimension against the Wizards of the Black Cirle did more than just imprison them."

"What do you mean? Did they fred themselves?!" Aisha asked, her face quickly revealing the traumatic experiences she went through due to them, memories she was trying her best to forget quickly returning.

"No, no." Saladin replied and Aisha's pose soften immediately.

"The sheer force of the clash between your magic and theirs destabilized the entire place for a few minutes. You caused severe devastation and some prisioners were able to escape their ice cages as they broke.” Saladin picked up, his expression darkening as he delivered the critical news. “Among those affected was one of the most dangerous criminals ever to be locked away of the past two centuries: Zyron. He’s a Wizard capable of stealing the life force of all living beings—fairies, humans, animals—no one is safe from his powers. Zyron was originally a student of the Wizardry school on the planet Callisto.”

The Winx listened intently, their faces a mix of shock and concern. Aisha’s fists clenched at her sides, and Musa’s eyes narrowed, absorbing every word.

Saladin continued, “Zyron’s most infamous crime was nearly killing the 42nd queen of Callisto almost two hundred years ago by draining her life force. He managed to escape capture for a long time and fled to Earth, where he began draining the life force from animals in the forests and growing even stronger, causing untold suffering on the planet.”

"How was he captured back then? We'll do the same right away!" Stella spoke, ready for action.

"Actually, I'm not sure how he ended up in the Omega Dimension..." Griffin said, putting her hand in her chin and looking down, trying to remember.

The door behind the Winx and Griffin clicked shut behind as Faragonda walked by all of them and took her place beside the holograms. “I know how Zyron was captured,” she said, her voice steady.

“For centuries, this knowledge was lost, but not anymore. Diana, the Major Fairy of Nature on Earth, was the one who managed to trap Zyron. She did it but not without losing a few fairies who died through the hands of this Wizard. It was one of her last acts before being captured and trapped by Orgon and his Wizards a few hundred years ago. She used her powers to bind Zyron and send him to the Omega Dimension. But now, it appears he used your battle to escape, and he is now free...”

Faragonda’s words hung heavily in the air, the full weight of the situation pressing down on everyone present. The Winx exchanged glances, their determination hardening.

Meanwhile, in Gardenia Park, Zyron walked by the people, his presence cloaked in shadows. He wore a dark, tattered robe that concealed his scarred and weakened form, the result of centuries of confinement in the cold, unforgiving environment of the Omega Dimension. His steps were deliberate, each one an effort as his hands still bore the raw, frostbitten marks from his prison.

"Fetch, Zym!"

As he passed a girl laughing loudly and playing with her dog, Zyron’s eyes gleamed with malicious intent. The girl, unaware of the danger, tossed a ball for her dog, laughing as he bounded after the toy. Zyron paused, his eyes narrowing as he watched. A smirk twisted his lips as he extended his hand, releasing a subtle pulse of dark magic that snaked through the air, invisible to the untrained eye.

The dog’s joyful barks turned into pained whimpers, its movements growing sluggish until it collapsed on the grass, its eyes dimming as its life force was drained. The girl’s laughter shifted to panic. She knelt beside her pet, her hands trembling as she tried to comfort it, but she too began to weaken. Her skin grew pale, her strength ebbing away as she slumped next to her dog, both their forms losing vitality, their color fading as if life itself was being siphoned away.

The girl’s faint cries echoed through the park, drawing the attention of nearby joggers and passersby who rushed over, phones already in hand, calling for help. Panic spread as people gathered around the fallen pair, unsure of what had happened but fearing the worst.

Zyron’s satisfaction was cut short as pain suddenly shot through his hands. The burns from the Omega Dimension flared angrily, sending a searing agony up his arms. He hissed in frustration, clenching his fists as the pain forced him to stop. The girl and her dog lay motionless, still alive but gravely weakened. Zyron cursed under his breath, retreating into the shadows of a nearby tree, his form blending seamlessly with the dark.

He muttered to himself, his voice low and venomous. “I just need time to heal, to regain my strength. And when I do, every living being will bow to me or perish!”
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby CrystalRose » Sat Sep 07, 2024 2:13 pm

juleic1123 wrote:
CrystalRose wrote:So fun to read this! It's great to see a story about Roxy. She should have been a Winx :(

Thank you! /houra// Indeed :cry:

Will never forgive winx for that same as that they "killed" Nabu. I know he was technically in sleep but he never woke up anyway
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