Hallowinxer wrote:I'm fine, I went to the tests because I was sick almost the whole fall (I got a flu which renewed, renewed and renewed...) and during the whole fall I tried to get to the blood tests but the doctor just said it isn't necessary. And after a couple of months when I've finally healed they wanted to take the tests just in case. Well, better late than never, I think
thank God you're all well!💟
last year I literally got sick every other month. for example, I got sick in february. In march I was okay. I got sick in april. In may I was fine. I got sick in june and etc....
+ I stopped eating, which is why I was diagnosed with stage 1 anemia

Any way, now everything is fine, thank God, I have recovered

so, it's never too late to get tested. the main thing is to do it

Hallowinxer wrote:I also got afraid of the avatar reset because I have bought so many clothes and accessories! I'm so relieved everything's fine now! #firstworldproblems but I really got scared![]()

how many items do you have in your wardrobe in your web avatar?👀 I have 48

Hallowinxer wrote:Oh I think you write really well!But I understand the feeling of being insecure about speaking in English. In Finland we were so focused on the grammar and not speaking that I was almost terrified of actually speaking English. I was super slow and nervous 5 years ago but then I met a friend who was patient, gave me enough time to google some words and think, and even googled some words herself too so it wasn't so scary to talk and then I started learning. And now in the uni most of the courses are in English and I've learned much more (I'm not still completely fluent tho).

in general it's useful to correspond in english, watch english-language content on YouTube and especially to communicate, if possible

It's great that there was someone who could help you speak english! 🙏💟🌸
I go to church and sometimes we have guests from other countries. I felt awkward communicating in english, but the person understood me, but I didn't really understand him because of his accent

Hallowinxer wrote:Do you study any other languages in Russia? And what's the school system like anyway?
we have a strange system in my opinion

(as a result, because of school, I have a trauma in learning languages. I am generally not inclined to study because of possible ADHD, and school teachers and the school system made the situation a little worse)
we usually learn english and, sometimes, german. (but not me, because I was in a class where it was not necessary to study a second language)

I have many friends who know an additional language in addition to english

also I have a friend, a student who practices english, she decided to become a translator. if i remember correctly, she chose french as her second language. in general, as she says, learning is fun and interesting

do you have divisions by profiles in school? for example, we have a division between humanities and techies