WinxClub4Life wrote:I actually learned about W.i.t.c.hat like....2021? It was not too popular here if I recall or I was just not very up to date back then? Bht I saw the TV show first and I finsihed it like 4 times by now(Season 2 is a MASTERPIECE),I got into the comics in like 2023-2024,I liked the first 2 arcs but arc 3 was a mixed bag,I liked the first few issues and how it focused on Irma but then...the ableism came and I was know I see why Winx Club is more popular than this. But I got through even though it took me months of manifestation. Arc 4 was good at first,I was happy that after like FIFTY issues Will and Matt got together but then they broke up for the sake of drama and I was like,I spent 50 issues waiting for this and instead of doing it earlier and showing that young love is like spitting out a bubblegum after you have had enough most of the time,they waited FOUR years and then they did that...I just stopped there,my patience is anorexic and barely ate in it's life making it so skinny that I completely stopped reading W.i.t.c.h comics once and for all,like I get it but should have done this WAY earlier,we JUST entered the arc and instead of creating doorways for conflict you open and create the conflict,meaning it will either drag out to the end or just will be fixed anticlimactically in the middle ending the entire final issues in a battle. It happened in arc 3,of you ask me? It dragged out....way too long.the TV show and the first two arcs>3-12th comic arcs.
Also yes,I have played the GBA game a few times,it is fun but I feel like it could have been better,especially Cornelia's dialouge.She seemed way ruder than ususal to me,I also feel like some characters weren't as fun to play as,not to mention Will's powers never got explained,like is it her comic power aka Aether or was Quintessense secretly stealing the show all along? Also when did Blunj start eating things he sees....ew....
However I do still love the series but I much prefer the TV show,I would much rather take Caleb being annoyingly sexist just to get overpowered and one upped by the guardians a few episodes in than that ableism....seriously what the actual heck? Arc 3 was weaker than Lord Darkar's waist omg.
Oh it's cool that you have found the show later! Because I've been thinking if any new people will find W.i.t.c.h. anymore since the tv series got calceled and I'm not sure if they publish the magazine in Italy anymore. In Finland they canceled the magazine when I was a teenager and I was sad even though the quality of the storylines become more poor in the end. I liked the sagas 1-6, (1st, 2nd and 5th are my favorites and 6th the one I started reading as a kid) 7th was kinda okay but later they stopped writing sagas and switched writing short one-part comics and that really ruined it.
It's been too many years since I re-read the comics and even more years when I watched the series and now I really want to re-watch it! While reading the comics I was more focused on them using magical powers than the "drama" part so it'd be actually interesting to re-read them again from a new perspective. Maybe then I'll be as frustrated as you to Will's and Matt's romance. But believe me, it get's even worse later in the comics (maybe in the 7th saga if I remember correctly

But yeah the 3rd saga was weird, the king obsessed with "healing" his son who probably was autistic/somehow neurodivergent and not sick at all. He wanted to change his son, didn't accept him as a way he was and that was sad.
WinxClub4Life wrote:IT IS MY 200TH POST
I am not sure what I want to do this time,any ideas for something fun?
Edit:OK,I kind of want to do a W.i.t.c.h Fan Club in the Club area. (The comics and show being seperate) so I might do that but if I see a really nice idea,I might do the fan Club later
And congratulations again!!

I've actually been thinking about W.i.t.c.h. fan club so if you make one (or two) I'll definitely join!
And as an idea for something special, I always enjoy reading others Winx memories