Thank you all so much!
You know, I was on the verge of a panic attack. The projector had stopped working and everything so we wasted like 15 more minutes trying to make it all work and I could barely walk when I finally began because I started feeling my heart everywhere.
I have social anxiety but it's mostly well-handled. I'm still a bit shy but I don't stay quiet and it's been pretty well "regulated". So much so that I stopped taking pills for it about 3 years ago and everything's been fine. But here and there, I still feel that anxiety and yesterday WAS the day. My tension was at 18/10 on my grandmother's house which is like really bad.
But it's finished, I had AMAZING people supporting me and... this is it. I'm done. And now, it's fine to look for a permanent job!
It feels surreal to be saying this on my chat from onlinewinxclub One of my very first news on my old official website's chat was me announcing I was in 5h grade (and getting a warning because that could reveal my age ), and to be "back" so many years later to announce I'm finished. It weirdly looks like a full circle to me almost. This website shaped me. It made me realize how much I loved languages. I remember going to the spanish forum a lot and browsing on the english one and wishing to learn both languages and now... here it is. I'm a translator. Not just a translator, a specialized one... it's surreal.
**Virtual-hugs everyone in this chat**
Thank you all!