What do you think of the color palettes of the girls?

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What do you think of the color palettes of the girls?

Postby CrystalRose » Sun Sep 15, 2024 9:15 pm


What do you think of the color palettes of the winx and what would you change?

What bothers me is how much they change the color palette for some of them. We rarely see Musa in red after Magic Winx while it looks so good on her :(
It's not even the part that the colors don't match their power. It's just that they don't stick with the same colors or the same main color.

Bloom -> Bloom's colors didn't change much through the seasons. Pink and blue are her colors. I would have like red for Bloom but maybe it's too much with her hair. Blue looks good on her I just don't like the pink. I don't think the pink really fits her personality. So maybe a mix with blue, red and orange. I saw someone using these colors for Bloom and it looked so good.

Stella -> the colors that are used for her are orange, pink, purple and yellow I think? I would change it to orange and blue/silver, maybe some yellow. She has the powers of the sun and moon so it would have been better if they went with that color palette. (They seem to forget she has moon powers)

Flora -> Flora is perfect the way she is. Pink and green work so well on her and it fits the nature power.

Layla/Aisha (why did they think it was a good idea to give her different names?) -> so Layla is green, teal, turqoise, purple? I like the Magix Winx green on her however I would have liked if they went with blue/turqoise since she has the powers of the waves. (Originally it was morphix?) But still she comes from a ocean planet so that color would have made sense. Like her believix.

Musa -> Musa's colors are so messed up. Like they didn't know what to do with her. I wish they went back to red for her. She looks so good in it and it looks so good with the dark hair. Hr colors changed the most and it kinda annoys me cause one season she is red, than pink and yellow, than pink with blue, pink and purple, ect. Maybe they should have done red and pink and purple.

Tecna -> she is purple a lot of the times but what did they do to her Bloomix? No purple at all. I like purple and green for her. Specially her Butterflix one.

Also I am still suprised how their favorite colors aren't their outfit colors.
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Re: What do you think of the color palettes of the girls?

Postby juleic1123 » Mon Sep 16, 2024 12:03 am

CrystalRose wrote:Hii.

What do you think of the color palettes of the winx and what would you change?

What bothers me is how much they change the color palette for some of them. We rarely see Musa in red after Magic Winx while it looks so good on her :(
It's not even the part that the colors don't match their power. It's just that they don't stick with the same colors or the same main color.

Bloom -> Bloom's colors didn't change much through the seasons. Pink and blue are her colors. I would have like red for Bloom but maybe it's too much with her hair. Blue looks good on her I just don't like the pink. I don't think the pink really fits her personality. So maybe a mix with blue, red and orange. I saw someone using these colors for Bloom and it looked so good.

Stella -> the colors that are used for her are orange, pink, purple and yellow I think? I would change it to orange and blue/silver, maybe some yellow. She has the powers of the sun and moon so it would have been better if they went with that color palette. (They seem to forget she has moon powers)

Flora -> Flora is perfect the way she is. Pink and green work so well on her and it fits the nature power.

Layla/Aisha (why did they think it was a good idea to give her different names?) -> so Layla is green, teal, turqoise, purple? I like the Magix Winx green on her however I would have liked if they went with blue/turqoise since she has the powers of the waves. (Originally it was morphix?) But still she comes from a ocean planet so that color would have made sense. Like her believix.

Musa -> Musa's colors are so messed up. Like they didn't know what to do with her. I wish they went back to red for her. She looks so good in it and it looks so good with the dark hair. Hr colors changed the most and it kinda annoys me cause one season she is red, than pink and yellow, than pink with blue, pink and purple, ect. Maybe they should have done red and pink and purple.

Tecna -> she is purple a lot of the times but what did they do to her Bloomix? No purple at all. I like purple and green for her. Specially her Butterflix one.

Also I am still suprised how their favorite colors aren't their outfit colors.

I agree with most, but I think Bloom does not need orange or red because it really would contrast badly with her hair, so I like the blue, yellow, pink as long as the pink isn't too much. I like her believix to be honest for example.

As for Musa, she actually still uses a lot of red, but she does change. She has red in the magic winx, charmix (does it count? :lol: ), enchantix, Believix (although these two are sort of pink-ish in a lot of areas, it really depends on the shot, sometimes it's magenta other times reddish pink but not really that bad on her), Sirenix, Onyrix, Dreamix..

But yeah, she's inconsistent.

Stella had a lot of green in earlier seasons (1-4) that vanished.
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Re: What do you think of the color palettes of the girls?

Postby Astra » Mon Sep 16, 2024 5:37 am

Stella -> the colors that are used for her are orange, pink, purple and yellow I think? I would change it to orange and blue/silver, maybe some yellow. She has the powers of the sun and moon so it would have been better if they went with that color palette. (They seem to forget she has moon powers)

She actually had silverish blue in her first transformations, it vanished in her Believix.

Musa -> Musa's colors are so messed up. Like they didn't know what to do with her. I wish they went back to red for her. She looks so good in it and it looks so good with the dark hair. Hr colors changed the most and it kinda annoys me cause one season she is red, than pink and yellow, than pink with blue, pink and purple, ect. Maybe they should have done red and pink and purple.

An oddly forgotten color for Musa is yellow, like her Enchantix was pretty much red and yellow. It makes sense to me to not go with that though, to not make too much resemblance with Stella. But honestly would be better if both Musa and Stella had yellow than every single Winx have pink, it just makes it feel less unique.

Bloom -> Bloom's colors didn't change much through the seasons. Pink and blue are her colors. I would have like red for Bloom but maybe it's too much with her hair. Blue looks good on her I just don't like the pink. I don't think the pink really fits her personality. So maybe a mix with blue, red and orange. I saw someone using these colors for Bloom and it looked so good.

I actually think pink does fit Bloom's personality. Bloom in the earlier seasons had a hobby of reading (especially when it came to fairy stories) and i think drawing too. Even the fourth season started with her saying that she always liked fairy stories but that one with the black circle is a scary one. And imo pink is a good color to resemble that.
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Re: What do you think of the color palettes of the girls?

Postby WinxClub4Life » Tue Oct 15, 2024 8:36 pm

CrystalRose wrote:Hii.

What do you think of the color palettes of the winx and what would you change?

What bothers me is how much they change the color palette for some of them. We rarely see Musa in red after Magic Winx while it looks so good on her :(
It's not even the part that the colors don't match their power. It's just that they don't stick with the same colors or the same main color.

Bloom -> Bloom's colors didn't change much through the seasons. Pink and blue are her colors. I would have like red for Bloom but maybe it's too much with her hair. Blue looks good on her I just don't like the pink. I don't think the pink really fits her personality. So maybe a mix with blue, red and orange. I saw someone using these colors for Bloom and it looked so good.

Stella -> the colors that are used for her are orange, pink, purple and yellow I think? I would change it to orange and blue/silver, maybe some yellow. She has the powers of the sun and moon so it would have been better if they went with that color palette. (They seem to forget she has moon powers)

Flora -> Flora is perfect the way she is. Pink and green work so well on her and it fits the nature power.

Layla/Aisha (why did they think it was a good idea to give her different names?) -> so Layla is green, teal, turqoise, purple? I like the Magix Winx green on her however I would have liked if they went with blue/turqoise since she has the powers of the waves. (Originally it was morphix?) But still she comes from a ocean planet so that color would have made sense. Like her believix.

Musa -> Musa's colors are so messed up. Like they didn't know what to do with her. I wish they went back to red for her. She looks so good in it and it looks so good with the dark hair. Hr colors changed the most and it kinda annoys me cause one season she is red, than pink and yellow, than pink with blue, pink and purple, ect. Maybe they should have done red and pink and purple.

Tecna -> she is purple a lot of the times but what did they do to her Bloomix? No purple at all. I like purple and green for her. Specially her Butterflix one.

Also I am still suprised how their favorite colors aren't their outfit colors.

Actually Aisha/Layla is The Fairy of Fluids and that changed with Nickelodeon
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Re: What do you think of the color palettes of the girls?

Postby CrystalRose » Sun Dec 01, 2024 7:54 pm

WinxClub4Life wrote:
CrystalRose wrote:Hii.

What do you think of the color palettes of the winx and what would you change?

What bothers me is how much they change the color palette for some of them. We rarely see Musa in red after Magic Winx while it looks so good on her :(
It's not even the part that the colors don't match their power. It's just that they don't stick with the same colors or the same main color.

Bloom -> Bloom's colors didn't change much through the seasons. Pink and blue are her colors. I would have like red for Bloom but maybe it's too much with her hair. Blue looks good on her I just don't like the pink. I don't think the pink really fits her personality. So maybe a mix with blue, red and orange. I saw someone using these colors for Bloom and it looked so good.

Stella -> the colors that are used for her are orange, pink, purple and yellow I think? I would change it to orange and blue/silver, maybe some yellow. She has the powers of the sun and moon so it would have been better if they went with that color palette. (They seem to forget she has moon powers)

Flora -> Flora is perfect the way she is. Pink and green work so well on her and it fits the nature power.

Layla/Aisha (why did they think it was a good idea to give her different names?) -> so Layla is green, teal, turqoise, purple? I like the Magix Winx green on her however I would have liked if they went with blue/turqoise since she has the powers of the waves. (Originally it was morphix?) But still she comes from a ocean planet so that color would have made sense. Like her believix.

Musa -> Musa's colors are so messed up. Like they didn't know what to do with her. I wish they went back to red for her. She looks so good in it and it looks so good with the dark hair. Hr colors changed the most and it kinda annoys me cause one season she is red, than pink and yellow, than pink with blue, pink and purple, ect. Maybe they should have done red and pink and purple.

Tecna -> she is purple a lot of the times but what did they do to her Bloomix? No purple at all. I like purple and green for her. Specially her Butterflix one.

Also I am still suprised how their favorite colors aren't their outfit colors.

Actually Aisha/Layla is The Fairy of Fluids and that changed with Nickelodeon

I remember that, it was called Morphix?
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Re: What do you think of the color palettes of the girls?

Postby WinxClub4Life » Wed Feb 12, 2025 11:46 am

Morphix was a fluid she controlled,the old English websites all state she is The Faiiry Of Fluids,they also say Flora is The Fairy Of Flowers.....to be honest The Fairy Of Nature sounds much cooler,also she had a spell called NATUREs symphony not,flowers or plants symphony,so that could be a mistranslation or misconseption. So my theory is that Flora's got mixed up,Aisha is The Fairy Of Fluids,NOT waves. Also Stella HERSELF stated in Season 1 Episode 1 when fighting Knut that she was The Fairy Of The Sun And The Moon,I HATE how Nick changed that to Shining Sun,like I am sorry which sun DOESN'T shine? I really like how the French dub didn't change her powers
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Re: What do you think of the color palettes of the girls?

Postby Salomea » Wed Feb 12, 2025 5:25 pm

@CrystalRose - much agree on your points! Musa should get more of the red back and maybe with dark/grey blue as a complementary colour for accessories and such... And yes on Bloom and pink! A little accents are fine, but not to a degree where it's here secondary colour. (I kinda wish she'd got some green and red occassional civilian outfits, cause they also suit her, in moderation).
I'd love for Layla to get more emerald and forest greens again, maybe with aqua and some cold pale blues. While Tecna getting some dark greens as secondary and violets/purples remaining her main.
As for Stella, I think oranges and yellows, but would leave out blues and silvers, unless as accent colours. I think that story-wise the whole moon-powers feel add on, cause they assinged her mother Moon powers, but they actually did little with it...
And yeah, Flora's perfect, so they should make sure other girls' colour pallets don't constantly encroach on it. (But I wouldn't mind her getting some browns or oranges for one-off civilian.

@WinxClub4Life - let's be honest Rai wasn't consistant with the powers either and various official translations also vary. Here Layla was always fairy of waves and Flora was usualy reffered and fairy of nature. Can't recall if that was what she was called in first episode she talked about it, but that's kinda the thing, the introductions weren't necessarily followed up with later writing, and it's not exactly the only inconsistency in the show, so I wouldn't really put that much weight on those names/titles...
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Re: What do you think of the color palettes of the girls?

Postby WinxClub4Life » Wed Feb 26, 2025 6:02 pm

Salomea wrote:@CrystalRose - much agree on your points! Musa should get more of the red back and maybe with dark/grey blue as a complementary colour for accessories and such... And yes on Bloom and pink! A little accents are fine, but not to a degree where it's here secondary colour. (I kinda wish she'd got some green and red occassional civilian outfits, cause they also suit her, in moderation).
I'd love for Layla to get more emerald and forest greens again, maybe with aqua and some cold pale blues. While Tecna getting some dark greens as secondary and violets/purples remaining her main.
As for Stella, I think oranges and yellows, but would leave out blues and silvers, unless as accent colours. I think that story-wise the whole moon-powers feel add on, cause they assinged her mother Moon powers, but they actually did little with it...
And yeah, Flora's perfect, so they should make sure other girls' colour pallets don't constantly encroach on it. (But I wouldn't mind her getting some browns or oranges for one-off civilian.

@WinxClub4Life - let's be honest Rai wasn't consistant with the powers either and various official translations also vary. Here Layla was always fairy of waves and Flora was usualy reffered and fairy of nature. Can't recall if that was what she was called in first episode she talked about it, but that's kinda the thing, the introductions weren't necessarily followed up with later writing, and it's not exactly the only inconsistency in the show, so I wouldn't really put that much weight on those names/titles...

It jsut feels weird to me that a fairy of WAVES can use a special pink FLUID to create many shapes,so I thought it just made more sense to me,but Stella I am sure of,and I agree with you on how they didn't do anything with it,would have loved to have seen it! A Winxtube channel did manage to link Stella's moon powers to mirrors,giving a headcanon on why she has so many mirror spells,I think it was from Magic Winx Decoded or something of that name.
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Re: What do you think of the color palettes of the girls?

Postby CrystalRose » Thu Feb 27, 2025 12:31 am

WinxClub4Life wrote:Morphix was a fluid she controlled,the old English websites all state she is The Faiiry Of Fluids,they also say Flora is The Fairy Of Flowers.....to be honest The Fairy Of Nature sounds much cooler,also she had a spell called NATUREs symphony not,flowers or plants symphony,so that could be a mistranslation or misconseption. So my theory is that Flora's got mixed up,Aisha is The Fairy Of Fluids,NOT waves. Also Stella HERSELF stated in Season 1 Episode 1 when fighting Knut that she was The Fairy Of The Sun And The Moon,I HATE how Nick changed that to Shining Sun,like I am sorry which sun DOESN'T shine? I really like how the French dub didn't change her powers

I still don't know why they made that her power. Fairy of the ocean(water) would have made so much more sense since her planet is mainly water.

I never knew they said The Fairy of Flowers. Nature sounds indeed much more cooler and more powerfull.

I never knew either they said Stella is the fairy of sun and moon. Maybe I kind of forgot about that. But I like it.
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Re: What do you think of the color palettes of the girls?

Postby Salomea » Sat Mar 01, 2025 11:22 pm

WinxClub4Life wrote:It jsut feels weird to me that a fairy of WAVES can use a special pink FLUID to create many shapes,so I thought it just made more sense to me,but Stella I am sure of,and I agree with you on how they didn't do anything with it,would have loved to have seen it! A Winxtube channel did manage to link Stella's moon powers to mirrors,giving a headcanon on why she has so many mirror spells,I think it was from Magic Winx Decoded or something of that name.

Yeah, I get that, but on the other hand You could also just assume it was the primal/basic way Layla's powers manifested before she developed them fully. (And also perhaprs something specific to her realm/family.) Kinda like with Bloom's looked more light/lightning in the first few episodes...

As for Stella, I always assumed that's related to her personality and fascination with fashion and looking good. :lol:
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