Magical Bloom

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Re: Magical Bloom

Postby WinxClub4Life » Tue Feb 18, 2025 4:22 pm

juleic1123 wrote:
WinxClub4Life wrote:Hellooo! zao_zao This isn't a chapter,I am planning to release the final two tomorrow or the day after :mrgreen: but uhh quick update! Appereantly Musa and Tecna's names were the same in Magical Bloom? :shock: I don't know about her name being Melody in Winx:Just Fairies but whatever I suppose,if you want more information on the early days of our beloved fairies,please check out the brand new book,Winx Club:Origins And Early Seasons,unfortuneatly I don't have the book :( ,but it seems like a very good way to take small snippet at how the production of the early seasons went!


I'm so interested in that book to be honest, wish people would share more of it. :(

Yeah :(
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Re: Magical Bloom

Postby WinxClub4Life » Tue Mar 25, 2025 2:36 pm

Chapter 6: The Spin-Offs Of Our Favorite Fairies

As we all know,Winx Club has spin offs and they are very... unique! Some are more enjoyed than others in the fandom,some are not so much,some are underrated... well... I can only talk about one,Fate is 18+ also I hate it even though I didn't watch it. And I haven't watched PopPixie,so we will only talk about World Of Winx,or WOW as I like to call it.

World Of Winx:

This spin off was a collaboration was with Rainbow© and Netflix© The art style was recycled from the Fairy Couture merchandise line,this line was meant to be for people who grew up with Winx because this started at around Season 5 and Winx targeted a younger demographic at that time,so this was for the pre-teens. But it was rather unpopular,it had a few exclusive dolls to market it but other than that,it was not marketed too much. That made this line rather short lived,the line was infamous for the art style,or rather the skin colors... sadly,in this art style Flora looks white which is a reason a lot of people ignore this series and I want to address that it is an understandable criticism,it is very justified. But moving on,we have to make a synopsis.

The Winx are on Earth and working in a reality talent TV show named WOW,but their mission is to find a talent thief that is kidnapping talents. The Winx have to keep their identity and fairy forms a secret. Will they save the missing talents and keep their lives together or will it all fall apart? We will have to find out...

Changes From The Original

The most obvius chamge is the location,aw we all know the Winx are on The Magical Dimension but on WOW,they are on Earth,not to mention the Winx seem to not have any previous transformations. It also seems that the magic system is diffrent since unlike the show,in WOW the spells are always just pointing your hand or just consantrasion and no spell names. To add on to the diffrences,the only returning characters from the main show is all 7 of the Winx. Everything else is diffrent.

Sorry for being so late,also at the same time I am running out of ideas,so sorry again :ehmeh::
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Re: Magical Bloom

Postby WinxClub4Life » Tue Mar 25, 2025 5:11 pm

Chapter 7: The Alternate Fairies

Today we- :lol: no,no,no.Today YOU will talk about the alternative Winx lore including the comics,books,4kids dub etc. This was a magical journey and I am so happy you were here with me! So as a gift or a thank you,I leave this up to YOU! (Totally not because I am out of ideas,riiiiiight.Still want to do it as a Thank You though)

So you will have until May to work together and make a brand new chapter! Anyone can participate!

To enter,do these things in the website:

-Add me as a friend
-Write your website nickname under this post
-Write at least once every 10 days at the specific chat where you will can discuss ideas and finalize the chapter!

This was so special to me! Thank you SO SO SO much for joining me with this and if you would participate,I would be sooo grateful!

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