♦ WELCOME ♦ | Winx Club Forum

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♦ WELCOME ♦ | Winx Club Forum

Postby juleic1123 » Sun May 26, 2024 3:44 am



            ♦ THE WINXCLUB FORUMS ♦


That's right! If you're here, it means the official forums (and the entire website) was recreated from scratch and this time it's the real deal -- no cancellations in the middle, no sudden problems happening -- this time is the time! /houra//

Q: So what happened since then?

R: For those who are coming back, you know this is the 3rd attempt to bring this website back to life. Unfortunately, forumotion didn't work as they did changes that completely wrecked the website and the custom codes created with another server payed by Mathiix.
Then, our second attempt also ended in failure because the prices got too high for Mathiix to be able to play.

Q: How can this one be any different?

R: Contrary to the past problems, now I have a dedicated team and my own real life work! I have enough money to keep a server and a team that will be sure to keep everything working at all times.
For starters, no more forumotion or external platforms. Everything in this website - from the domain to the actual website - was done from scratch and nothing can go wrong to close it - unless Iginio Straffi himself decides to! :ehmeh:: :lol:

From our end, that is no longer an issue. I also have everything set with automatic payments to ensure the website will never not have its server or domain paid. So there's no risk of it ever closing down due to payment issues on our end anymore!

Q: Winx Adventure? Is it ever coming?

R: The game wasn't forgotten, and I don't think I ever will. As of now, we're not working on it. There's a lot of things to be readded to the game that were lost, but I'm not saying it's not coming, because I'll keep trying to make sure we will get that game back eventually, even if I have to spend money to make it a reality.

Q: Is this website gonna be just like the official season 4 one?

R: In apparence, as you can see, yes! But not exactly. There are a few changes that I decided to do on the website itself.

Some of them are the inclusion of Roxy. Roxy has lots of pictures that never saw the light of day in the official season 4 website, they were stored in the waybackmachine but never used in the website, such as Tips and even articles! So, I saved those pictures and am now making sure Roxy also takes part in the tips of the day and writes articles along with the other Winx. She is also featured in the characters page, unlike the official website.
Not only will Roxy join in articles, but so will the specialists! So every few weeks expect to see one of the boys writing to everyone!

I'm also actively invested in making sure this website is a bit of a community hub as well, with news from content creators from the community, where we can share fanmade content released on youtube from fellow creators too!

And of course, we have the forums, where you can talk, interact, meet fans and roleplay too if you want! Everyone is welcomed! /houra//

Q: So what do I do here now?

R: Talk to people, join contests, gather WX, get signatures, talk about the website updates, build your own chat and find people interested in your own hobbies! This is the perfect place to make your own friends - Winx or not Winx related!

Q: Will the admins be active and accept feedback?

R: Yes and yes! I'll be here all the time taking a look at everyone - and so will the minimods and mods - members chosen to take care of the forums and make sure everyone will follow the rules properly.
I am open to hear all you have to say and I am also aware that this is the third time this is happening. Unfortunately, it hurts me as much as it hurts you to have seen the rise and downfall of my previous attempts at bringing the website back. The first time we did it we had nearly 10,000 members, and the second time we had 6,000! If you're there and you're afraid of joining just to lose everything, I can assure you it won't happen - at least from our end - and if it does (a big if!) you'll have plenty of time to find a way to keep all the friends and save everything you want before, contrary to the last two times.

With that being said, I wish you a very, very warm welcome!

              WELCOME TO THE FORUMS,
              I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET YOU!

With love,
The Winx Club Team /flowerpower/
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Re: ♦ WELCOME ♦ | Winx Club Forum

Postby juleic1123 » Sat Aug 31, 2024 3:17 pm

To start big, we have an exclusive Redeem Code available right now, available until January 2nd! /houra//

The code is... 8-)


Make sure to use it before January 2nd 2025! rockparty//
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Re: ♦ WELCOME ♦ | Winx Club Forum

Postby juleic1123 » Tue Sep 03, 2024 3:42 pm


The Magazines Page suffered a quick change as of right now! You'll be able to see all the past (and stored somewhere) Magazines from the forums back then and even the magazines from now, if a magazine is created in the future! /houra//
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Re: ♦ WELCOME ♦ | Winx Club Forum

Postby juleic1123 » Mon Sep 09, 2024 9:04 pm

I have amazing news to share! :D

I'm already testing with a few people the web avatars and I'm happy to announce that not only is the web avatar almost ready to go, but it's also more optimized than our last attempt in 2016 and even the official website. Changing your avatar will be INSTANTANEOUS without the need of waiting for a few minutes or hours (official website) or having to press F5/wait 2 weeks (our 2016 version).

You'll be able to see the changes right away not only from you but your friends with in-real time refreshing to the images when ANYONE from the website decides to update their picture. :ahhh:

We can't tell you the release date yet, but you won't have to wait much longer! /houra//

I'll keep you posted! /flowerpower/
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Re: ♦ WELCOME ♦ | Winx Club Forum

Postby juleic1123 » Tue Sep 10, 2024 1:53 pm

I'm pleased to announce the return of the coloration for the items, just like the old official one! :D

Aditionally, music was added (optional and turned off by default) to the avatar! So, you can hear sound effects and music as you change your clothes. The music used is of the game Gardenia Park, as a way to honor the first game that came before the web avatar and winx adventure did! /flowerpower/
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