Are there any Once Upon A Time fans?
Once Upon a Time is an American fantasy adventure drama television series that aired for seven seasons on ABC from October 23, 2011, to May 18, 2018. The action alternates between two main settings: a fantastical world where fairy tales happen, and a fictional seaside town in Maine called Storybrooke.
Some questions for you:
Who is your favorite character?
What is your favorite couple?
What is your favorite season?
Least favorite season?
Your favorite realm?
Something you love about the show?
My answers:
* Emma, Belle and Killian
* Emma & Killian and Belle & Rumple
* Season 5B
* Season 2A
* I don't know... I guess the Enchanted Forest?
* How all the fairytales come together. And how amazing the writers are, how they made up all those storylines to contected all of the fairytales.