Fan Club of Miraculous Ladybug!

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Re: Fan Club of Miraculous Ladybug!

Postby WinxClub4Life » Thu Oct 31, 2024 8:21 pm

Nickname: QueenMLB
Favourite Character: 1- Chloe Bourgeois Pre-Season 3's Finale 2- Luka 3 - Kagami
How did you discover it? : The Channel that aired Winx closed so I was just switching channels and then I found out about Disney Channel and I caught a glimose of Mlb there,we MOVED a few days later and then when we got there I watched Disney CHANNEL for HOURS,I just loved it my favourite CARTOONS there were MLB and Gravity Falls.

Honestly,when the writing team cares they make AMAZING episodes,along with intresting characters,I just think Chloe deserved better,you might say that it wouldn't have been realistic but we Are talking about a cartoon where the main characters have to transform into animal themed superheroes to save the TOTALLY realistically clean and empty Paris.... sure.... they cared A LOT about realism in this show.... Also for GOODNESS SAKE,Andre Bourgeois is the biggest enabler I have EVER seen in a while,the only thing he Gives his own CHILD is money,Chloe's only friends were Adrian,a butler and a TEDDY BEAR for the most of her life,her mom abondanded her to have a child WITH ANOTHER MAN WHILE İN A MARRIAGE,Andre does NOT care about this and is a coward willimg to throw garbage up in space to "solve problems with garbage" is a HORRID mayor and tells his step-daughter to LITERALLY Lock her dreams away,yeah Just misunderstood and bullied by his own wife and child,tooooootallyyy.... Honestly Chloe had HORRIFIC parents that were so willing to abandon her and a superhero is being unfair to this TEEN for having horrible parents that raised her wrong,Chloe wanted to be loved and was willing to go to extremes for it but she was not only ruined BUT,Mari literally gave The Miraculous' back to the people who got exposed of using them but when it came to Chloe she said "BUT do I... REALLY have to?" and just got her replacement to have The Bee Miraculous,look Zoey is not a bad character in fact I went through similar treatment as her but not by my parents,by relatives but they didnt't give her any actual character,does she have a goal? Does she have an intrest? IS she a nicely writtent character,I personally don't think so but again this is me speaking opinions. Honestly Miraculous is a good show made by not so passionate people,don't even get me started on how unprofessional Thomas ASTRUC is acting for a 40 year old adult and don't even get me started with these disgusting drawings of the main cast back from 2015 where they were MINORS,honestly Jeremy ZAG and the entire fandom cares more about the show and thinks the show has its flawa compared to the other producerd trying to say this is a perfect show,which is something no one can obtain,no one can make something perfect but these group of professional writers should clearly be doing better then a group of people uneducated at writing but it does not seem like it. What is worse then a bad thing is a bad thing with a lot of potential and that seems to be what some writers animed for,but the writers for the specials and the writers for a lot of episodes cares but when they tried to make more seriously episodes they Just.. failed honestly Miraculous is a show I enjoy watching but over time the quality and the care just.. I am excited for Season 6 because it actually looks diffrent then all the other 3D cartoons and the story seems promising!
Last edited by juleic1123 on Tue Jan 28, 2025 1:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fan Club of Miraculous Ladybug!

Postby juleic1123 » Tue Jan 28, 2025 1:56 pm

          Season 6 Official Release!

What did you think of the new graphics? Did you watch the premiere? Thoughts on the new villian? /houra//
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Re: Fan Club of Miraculous Ladybug!

Postby korolyova » Tue Jan 28, 2025 5:54 pm

Oh, I totally forgot 😳
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Re: Fan Club of Miraculous Ladybug!

Postby WinxClub4Life » Wed Feb 19, 2025 5:31 pm

juleic1123 wrote:
          Season 6 Official Release!

What did you think of the new graphics? Did you watch the premiere? Thoughts on the new villian? /houra//

Wish they releasedin proper order :cry: But the animation is WAY better and Liela is way more compelling than whinemoth.
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Re: Fan Club of Miraculous Ladybug!

Postby WinxClub4Life » Wed Feb 19, 2025 10:13 pm

Still hoping for the best though! /flowerpower/
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