Alexarion wrote:Wow really? Respect! Especially Bloom´s minigame was so hard!
What!? It maybe is just a prototype? Well, good that I didn´t put all my effort in completing the minigames as a kid
Now I wanna find out the truth! But on Youtube I can only find walkthrough for the story mode which was very easy
I actually enjoyed Tecnas Minigame the most out of all Even though Musa is my favorite fairy and I loved her rythm game.
I still have Mission Enchantix lying around somewhere. Now I wanna play some mimigames
I always loved it when you dreesed up your character and then you went on a catwalk lol
Well nowadays I'm much clumsier than I used to be so I'm not sure if I could do it again anymore.

But I was just so obsessed that I kept trying because I really wanted to unlock everything. But the case with the fairy outfit is still disturbing me. I haven't heard anyone to get it. But why on earth they'd used prototype pics? Well they've used prototype video clips in some intros and also pics in some sticker albums, but still I can't stop wondering this.
Yes Tecna's minigame is my favorite! The last levels were like a endless maze and I haven't never planed anything in my life as much as the routes in the game

I also loved Layla's game.
The story was pretty easy to play through! In Quest of the Codex game you can't continue in the story if you don't pass some minigames and that made it much harder. I'm so happy that wasn't the case in Mission Enchantix!! I finished the story with the hardest level as a kid but nowadays the battles are more harder to me. But I think they're a bit easier than in the Quest of the Codex (but in a good way because Icy in Quest of the Codex made me really desperate and took me a long time to defeat

Dressing up the girls was (and still is) so fun! And especially changing their hairstyles, like Tecna with long hair and Stella with short hair.
Alexarion wrote:The story is really good and exciting! Plus they really play with the soundtracks suiting the atmosphere. Haha I always sucked playing the bass. I always played with the keyboard. Couldn´t make mistakes with that
If you like rythm games did you hear about Hatsune Miku Project Mirai DX? It´s a 3DS rythm game and sooo addictive!
Definitely reccomend it!
I think I´m gonna check it out as soon as I finish all my other games that I´m playing
Same! I really enjoy puzzle games with getting older!
Yes the soundtrack plays an important role in the game and suits so well in the different scenes!! After playing the game for a while the whole band arc in the 4th season felt rushed

So it's so nice to have a fuller story for it in the game! But sometimes it almost hurt my feelings when I tried to play the bass or the guitar, failed terribly and then Klaus was roasting me...

I prefer the keyboard too. I also like the drums! I still haven't tried singing since I live in a block of flats where I can hear if my neighbour is sneezing
I think I have heard of it but I haven't tried it!! It sounds fun!

Unfortunately I don't have 3ds... But at least I'll check some videos of it!
Alexarion wrote:Oh really? You mean the original on the Nintendo DS with the minigames? I loved it as a kid! Sadly I never owned it but my friend. Download game option made it possible hehe We always played the Luigi Poker Mini Game!
I never played Mario Party on the DS. How is it? I only played it some times on the Wii and with my friend on the Switch.
I heard Mario 64 on the DS isn´t that easy so.. I´ll just let it be but you can keep me up to date with that
Oh I heard about Tamagotchi Corner Shop! It contains a lot of minigames right? Does it have a story mode?
Witch had a DS game? Interesting. I´ll check it out. Sounds like plenty of games for a good collection! Since you like Tamagotchi, I can definitely reccomend Cookie Shop and Dogz! Really cute and cozy game!
Did you hear about Diner Dash at some point? It´s a PC game from the early 2000s and I had it as a kid. I just found out there´s a DS version for it and since I got it I played it like crazy because it´s really challenging and you´ve to act fast and strategically. I love it!
What games do you want to get next and what DS do you have?
Btw. I can recommend to mod your DS if you´ve a 3DS/2DS. I managed to mod mine and it wasn´t hard.
Yes I mean Super Mario with the minigames (and the card games). It also had a two player battle where the one who collects the most starts wins. And with the minigames and the card games you could also play with 1-4 player if I remember correctly. It was super fun!!
Mario Party is also one of my favorites. It's kinda same than with Wii but it has a story and you need to win each board (against the computer characters) to be able to fight the bosses of each level. After you've won all the levels and bosses, you get a figure and a badge of a character you played so you need to finish all the levels 8 times to unlock all of the figures. You can also have multiplayer games with 2-4 players and you can choose if you're fighting against each other or in the same team against the computer. You get some points by playing the story mode and minigames and the more points you get, the more you unlock different figures and badges. I had almost all of them unlocked but my brother's friend erased all of them
In the Tamagotchi game the story is really simple: you go to the Tamaworld and help them with their shops. So it's basically about the minigames but every time tamas are praising me for my good job, I got emotional
Diner Dash is completely new to me! But thanks for the recommendations, I'll write them on my list

Strategically thinking sounds fun, doing it fast will probably drive me mad
The Witch game is actually for gba but you can play it with nintendo ds! I have nintendo ds lite and it's suitable for it like the first Winx gba game too.
Wow I didn't even know it's possible to mod nintendos

What kind of mods have you done?
I'm interested in getting all Code Lyoko games (because I love the tv series), more Super Mario games and I'm also curious to try Animal Crossing since it feels like everyone's talking about it!

It'd be interesting to try some Sims games too. And maybe some anime related games and the iconic Kirby games since I haven't tried them yet!
Alexarion wrote:I mean there´s a New Super Mario Bros for the Switch and I can honestly tell you.. it´s not good. For me the best Mario is still the og on the DS and the Wii version.
3D World is really nice! I really enjoyed this one and Wonder!
For the DS I have some Fire Emblem Games, Animal Crossing, Mario and Kirby Games, Yoshi, Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright. Of course even more but this would get way too long. But if you wanna know more let me know
For the switch I also have a lot of Mario Games, Animal Crossing, some little indie games like pointandclick adventures, recently bought Hello Kitty Island Adventure
Now I don't feel so bad about missing this Mario game, thanks!
Oh you have so many games

Most of them are new to me but I'm still curious to know about them! Especially the ds games: which of them are story-based? Btw do you know any horror games for ds?
Those indie games also sound fun! What're they about?