The Q&A game

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The Q&A game

Postby Roselynn » Sun Sep 29, 2024 10:29 am


✩ Game concept ✩

Each participant asks a question which the next must answer before asking a new question. This game will allow us to get to know each other better. Anyone can answer the question posed.

✩ Game rules ✩

→ A participant begins by asking an open-ended question. Example: “What's your favorite movie and why?”
→ The next member must answer this question and follow up with a new question.
→ No repetition: questions should be unique for each round to encourage creativity.

I'll start: What's your favorite animal and why?

Your turn to answer and ask the next player a question! /houra//
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Re: The Q&A game

Postby natie » Sun Sep 29, 2024 6:00 pm

Besides cats, I really like polar bears. I have some sentimental childhood memories connected to these animals, and they’re just so cute and majestic at the same time! :mrgreen:
Oh, and this guy is lying next to me right now so I must say I also like seals ..Oops.. :lol:
This is not my only seal toy btw :lol:
They're incredibly cute and are kind of one of the symbols of the region where I come from, so this is why I have special warm feelings for them!

My question: What was your dream job as a child, and how do you feel about it now?
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Re: The Q&A game

Postby juleic1123 » Mon Sep 30, 2024 3:52 am

Polar bears really are cute in_love_
That or a dolphin. Idk why but I wish I could live with a dolphin :lol:

My dream job as a child was to be a dubber, and it's still my dream job today! :P I've been dubbing countless tv shows over the years, started with the Winx when I was 10 years old only (still around youtube, but I won't share because I'm shy :mrgreen: ), then began doing of Code Lyoko, which I'm now in charge on a fanmade season 5 & 6 and animate fully besides the dubbing, and I've been doing lots of miraculous ladybug content, genshin impact, among others.

It's still something I see myself doing in the future for sure.

My question is: what is a route that you had as a kid you'd love to have back? like watching cartoons in the morning while eating cereals before school? :lol:
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Re: The Q&A game

Postby CrystalRose » Tue Oct 01, 2024 1:46 pm

juleic1123 wrote:Polar bears really are cute in_love_
That or a dolphin. Idk why but I wish I could live with a dolphin :lol:

My dream job as a child was to be a dubber, and it's still my dream job today! :P I've been dubbing countless tv shows over the years, started with the Winx when I was 10 years old only (still around youtube, but I won't share because I'm shy :mrgreen: ), then began doing of Code Lyoko, which I'm not in charge on a fanmade season 5 & 6 and animate fully besides the dubbing, and I've been doing lots of miraculous ladybug content, genshin impact, among others.

It's still something I see myself doing in the future for sure.

My question is: what is a route that you had as a kid you'd love to have back? like watching cartoons in the morning while eating cereals before school? :lol:

Ohhh hmmm... every day or certain days I waited till my favorite tv shows came on tv. Eventhough streaming service and being able to watch it back online is great, but waiting and getting excited to watch your show was great too

What is one thing from your childhood you wish you could get back?
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Re: The Q&A game

Postby juleic1123 » Tue Oct 01, 2024 4:31 pm

Probably school, as weird as that sounds. I remember complaining every single day, but now that I've been essentially home for a year and even now as an adult, I miss school a lot actually. :ehmeh::
I hated my classmates, hated the teachers, hated the schools until 7th grade but somehow, a nostalgic feeling is still present when I think back on it. That and coming home to play Winx Adventure and Star Stable. :lol:

What's your favorite food and why?
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Re: The Q&A game

Postby CrystalRose » Tue Oct 01, 2024 5:30 pm

juleic1123 wrote:Probably school, as weird as that sounds. I remember complaining every single day, but now that I've been essentially home for a year and even now as an adult, I miss school a lot actually. :ehmeh::
I hated my classmates, hated the teachers, hated the schools until 7th grade but somehow, a nostalgic feeling is still present when I think back on it. That and coming home to play Winx Adventure and Star Stable. :lol:

What's your favorite food and why?

Coming home to play Winx Adventure :cry: so nostalgic

Do I need to name one? xD
I love pizza, but I also love waffles, ice cream, anything sweet and melon... maybe more :lol:

What is your favorite color and why, and what used to be your favorite color when you were young?
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Re: The Q&A game

Postby natie » Tue Oct 01, 2024 5:51 pm

I can relate to your answer :lol:
My favorite color is sky blue! I can spend hours looking at the sky and the water reflecting it. Very calm and charming in_love_
I used to like orange as a kid, but I guess it's too... cheerful? to be my favorite color now :lol: But I like its combination with sky blue. Autumn foliage against a clear sky is mesmerizing for me in_love_

What is your favorite season and why? ;)
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Re: The Q&A game

Postby CrystalRose » Tue Oct 01, 2024 6:20 pm

natie wrote:I can relate to your answer :lol:
My favorite color is sky blue! I can spend hours looking at the sky and the water reflecting it. Very calm and charming in_love_
I used to like orange as a kid, but I guess it's too... cheerful? to be my favorite color now :lol: But I like its combination with sky blue. Autumn foliage against a clear sky is mesmerizing for me in_love_

What is your favorite season and why? ;)

I love how you described that (:

Do you mean season from seasons or from winx? xD
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Re: The Q&A game

Postby natie » Tue Oct 01, 2024 6:21 pm

CrystalRose wrote:
natie wrote:I can relate to your answer :lol:
My favorite color is sky blue! I can spend hours looking at the sky and the water reflecting it. Very calm and charming in_love_
I used to like orange as a kid, but I guess it's too... cheerful? to be my favorite color now :lol: But I like its combination with sky blue. Autumn foliage against a clear sky is mesmerizing for me in_love_

What is your favorite season and why? ;)

I love how you described that (:

Do you mean season from seasons or from winx? xD

Season from seasons :lol:
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Re: The Q&A game

Postby CrystalRose » Tue Oct 01, 2024 6:23 pm

Haha okay :lol:

Spring. I like how everything comes back to live. But spring can still be cold and rainy so sometimes I am thinking if I should change it to summer xD

Who is your favorite winx fairy and why? (What used to be your fav fairy as child?)
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