Would you rather (1)

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Would you rather (1)

Postby aysetb » Sun Oct 13, 2024 2:29 pm

Hello everyone!

I've come up with the idea of offering you the “Would you rather” game, in which you simply have to choose answer A or B for each question.

I'll be posting new questions regularly in a new topic!

1 / Would you rather:
a) Have the ability to read other people's minds, but never be able to speak.
b) To be able to fly, but only at a speed of 5 km/h.

2/ Would you rather:
a) To eat only sweets for the rest of your life.
b) Never eat sweets again.

3/ Would you rather:
a) Live in a world without music.
b) To live in a world where there are no books.

4/ Would you rather:
a) To have a superpower, but only for one day.
b) To have a normal power, but for the rest of your life.

5/ Would you rather:
a) To be able to travel in time, but you can't go back.
b) Be able to teleport, but only to a place you've never visited.

Click here to answer more questions!
Last edited by aysetb on Tue Oct 15, 2024 2:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Would you rather (1)

Postby aysetb » Sun Oct 13, 2024 2:29 pm

My answers :
1 - B
2 - B
3 - A
4 - A
5 - B
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Re: Would you rather (1)

Postby AsamiBrynn » Sun Oct 13, 2024 2:41 pm

This looks fun!

1 - B (Flying is good, even at such speed (just for a note - the average walking speed is about 3-4km\h, so i guess it's a win-win here))
2 - A (Even though i like salty stuff more, but sometimes i'm craving for sweets so badly... i even bought an entire bento cake today xD)
3 - B (I honestly can't live without music, i sing too much sometimes and if i won't be able to do it - i would be very sad)
4 - B (Idk what a normal power count as but i would like to eat and not get fat xD)
5 - A (I would probably just never even use it xD)
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Re: Would you rather (1)

Postby korolyova » Sun Oct 13, 2024 3:59 pm

Thank you for the interesting questions :)

1 - B
2 - B
3 - hmm... really hard one to me... I love both. Let it be A (even if I love music sooo much. I expect to listen to the sounds of forest while reading a book)
4 - B
5 - B
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Re: Would you rather (1)

Postby juleic1123 » Wed Oct 16, 2024 2:42 am

A (it's me everyday. I have a very fast metabolism so I don't gain weight, at least not so far :lol: )
B... books are our entire history, so this was a tough one. But books can also constrain us and make us very analythical sometimes, music however is pure joy and I feel like a lot of people stopped truly listening to their own music, so I'd rather we lose knowledge if that means we'd be happier. :)
A - if I'm able to say bye and let everyone know I am doing it, then I won't leave with many regrets, and I'd probably time travel to meet my family when they were younger, so I wouldn't miss much. :mrgreen:
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Re: Would you rather (1)

Postby CrystalRose » Sat Oct 19, 2024 2:10 pm

aysetb wrote:Hello everyone!

I've come up with the idea of offering you the “Would you rather” game, in which you simply have to choose answer A or B for each question.

I'll be posting new questions regularly in a new topic!

1 / Would you rather:
a) Have the ability to read other people's minds, but never be able to speak.
b) To be able to fly, but only at a speed of 5 km/h.

2/ Would you rather:
a) To eat only sweets for the rest of your life.
b) Never eat sweets again.

3/ Would you rather:
a) Live in a world without music.
b) To live in a world where there are no books.

4/ Would you rather:
a) To have a superpower, but only for one day.
b) To have a normal power, but for the rest of your life.

5/ Would you rather:
a) To be able to travel in time, but you can't go back.
b) Be able to teleport, but only to a place you've never visited.

Click here to answer more questions!

1 B
2 ohh that's not a easy one but I guess A :ehmeh::
3 How can I choose between them? I love both :( I guess B :cry: :cry:
4 A
5 B
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Re: Would you rather (1)

Postby wini13 » Sun Nov 03, 2024 5:54 pm


1 / Would you rather:
b) To be able to fly, but only at a speed of 5 km/h.

2/ Would you rather:
b) Never eat sweets again.

3/ Would you rather:
a) Live in a world without music.

4/ Would you rather:
b) To have a normal power, but for the rest of your life.

5/ Would you rather:
b) Be able to teleport, but only to a place you've never visited.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Re: Would you rather (1)

Postby isarosso » Mon Nov 04, 2024 9:02 am

1 — b
2 — b
3 — a
4 — b
5 — b
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Re: Would you rather (1)

Postby Hallowinxer » Mon Nov 18, 2024 1:45 pm

aysetb wrote:1 / Would you rather:
a) Have the ability to read other people's minds, but never be able to speak.
b) To be able to fly, but only at a speed of 5 km/h.

2/ Would you rather:
a) To eat only sweets for the rest of your life.
b) Never eat sweets again.

3/ Would you rather:
a) Live in a world without music.
b) To live in a world where there are no books.

4/ Would you rather:
a) To have a superpower, but only for one day.
b) To have a normal power, but for the rest of your life.

5/ Would you rather:
a) To be able to travel in time, but you can't go back.
b) Be able to teleport, but only to a place you've never visited.

Click here to answer more questions!

My answers:
1. Definitely B! I coudln't spend even one day without talking and I'd be super stressed about hearing other's thoughts. Flying would be super cool and I don't even mind flying with a slower speed because actually it'd too too scary for me to fly faster :lol:

2. Sadly choosing B. I LOVE chocolate but it'd become so expensive in Finland that I'd be in a bankrupt if I only ate chocolate and I'd be hungry all the time.

3. This is a cruel question because I LOVE music and books :shock: But I gotta choose B because I couldn't live without music. And luckily Winx is a tv serie so I could still enjoy it :D

4. B because I think even normal powers would be useful in my everyday life.

5. B. It would be difficult to get back but then I'd just choose another town nearby and travel home from there :lol:

This was really fun to do!
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