Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Sun Sep 08, 2024 2:39 pm

Chapter 5: The Quiet Before the Storm...


The Winx left Faragonda’s office, their minds still reeling from the heavy news they had just received. The tension was palpable as they made their way through the winding corridors of Alfea, the echoes of their footsteps the only sound in the silence. Aisha trailed slightly behind the others, her normally confident stride replaced by a slower, more hesitant pace. Her gaze was distant, lost in the painful memories that the mention of the final battle against the Wizards of The Black Circle had brought rushing back.

Musa, walking beside her, noticed her right away. She exchanged a worried glance with Flora, who nodded subtly. Both girls gently reached out, placing reassuring hands on Aisha's shoulders. Aisha flinched slightly at the touch, blinking rapidly as she fought to keep her emotions in check. She turned to look at Musa, her dark eyes filled with a sorrow that words couldn’t express. A tear threatened to escape, teetering on the brink, but Aisha forced a small smile, managing to keep it in place.

"These eyes, Aisha, mustn't cry..." Aisha remembered those words every day.

Musa squeezed Aisha’s shoulder softly, her own expression one of quiet understanding. “We’re here,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. Aisha nodded, grateful but still struggling with the weight of her thoughts.

Ahead of them, Bloom, Tecna, Stella and Roxy continued their conversation, unaware of Aisha’s incident. Bloom furrowed her brow, her mind racing as she tried to piece together Zyron’s potential motives. “Zyron’s escape could mean anything,” Bloom said, her voice tinged with frustration. “He’s dangerous enough on his own, but after centuries in the Omega Dimension, who knows what he’s planning now?”

Tecna raised her hand, her analytical mind already working through possibilities. “He’ll need to regain his strength,” she reasoned. “Being frozen in the Omega Dimension for so long has weaken him for sure, just like Valtor. But once he’s at full power, he’ll be nearly unstoppable. We have to stop him before that.”

Flora nodded, her expression thoughtful yet concerned. “We need to figure out his next move before he can hurt anyone or anything else. He’s not just a threat to fairies; he’s a threat to every living being.”

As the group continued their discussion, Zyron was already making his next move.

In the shadows of the forest next to the park, he prowled quietly, his eyes fixed on the small, delicate creatures around him. Butterflies fluttered innocently in the warm breeze, their wings glinting in the sunlight, unaware of the looming danger. Zyron extended his hand, the dark magic within him surging as he siphoned the life force from the tiny creatures. Their vibrant colors dulled as they fell lifelessly to the ground, one by one. He smirked, feeling the power flow through him, the icy burns on his hands slowly fading as his strength returned.

His eyes gleamed with malevolence as he spotted a wild cat slinking through the underbrush. The animal paused, sensing something was off, but it was too late. Zyron’s smile widened as he released another pulse of dark magic.

Back at Alfea, Roxy was now arriving at her room while the discussion continued, the sounds of the Winx's voice get muffled as she goes to the dorm's window and looks into the horizon beyond school grounds. She couldn’t shake the unsettling feeling that gnawed at her, a sense that something was terribly wrong. It wasn’t just the usual nerves or the stress of finding out a criminal was on the loose; it was something else. She rubbed her temples, trying to clear her mind, but the unease only grew.

Slowly, the Winx voices brought her back and she walked toward them.

Stella looks at her, voice gentle. “Roxy, are you okay? You’ve been really quiet.”

Roxy turned to face them, forcing a smile. “I’m fine, really. I just… I don’t know.”

Bloom stepped forward, her concern evident. “Maybe you should rest for a bit. We’ve all been through a lot today already. You don't have to go to the rest of the classes, we can talk to the rest of the teachers.”

Roxy nodded, grateful for the suggestion. “Yeah, maybe that’s a good idea. I think I’ll just lie down for a while.”

As Roxy settled into bed, the Winx gathered near the door, their expressions mirroring her unease. They exchanged worried glances, each of them sensing the undercurrent of tension that hung in the air.

Tecna said softly. “Something does feel off with her. She looks a bit pale.”

Flora nodded, her brow furrowed. “We’ll keep an eye on her.”

They left Roxy’s room quietly, the door clicking shut behind them. Meanwhile, in the majestic palace of Major Fairy Diana, located in the Amazon rainforest, the air was filled with the gentle hum of life with nature thriving strongly. Diana stood before her warrior fairies, her staff glowing softly as she explained the intricate process of restoring the trees in deforested areas. Her voice was calm yet authoritative, carrying the wisdom of centuries spent nurturing nature. "We must be gentle, yet firm with the humans of those parts," she advised. "The earth will heal if we give it the right touch, without destroying what they've done so far."

But then, without warning, Diana’s staff slipped from her hand, clattering loudly on the polished floor. She gasped suddenly, her composed demeanor shattered by a sudden wave of unease. Her breath hitched, and her eyes glazed over as a chilling sensation crept up her spine. The trees. They were screaming—crying out in pain near the town of Gardenia. She could feel their agony, their vibrant energy being drained by a dark force. She had to act swiftly.

Meanwhile, back at Alfea, Flora was walking through the courtyard when she suddenly staggered, her hand flying to her forehead. Her vision blurred, and a sharp pain throbbed through her senses. She stumbled against a pillar, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. The Winx rushed to her side, their faces etched with concern.

“What’s wrong, Flora?” Stella asked, her voice laced with urgency.

Flora closed her eyes, trying to focus through the dizziness. She could feel it—a disturbance in the natural order. Something was terribly wrong.

Aisha glanced around at the others, her senses heightened. “Does anyone else feel that?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. One by one, the Winx nodded, each of them sensing the same unsettling energy.

Flora looked up at her friends, her expression filled with pain. “It’s the Sophix magic,” she managed to say. “It’s warning us... something unnatural is happening in the forests of Earth.”

Back in her palace, Diana commanded her warrior fairies, her voice tinged with urgency. “Go to the forest near the park of Gardenia. Find whoever is behind this atrocity and stop them!” The warriors, sensing the gravity of the situation, bowed and departed swiftly, leaving Diana to grapple with the dread that gnawed at her core.

At Alfea, the Winx had no time to lose. They raced to the entrance of the school. Other students paused, watching them. Bloom stopped at the front, turning to her friends. “Are we ready?”

The Winx nodded, their expressions set in steely resolve. “Winx Believix!” they called out in unison, transforming in a burst of vibrant light and energy. The students cheered, captivated by the sight of their newest transformation. Everyone was in awe.

But there was no time to bask in the applause. Bloom shouted, “Winx Zoomix!” Their wings shifted, adjusting for teleportation. As they prepared to leave, Stella couldn’t resist giving a little wave to their audience. Musa rolled her eyes, grabbing Stella’s hand. “There’s no time for that!” she said, pulling her friend forward. Stella let out a small “Hey—!” of protest, that was cut as she and the rest of the Winx vanished.

Inside Alfea, Roxy had been resting when the noise outside caught her attention. She went to her window just in time to see the Winx disappear. Worry and determination flashed across her face, but before she could ponder further, Lyna, Clarice, Alice, and Mira burst into her room. They were engaged in a light-hearted argument with Clarice, playfully chiding her to stop sulking.

Roxy turned to them, still feeling the residual tension in her chest. She gave them a weak smile, but her mind was already racing. Lyna, Clarice, Alice, and Mirta gathered around her, their expressions now worried, they quickly realized something was off with Roxy. Clarice, however, stood slightly apart, arms crossed and a frown etched on her face. The tension between her and Roxy was still palpable, a lingering aftermath of their failed convergence spell earlier.

Mirta exchanged a knowing look with Alice and Lyna. She stepped forward, her voice soft yet firm. “Clarice, I know you’re upset about what happened in class, but it wasn’t anyone’s fault. You and Roxy just had a tough time with the convergence.”

Clarice’s eyes flashed with frustration. “It’s not just that, Mirta. I wanted it to be perfect, and it wasn’t. We failed, and it was embarrassing... I am a Charmix fairy, Roxy has the Believix with powers that are new to us, it should've been the perfect display of power, and instead it was the opposite!”

Roxy looked down, feeling the weight of Clarice’s words. She had been blaming herself too, thinking she wasn’t strong enough or focused enough. Mirta glanced between the two, seeing the unspoken words hanging in the air. She moved closer to Clarice, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Clarice, it’s okay to want to be perfect, but we all make mistakes. It’s how we learn.”

Lyna nodded, stepping forward as well. “We’ve all had moments where things didn’t go as planned. It’s part of being a fairy."

Mirta continued. "My first year in Alfea was really hard, I kept failing every subject because I kept using witch spells to get similar results with my magic. Every teacher knew I wasn't using fairy magic and made sure to say it out loud in class. But with time... I truly became a fairy, I put aside my witch spells and focused on using fairy magic only..."

Alice smiled, joining in the conversation. "Remember our third day at Alfea? When Professor Wizgiz taught us how to turn our heads into a Pumpkin? I was the only one in the entire class who couldn't transform back. I kept trying to bring back my head and shapeshifted it into a Lion, a Shark and even Wizgiz himself. Everyone laughed at me, even you."

Clarice’s gaze softened, her defensiveness slowly melting away. She glanced at Roxy, who met her eyes with a tentative, understanding smile. Clarice sighed, the anger she had been holding onto finally releasing. “I’m sorry, Roxy,” she said, her voice trembling slightly. “I got carried away with wanting to be the best. I hate failing, but I took it out on you, and that wasn’t fair.”

Roxy’s eyes softened, and she stepped forward, wrapping Clarice in a warm hug. “It’s okay, Clarice. I understand. We’re all learning. I’m just glad we’re friends.”

Clarice hugged her back tightly, a relieved smile breaking through her usually composed demeanor. “Thanks, Roxy. And thank you all,” she added, looking at the others. They all joined in the hug, a circle of support and friendship forming around them.

After the emotional reconciliation, Alice grinned, her eyes sparkling with an idea. “Why don’t we go to Lake Roccaluce and help Roxy catch up on the lessons she missed today? We can train together, just us.”

Roxy hesitated, feeling a bit drained, but the eager faces of her friends filled her with warmth. She nodded slowly. “Alright, let’s do it. I could use the practice anyway.”

Meanwhile, at Gardenia Park, the Winx arrived in a dazzling display of magic, drawing the immediate attention of everyone nearby. People pointed, phones raised high as they snapped pictures and called out, “It’s the Winx!” Stella waved enthusiastically at the crowd, her smile wide.

“I love being loved by everyone in every dimension!” Stella exclaimed, striking a playful pose as more cameras flashed.

Flora, however, was focused. She closed her eyes, reaching out with her magic to sense the energy around them. A dark, unsettling force pulsed from the direction of the forest, beyond the park’s grounds. “There’s a dark magic trail leading into the heart of the forest,” she said, her voice tight with concern.

Tecna quickly moved beside Flora, “I can use that information to create a visual trail,” she said and Flora nodded determined.

“Digital Whisper,” they chanted together, the spell forming a bright line that snaked through the trees, guiding them.

They flew swiftly, following the trail deeper into the forest. The once vibrant greenery soon gave way to a scene of devastation. Warrior fairies lay scattered on the ground, their skin pale and their bodies barely alive. Trees stood like skeletal remains, their leaves gone and their trunks drained of life, a dull gray spreading like a disease. Dead animals littered the ground, and in the midst of it all stood a dark figure, cloaked and emanating an aura of pure malevolence. Three warrior fairies still hovered, desperately trying to attack the figure, but their efforts seemed in vain.

Flora gasped, clutching her chest as if feeling the pain of the trees herself. “The trees… they’re so scared! Nature’s life is being sucked away!”

Tecna’s eyes widened as she observed the figure in the distance. “It’s Zyron,” she confirmed quickly. “He’s the criminal who escaped from the Omega Dimension. We have to stop him!”

Bloom’s resolve hardened. She raised her hand, her voice ringing out with determination. “Well then! Let's help the forest and stop him! Winx, Sophix!” The Winx transformed, their Believix powers enhanced by the magical essence of Sophix, infusing them with the power of nature itself.

As their transformation completed, the Winx stood ready, their eyes locked on Zyron.
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Sun Sep 08, 2024 2:39 pm

CrystalRose wrote:
juleic1123 wrote:
CrystalRose wrote:So fun to read this! It's great to see a story about Roxy. She should have been a Winx :(

Thank you! /houra// Indeed :cry:

Will never forgive winx for that same as that they "killed" Nabu. I know he was technically in sleep but he never woke up anyway

I do, I think it was a nice twist. I just wished they handled it 100% differently after season 4. :ehmeh::
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Wed Sep 11, 2024 1:04 am

Chapter 6: The One with Infinite Energy...


The Winx gathered in the desolate forest, their faces set with determination as they confronted Zyron. Now in their Sophix forms, their eyes locked on Zyron who was just hitting the three warrior fairies at once now.

Flora, feeling the anguish of the dying forest, was the first to move. “We have to use the forest against him!” she shouted.

"Breath of Nature!" she cried, summoning the very essence of the forest around her. Lush vines and roots erupted from the ground, wrapping around Zyron's legs, trying to hold him in place. The trees themselves seemed to reach out, their branches extending to aid Flora in her attack. Zyron merely smirked as he finally saw the six fairies approaching and realizing the fight wasn't with just the warrior fairies.

Bloom stayed behind, kneeling down on the almost lifeless bodies of the fallen warriors. "I'll stay behind and heal them."

Tecna looks at Bloom with concern, understanding the dilemma. "But we need you in the battle also..."

"You know very well that if there is no life force within someone, not even my healing powers can restart someone's heart and brain..." Bloom whispered.

“Now, while he’s restrained!” Flora called out, her voice echoing in the forest.

Stella took her cue, her hands glowing with a radiant light ready to be sent in his direction.

Zyron's dark energy began pulsing around him as he began to drain the life from the plants surrounding him. The vibrant green of the vines dulled, turning brittle and lifeless as Zyron absorbed their energy.

"Drop of Light!" Stella shouted, sending a concentrated beam of solar energy directly at Zyron. The beam struck him in the chest. But Zyron retaliated, his eyes narrowing as he extended a hand toward Stella. A tendril of dark magic lashed out, wrapping around her and starting to siphon her life force.

Stella gasped, feeling her energy being pulled from her body. "I... I can't break free!" she cried, her wings beginning to flicker as her strength waned.

Aisha dashed forward, her fists glowing with the power of Vital Beat. She struck the ground, sending shockwaves of water infused with life energy rippling toward Zyron. The forest responded, trees and plants surging with newfound vigor, attempting to drain Zyron’s dark magic. Yet, even as they fought back, Zyron’s strength grew, and the plants that attacked him wilted and died.

“Let’s try to disrupt his magic!” Tecna shouted. "Superior Order!"

Tecna's magic woke Nature. "Pure Harmony!" Musa called, her voice resonating with the natural frequencies of the forest and joining Tecna's call. The sound waves she created vibrated through the trees, amplifying their power. At the same time, Flora used her connection to the forest, urging the roots and branches to respond.

The forest answered. Roots surged up from the ground, wrapping around Zyron's arms and legs, isolating him from Stella and the rest of the Winx. The roots were dense, thick with the life force of the forest, and for a moment, the sound of the battle was muffled, as if Zyron was trapped in a cocoon of nature's power.

"Now, Stella, come here!" Musa yelled. Stella, free from Zyron's grasp, gathered the last of her strength and joined the others. But before she could prepare another attack, the roots that held Zyron began to wither and die, their energy drained completely. Zyron broke free with a roar, his eyes glowing with dark triumph as he turned his attention to Flora.

Bloom knelt beside the warriors, her hands glowing with the warm light of Inner Flame. She focused on transferring her energy to the fallen fairies, slowly restoring their strength.

Tecna quickly raised her arms, generating a grid of energy that encased Zyron in a digital cage before he could attempt anything on Flora, but Zyron’s power was stronger. The cage flickered as he screamed, tearing through Tecna’s barrier.

Musa stepped forward, sending powerful Sound Waves in his direction. They swirled around Zyron, loud and messy, disrupting his concentration. “Why don't you chill out and hear the forest’s melody?” she teased. The trees swayed, their leaves rustling in harmony with Musa’s magic, creating a barrier of sound and light.

As the Winx pressed on, Bloom hesitated, her gaze shifting to the still big number of fallen warrior fairies scattered across the forest floor. Their life forces were waning, and she knew she had to act quickly. “Only a few more fairies to heal, hang on Winx!” she called out. “I'm almost there!”

Zyron lashed out, his magic slamming into Stella yet again. She gasped as more of her life force began to be siphoned away, her radiant aura dimming.

“Stella!” Bloom screamed, torn between saving the fairies and rushing to her best friend’s aid.

Flora saw the danger and acted swiftly. She called upon the forest, her voice merging in a harmonious spell. Roots and vines erupted from the ground, coiling around Zyron’s one more time and creating a huge wall between him and the Winx, isolating him.

Flora smiled as Stella quickly started gaining some color in her cheeks again.

"Thanks, Flora..." she mumbled, her voice tired.

Flora's smile quickly disappeared as the roots began to wither, the plants that Flora had summoned to make a wall turning to ash. Flora’s face paled as she felt the life of the forest being drained. “No, not again!” she cried, falling to the ground, her connection to nature wrenched painfully as Zyron broke free, his malevolent energy surging. He turned his gaze to Flora, and with a cruel smile, extended his hand.

Flora staggered, feeling her own energy being pulled away. Tecna leaped into action, creating a protective cage around Flora with her magic. “Hang on, Flora!” she yelled, but Zyron’s other hand reached through, latching onto Tecna’s barrier and beginning to siphon her energy as well.

Bloom watched in horror as her friends were drained one by one. She worked desperately, her hands glowing brighter as the last of the fallen warrior fairies began to stir. “I’m almost there, hang on!” she shouted, her voice strained with urgency.

Stella, though weakened, summoned the last of her strength, joining Aisha in a combined attack.

"Convergence! Vital Beat of Light!" She said with Aisha, her light merging with her aquatic blast.

But Zyron’s power only grew, pulling their life forces into his own by just looking at them with his eyes. Stella tried to fight it, but finally fell asleep exhausted. Aisha started yelling for him to let her go.

Bloom got up, her face filled with rage and her body ready for action. As she took a step forward and looked to the side, her eyes widened and she dashed down. Suddenly, a massive tree branch swung through the air, striking Zyron squarely in the face and sending him crashing against a rock with such force that it shattered. The Winx turned to see Diana, her form glowing with the overwhelming power of nature. She hovered above the battlefield, her eyes burning with fury.


Diana’s voice echoed through the forest, resonating with the authority of a Major Fairy. She extended her staff, preparing to banish Zyron back to the Omega Dimension.

"Diana!" Bloom exclaimed, relief flooding her voice.

Zyron rose, his body battered but his malevolent smile still in place. “You think I didn’t plan for this, Diana?” he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. “This is payback for centuries of imprisonment!”

As he spoke, Zyron slowly moved one hand behind his back, planning his next move. Aisha, who was closest to him, noticed his subtle shift. She saw his hand twitch as he prepared to unleash a devastating attack on Diana.

Her eyes widened in realization. “No!”

Aisha acted on instinct, flying towards Zyron with all the speed she could muster. She tackled Zyron, intending to knock him off course, but he was ready.

“Aisha, no!” Bloom screamed, her voice breaking with anguish as her friend vanished from sight.

In a flash, Zyron teleported, taking Aisha with him. The two disappeared into thin air, leaving the Winx in stunned silence.

The forest fell silent, the echoes of battle fading into the stillness. The Winx were left in stunned silence, their hearts heavy with the loss of their friend. Diana lowered her staff, her expression grim.

"We have to find her right now!" Tecna said, her voice trembling but determined.

Diana's expression grew more troubled as she focused her senses, trying to locate Zyron or Aisha within the depths of the forest. She closed her eyes, extending her connection to the trees and the life within them, but her search came up empty. "I can't sense Zyron or Aisha anywhere in the forest," she said, her voice laced with concern. "In fact, they’re not in any forest on Earth. Wherever Zyron teleported to, it's not here. This is beyond the reach of my powers."

Bloom clenched her fists, her worry deepening. "If they're not on Earth, then where could he have taken her?"

The Winx exchanged anxious glances, their minds racing with possibilities.

Meanwhile, by the serene waters of Lake Roccalucce, Roxy, Lyna, Alice, Clarice, and Mirta were training diligently. They moved through the air with grace, casting spells and incantations as they practiced their fairy magic. The lake shimmered under the afternoon sun, reflecting the vibrant energy of their spells.

"Let's try that convergence spell again," Alice suggested, hovering beside Lyna. "This time, let’s aim to knock Mirta down before she can use her illusions."

Lyna nodded, focusing her energy alongside Alice's. "Right. Convergence!" they chanted in unison, their magic merging into a powerful beam directed at Mirta.

Mirta, quick on her feet, activated her Charmix, boosting her power significantly. "Illusion Mirage!" she called, creating an illusion that she had vanished from sight. As the beam struck, it passed through an empty space where Mirta had been just moments before.

Clarice, who was on Mirta's team, grinned and activated her Charmix as well. "Reflective Cascade!" she shouted, amplifying her reflection powers. In an instant, the area was filled with hundreds of mirrored images of Mirta, each one indistinguishable from the real fairy.

Alice and Lyna spun around, their eyes darting from one image to another. "Which one is she?" Lyna muttered, frustration growing as she tried to pinpoint Mirta's location.

Suddenly, one of the mirrored Mirta images launched an attack towards Alice. Alice saw it just in time and dodged, the energy bolt whizzing past her and striking Roxy, who was flying behind. Roxy yelped in surprise, tumbling from the air and landing hard on the ground.

"Roxy!" Lyna exclaimed, immediately descending alongside the others to check on her. They landed around her, concern etched on their faces as they helped her sit up.

Roxy winced, rubbing her shoulder. "I'm okay," she reassured them, though her voice was tinged with discomfort.

But before they could react further, a shadow fell over them. Zyron materialized behind Roxy, gripping a barely conscious Aisha by the arm. As Roxy looked around to the sound of the intruder, Zyron threw Aisha carelessly into a nearby tree, and she crumpled to the ground with a weak moan. Roxy's eyes widened in horror, and she scrambled to her feet, rushing to Aisha's side.

"Aisha!" Roxy cried, running and kneeling beside her friend. Aisha's eyes fluttered open briefly, her gaze unfocused and filled with pain.

"Roxy... careful..." Aisha whispered, her voice fragile and faint, before slipping back into unconsciousness.

Zyron watched them with a twisted smile, his eyes flicking to the young fairies who looked uncertainly at him. He recognized their inexperience; they were still in their early stages, not even possessing a final fairy form. To him, they were insignificant obstacles, barely worth the effort.

Without a word, Zyron turned and began to walk away, his smirk widening as he spotted a small fairy pet squirrel scurrying out from the bushes, drawn by the commotion. The tiny creature paused in front of Zyron, sensing his dark presence too late.

Zyron extended his hand, and dark tendrils of magic snaked out, wrapping around the squirrel. The animal squealed, its body writhing as Zyron drained its life force. The vibrant energy of the pet faded, its fur losing its luster as it weakened under Zyron's grasp.

Roxy screamed, clutching her head as the squirrel’s desperate cries echoed in her mind, a psychic bond connecting her to the creature's pain. The agony of the pet surged through her, amplifying her own distress. She felt its life slipping away, and tears welled in her eyes.

“Stop!” Roxy yelled, her voice cracking with both fear and anger. But Zyron continued, ignoring her cries. He grabbed the squirrel and continued to absorb his energy. His small body quickly went limp, its energy absorbed completely into Zyron, who looked rejuvenated by the stolen life force.

Roxy’s friends hovered above, frozen in shock at the sight. They had trained to handle difficult spells and practice their powers, but this was a real threat, a darkness far beyond their current abilities.

Zyron finally released the lifeless pet, letting it fall to the ground with a cold indifference. He turned his gaze back to the young fairies, his expression a mix of amusement and contempt. Without another glance, he continued to walk away, leaving the fairies to grapple with the aftermath of his malevolence.

Roxy rose to her feet, her eyes narrowing on the dark figure.

""How dare you?!" Roxy roared. Zyron continued to walk, not even bothering to look at the source of the voice.

She felt the energy swell within her, a fierce greenish aura surrounding her as her rage fueled her magic. Without a second thought, Roxy thrust her hand forward, casting a powerful spell that struck Zyron squarely in the back. The impact sent him sprawling to the ground, and he skidded across the forest floor.

"HOW DARE YOU KILL THAT FAIRY ANIMAL?!" Roxy screamed, her tears falling through the wrinkles of her angry face, her voice echoing through the trees as she glared at Zyron. Her eyes glowed with a fierce light, her aura flaring brighter around her. The power coursing through her was raw and intense, unlike anything she had ever felt before.

"Come on!" Mirta said, her voice firm as she stepped up beside Roxy. "This is our fight too." She positioned herself next to Roxy, her Charmix glowing with renewed strength.

Clarice didn’t hesitate, joining Roxy and Mirta with a determined nod.

"Let’s show him what we’re made of." Alice followed suit, taking her place beside the others, her eyes set with resolve.

Lyna looked at her friends, torn between wanting to help and knowing they needed backup. She quickly made her decision. "I’ll go back to Alfea and get Headmistress Faragonda," she said. The others nodded, understanding the importance of getting more help. Lyna took off, flying as fast as she could towards Alfea.

Zyron slowly got up, his face twisted in a snarl as he glared at Roxy. His eyes glowed red with fury. How dare she attack him? He had underestimated her, and now she was making him look weak. The audacity! As he prepared to unleash his anger on her, Mirta acted swiftly, casting an illusion that made it seem like they were all growing in size, towering over Zyron like giants.

Zyron laughed, his voice dripping with contempt. "Is that the best you can do? Illusions won't hurt me!" He sneered, dismissing Mirta’s attempt as futile. With a wave of his hand, he sent a disruptive spell that shattered the illusion, revealing the true forms of Roxy, Mirta, Alice, and Clarice standing before him.

Zyron smirked, sensing victory as he launched a massive spell in their direction, a dark blast of energy hurtling towards the fairies. But as the spell made contact, it shattered harmlessly like glass, reflecting back in broken fragments. Zyron’s smirk faltered as confusion crossed his face. He turned, realizing too late that Clarice had cleverly cast a reflection, creating a mirror image of them to absorb his attack.

Seizing the moment, Alice sent blinding flashes of light, dazzling Zyron and obscuring his vision. "Now, Roxy!" Alice shouted. Roxy didn’t hesitate, summoning her power with a fierce growl. "Wolf Talon!" she called out, her spell manifesting as a spectral wolf lunging forward, its jaws snapping at Zyron and knocking him down once more.

Zyron hit the ground, stunned by the force of Roxy’s attack. As he looked up, he locked eyes with Roxy, trying to get her life force. He could feel the familiar surge of power as Roxy's energy began to flow into him, feeding his insatiable hunger for strength.

Roxy's expression, however, didn’t change. Her glare remained unwavering, and the fierce light in her eyes intensified. Zyron expected to see her buckle under his power, to see the life drain from her as it had from countless others before. But Roxy stood firm, unflinching, as if she were immune to his attack.

“What—what’s happening?” Zyron stuttered to himself, his voice betraying a hint of panic. He could feel her life force, but it was overwhelming, like trying to empty from a river that had infinite water. As he continued to drain her, instead of feeling invincible, he felt his own strength begin to waver. His muscles ached, and a sharp pain shot through his body. The energy was too much, flooding him with more than he could handle.

Determined not to be outdone, Zyron gathered his newfound strength, ready to retaliate. He leaped back into action, aiming to close the distance between himself and Roxy. But just as he was about to strike, a massive wave of water crashed into him, sending him hurtling backwards and plunging him into the lake with a tremendous splash.

Roxy and the others turned to see Aisha, weakened but flying once more, her hands still glowing with the residual energy of her attack. She hovered next to Roxy, a tired but triumphant smile on her face. "I’m not done yet," Aisha said, her voice filled with determination despite her exhaustion.

Zyron emerged from the lake, his fury palpable as water dripped from his drenched form. His eyes blazed with anger, and he clenched his fists, ready to unleash another assault. But then he saw more people approaching with that young fairy that escaped at the front, leading everyone to their location.

Faragonda’s eyes were stern and locked on Zyron even from the distance, her presence being felt by him right away even if he didn't know her. The young fairies were no longer alone; they were backed by the full force of Alfea’s might. Zyron scowled, realizing he was tired of fighting and beginning to be outmatched, at least for now.

Gritting his teeth, Zyron assessed the situation. He was strong, but he wasn’t yet strong enough to take on this many enemies at once. With a final glare at Roxy, Zyron raised his hand and vanished into thin air, teleporting away to regroup and regain his strength.

As the tension lifted, the fairies slowly relaxed, though their vigilance remained high. Faragonda approached Roxy and Aisha, her expression both proud and concerned. "Are you both ok?" she asked.

Aisha nodded faintly and Roxy nodded as well, still catching her breath as she helped Aisha to steady herself.

"We will be," Aisha finally spoke.
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Wed Sep 11, 2024 1:39 pm

Chapter 7: A Well Deserved Rest


Faragonda looked at the landscape, surveying the scene before her. The battle had left its mark everywhere, and the weariness in the eyes of Roxy, Aisha, and the others was evident. As she approached them, the concern on her face was clear.

"Are you alright girls?" Faragonda asked, her voice gentle.

Roxy, still catching her breath, nodded. "We're okay, Headmistress," she replied, her voice steady despite the exhaustion that started to weight on her. Aisha, standing beside her, gave a faint nod as well, though the lack of energy was evident in her posture.

Faragonda's gaze swept over the other young fairies—Alice, Clarice, and Mirta—who had fought alongside Roxy and Aisha. "I'm surprised Zyron had the nerve to come so close to Alfea," she mused, a frown creasing her brow. "This is troubling."

Before anyone could respond, a familiar shimmer of light appeared in the sky above them. The Winx, along with Diana, arrived at Magix through Zoomix, their expressions filled with urgency. As they landed, Bloom rushed to Aisha’s side, concern etched on her face.

“Aisha! Are you alright?” Bloom asked, her voice laced with worry as she took in the sight of her friend’s weary form.

Aisha managed a tired smile, nodding as she leaned into Bloom's supportive embrace. "I’m okay now," she assured her. "We managed to hold Zyron off, but it wasn’t easy."

Diana, hovering a short distance away, surveyed the scene with a calm, assessing gaze. Her eyes met Faragonda’s, and there was a moment of mutual recognition. The two powerful figures of the magical world regarded each other with respect.

“You must be Faragonda,” Diana said, her voice carrying the weight of her authority as a Major Fairy. “I’ve heard much about you since meeting the Winx.”

Faragonda inclined her head, acknowledging the compliment. "And you must be Diana. It’s an honor to finally meet you, even under these dire circumstances."

Diana nodded, her expression growing serious as she glanced at the young fairies who had fought Zyron. "We should discuss what happened," she suggested, turning her attention back to Faragonda.

Faragonda agreed and gestured for everyone to follow her. "Let’s go to my office. There’s much to talk about."

Once inside Faragonda’s office, the atmosphere grew tense as Diana began to recount the story of Zyron’s dark past. The room was filled with an eerie silence as she spoke, the gravity of her words sinking in.

"Centuries ago, Zyron was a force of unimaginable destruction," Diana began, her voice steady but somber. "He was relentless, draining life from every living thing he encountered. I fought with him for an entire single day, and in that day alone he killed humans, fairies, animals and nature to get his strength back whenever I got the upper hand. It took the combined power of the Major Fairies, including Queen Morgana, to finally trap him in the Omega Dimension. We thought that would be the end of it, but it seems his imprisonment only made him more dangerous."

"Seems like the Omega dimension isn't as hard to escape as everyone claims to be. First Valtor and the Trix and now this guy?" Stella tries to make a sarcastic joke, but it doesn't land on anyone.

The Winx exchanged worried glances, the weight of Diana's words pressing heavily on them. Flora’s face paled as she remembered the battle in the forest, the way Zyron had effortlessly drained the life from the trees, including the nature she summoned.

"He gets stronger through destruction," Diana continued. "Everywhere he goes, life withers, and he absorbs that energy to fuel his power. His strength grows with every life he takes."

Aisha, who had been listening intently, glanced at Alice, Clarice, and Mirta. "And yet, you all managed to knock him down," she said, her voice tinged with awe. "That’s incredible."

Alice shifted slightly, glancing at her friends before responding. "He was probably weakened by his time in the Omega Dimension," she suggested, though there was uncertainty in her tone. "But even then, he was powerful. His eyes… they were glowing when he looked at Roxy. I thought for sure…"

Mirta nodded, adding to Alice’s observation. "It’s true. He seemed incredibly strong and I was sure he was doing to Roxy when he glared at her like that, and yet...." she stops, turning to Roxy with concern.

Roxy realized she was the center of attention. She quickly decided to calm everyone. "I felt fine during the fight. I'm fine now too, don't worry."

Faragonda’s eyes narrowed in thought as she processed Roxy’s words. "That’s unusual," she said, her voice reflective. "Zyron’s ability to drain life is his most dangerous weapon. I'd expect him to try and take your energy...".

The room fell into a contemplative silence, each fairy lost in their thoughts as they tried to make sense of what had happened. Finally, Faragonda broke the silence, her tone gentle but firm.

"You’ve all been through a lot today," she said, looking at each of them in turn. "I want you to take the rest of the week off and rest. We’ll need you at your best for whatever comes next."

The Winx exchanged glances, and Bloom nodded. "Thank you, Faragonda. We’ll take the time to recover."

Stella quickly jumped in the conversaton. "This is perfect, because we’d like to go back to Gardenia with Diana. We need to check on the Love&Pet shop, and Musa has her solo career to go over with Jason Queen. There’s also a group concert on Sunday that we can’t miss."

Roxy perked up at the mention of Gardenia. "I’ll go with you," she said, eager for the familiar comfort of her hometown. Alice, Clarice, and Mirta exchanged looks.

"We’ll go too," Alice said, speaking for all of them. "We want to see what Earth is like!"

"Fine by me! You can stay in our rooms in the shop!" Musa added.

Faragonda smiled warmly at their camaraderie. "Very well. But be careful. Zyron is still out there, and he won’t rest until he’s regained his strength."

The Winx and the others nod, turning to leave the office. “Wait!” Flora said, breaking the silence and stopping everyone, “we should probably let the Specialists know what’s going on.”

Stella nodded enthusiastically. “That's true! And we can invite them to come with Gardenia with us too, I'm sure they'd love to go!”

Tecna smiled and took out her intercommunicator. With a few taps, she activated the hologram communicator, and soon enough, the familiar faces of the Specialists appeared before them. Brandon and Sky were doing push-ups in the background, approaching quickly as Timmy quickly called them, their expressions brightening as they saw their girlfriends.

“Hey, Winx!” Timmy greeted, his voice filled with warmth. “What’s going on? We heard some commotion.”

Bloom stepped forward, her voice calm. “We had a run-in with Zyron. It was intense, but we’re okay. We’re planning to head back to Gardenia for the weekend to rest and regroup.”

Brandon raised an eyebrow, concern flickering in his eyes. “Zyron? That’s the guy from the Omega Dimension, right? Saladin made a public speech about him. Are you sure you’re all okay?”

Musa nodded, her expression reassuring. “Yes, we’re fine. But we thought you’d like to know what’s happening before we go to Gardenia.”

Riven crossed his arms and smirked. “You didn’t think we’d let you go without us, did you? We’ll finish up here and join you there."

Musa smiled at Riven, her eyes softening. “Thanks, Riven.”

"We’re in our last year at Red Fountain, but we can’t pass up on some time with our favorite fairies.” Helia adds, making Flora blush.

"And to think this guy didn't even want to be a specialist before!" Riven places his arm over Helia, smiling. "Look at him about to graduate!"

Timmy adjusted his glasses, glancing at Tecna. “We’ll wrap up our training and be there as soon as we can. Just keep in touch.”

Tecna nodded appreciatively. “We will.”

Aisha, who had been quietly standing to the side, moved towards the window. She leaned against the frame, looking out at the sprawling grounds of Alfea. Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears.

Faragonda noticed Aisha’s distant expression and moved closer, her footsteps soft against the stone floor. She gently placed a hand on Aisha’s shoulder, offering silent support. Aisha glanced at her, her eyes glistening with a mixture of exhaustion and sadness. Aisha nodded softly, her throat tight as she fought back her tears. “Thank you..." she simply whispered.

Faragonda squeezed her shoulder gently, her smile kind. “It’s okay to miss him, Aisha. He’ll always be a part of you. And remember, you’re not alone. My door is always open if you ever want to talk.”

Aisha managed a small, grateful smile, her heart feeling a bit lighter with Faragonda’s comforting presence.

Helia caught Flora’s gaze through the hologram, his eyes filled with a gentle concern. "Take care, Flora. We’ll be there soon.”

Flora smiled softly, her heart warmed by his words. “I will. We all will.”

The boys shared quick farewells, and the holograms flickered off, leaving the room feeling a little brighter. The Winx exchanged smiles, the anticipation of seeing their partners lifting their spirits. Just then, however, yet another hologram projection appeared in the center of the room, flickering into view. It was Griffin, the headmistress of Cloud Tower, her sharp eyes scanning the room as she took in the sight of the Winx and the others.

“Faragonda!” Griffin’s voice was brisk but laced with concern. “Is everyone alright? I heard about the fight with Zyron—news is spreading fast.”

Faragonda turned to face Griffin, nodding reassuringly. “We’re alright, Griffin. The Winx and these brave young fairies managed to fend Zyron off. He’s dangerous, but they held their ground.”

Griffin’s eyes fell on Mirta, who was standing slightly to the side. Griffin’s usually stern expression softened, and she offered a rare smile.

“Mirta, I heard you fought bravely,” Griffin said, her voice filled with a quiet pride. “Even though you’re no longer my student, I’m very proud of you.”

Mirta’s cheeks flushed with pride, and she stood a little straighter, the acknowledgment from her former headmistress filling her with a renewed sense of confidence. “Thank you, Headmistress Griffin. It means a lot to hear that from you.”

Griffin gave a curt nod before addressing the group again. “Keep your guard up, all of you. Zyron’s a cunning adversary, but you're formidable fairies.”

With those final words, Griffin’s hologram flickered and disappeared, leaving the room once again in a thoughtful silence. Faragonda turned back to the group, her expression firm but encouraging.

“Go on then, rest up, all of you,” Faragonda instructed.

Everyone but Aisha nodded, taking her words to heart. As they opened the door to leave Faragonda’s office, their minds were still on the battle fought.

Aisha lingered by the window for a moment longer, her thoughts on Nabu.

"Aisha, you coming?" Musa asked and Flora kept the door open, looking at her best friend with concern.

With a final, deep breath, she turned away from the window and rejoined her friends, smilling warmly at them.
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Wed Sep 11, 2024 6:35 pm

Chapter 8: Catching Up


Diana went through the portal first after waving goodbye. Not long after, the Winx and the others also soared through the portal and into the skies of Gardenia, feeling the familiar warmth of Earth's sun on their faces. As they descended, they were greeted by a vibrant and bustling scene. The city was alive with activity—people were riding their bikes, jogging along the paths, and chatting with each other. Lush greenery lined the streets, and colorful flowers adorned every corner. Mirta, Alice and Clarice looked in awe to the city, trying to pay attention to everything.

After a few minutes, everyone quickly landed in a quiet area, detransforming and moving to the main street. In the sky, young fairies fluttered around passing by quickly, they could recognize the warriors and fairies from each of the major fairies, some were even together and talking, probably catching up right above the city.

The sight of these magical beings was no longer a rare occurrence in Gardenia. Children pointed at the fairies with wide eyes, and even some adults stopped in their tracks to gaze at the enchanting display above them. It was a stark contrast to the days when the Winx first arrived on Earth, when just convincing one person of the existence of magic seemed an insurmountable task. Now, the streets were filled with wonder, and magic had become a part of everyday life.

"Can you believe it?" Musa said, her voice tinged with nostalgia as she watched a little girl pushing her mother and chasing after a fairy flying quickly in the sky. "It feels like just yesterday we were trying to make anyone believe in magic."

"I know," Tecna replied. "To think how far we've come. From battling the Wizards of the Black Circle to now seeing fairies flying openly on Earth. It's incredible."

"Remember when Roxy was the only human who believed in us?" Aisha added with a fond smile and Roxy smiled back. "Now look at this place. It's like magic was always meant to be here."

Bloom nodded in agreement, her heart swelling with pride. "It’s amazing to see how much Gardenia has changed. We really did make a difference."

The familiar building of the Love&Pet shop came into view, its pastel colors bright against the urban landscape.

"Is that the shop we heard so much about?" Clarice pointed with a smile.

"Yes, it is!" Flora quickly nodded.

The sign swung gently in the breeze, inviting customers inside. The shop looked just as lively as ever, with the magical pets darting around and the warm, welcoming atmosphere that they had all worked so hard to create.

The door chimed as they entered, and the shop buzzed with energy. Inside, the shop buzzed with activity. Magical pets fluttered, hopped, and skittered everywhere, filling the air with a lively energy. Stella spotted Nova, who had taken over some of the responsibilities at the shop. Nova’s face lit up when she saw Stella, and she rushed over, pulling her into a warm hug.

"Stella! You’re back!" Nova exclaimed, "I’ve missed you so much!"

Stella grinned, hugging her back. "I’ve missed you too, Nova! How’s everything going here?"

Nova stepped back, smiling brightly. "Things are great! The shop is running smoothly, and Earth has been such a refreshing change. I’m even managing to study a bit on my own, trying to learn some Enchantix spells." she lets out a quick laugh. "I know I'm taking a break from my studies, but it doesn't hurt to still learn when I can!"

"That’s amazing!" Stella said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "You’re doing an awesome job here. And if you ever need help, we’re all right here!"

A sudden scream was quickly heard. The Winx and the others looked at the source of noise, realizing it was Kiko and the other the magical pets that had noticed the Winx and their friends, immediately flocking to them. Kiko bounded toward her, leaping into her arms. Bloom laughed, catching him effortlessly. "Kiko! I missed you too, buddy!"

As Belle quickly sat on Bloom's head, Kiko started crying non-stop, making Bloom laugh. "Hey! You chose to stay here with the other pets. You chose Milly over me!"

Kiko blinked and twitched his ears, momentarily distracted as Milly, Aisha's rabbit, hopped over to Aisha's arms but not without giving a flirtatious look in Kiko's direction. Kiko’s attention shifted immediately, and he gazed at Milly with wide, heart eyes, making everyone laugh.

"See what I mean?" Bloom teased, setting him down as he and Milly hopped off together, their antics drawing amused smiles.

Meanwhile, Roxy, Alice, Clarice, and Mirta were taking in the bustling environment of the shop. Roxy, with a fond smile, walked over to pet one of the magical creatures—a small, pastel-colored fox with sparkling eyes that nuzzled her hand affectionately.

"This place is as magical as I remember," Roxy said, her voice filled with nostalgia. "You’ve done an amazing job keeping everything running!"

Nova smiled. "You must be Roxy, right? Thanks! It’s been a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. And it’s great having these magical creatures around all the time."

Roxy closed her eyes, nodding as she continued to pet the cute fox.

Mirta, always curious, wandered over to a group of small, winged animals that were playfully chasing each other around a display. She reached out, her gentle touch immediately calming the creatures as they hovered around her.

"These creatures are adorable," Mirta said, watching them with fascination. "It’s wonderful to see so many people enjoying magic like this."

Alice and Clarice joined her, both marveling at the array of magical pets. Alice, with her sharp eyes, noticed a tiny turtle trying to balance on a perch and carefully reached out to steady it.

"Hey there, little guy," Alice said softly. "You’ve got it."

Clarice chuckled, watching Alice interact with the turtle. "How are humans not here all the time? I feel like a kid in a candy store."

"Believe me, they were." Stella said with a sudden tired voice, her eyes abnormally wide, almost like she's having PTSD from something, making everyone gliggle.

Cindy and Carmen, two human girls who had become regular helpers at the shop, walked over, beaming at the group. Cindy, with her short blonde hair and boundless enthusiasm, greeted them eagerly.

"Hi Winx, and welcome back!" Cindy said, her voice full of excitement. "It’s so cool to see you all here again! The shop’s been busy, but we’ve got it all under control."

Carmen, who had brown, long hair and a calmer demeanor, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, the pets are doing great, and we’ve been trying to teach new customers about caring for magical creatures. It’s been really rewarding."

Bloom smiled warmly at them. "Thank you both so much for taking care of things while we were gone. It means a lot to us."

Cindy shrugged modestly. "No problem at all! We love working here. It’s like a dream come true, getting to work with all these magical creatures."

Carmen added thoughtfully, "And it’s been amazing to see how much magic has changed my hometown. People are kinder, more hopeful. It’s like magic brought everyone closer together."

Curious about the latest happenings in the magical dimension, Nova turned to Stella. "So, what’s the news from the magical world? I’ve been so focused on things here, I feel like I’m out of the loop!"

Stella, never one to miss an opportunity to embellish a story, launched into a dramatic retelling of their recent battle. "Oh, you wouldn’t believe it! We faced off against this evil wizard named Zyron. He was ridiculously powerful, but of course, we handled it." She mimicked casting spells and dodging attacks, exaggerating the details for effect. "It was tough, but we had it all under control."

Musa rolled her eyes and mumbled sarcastically. "Yeah, I liked especially when you passed out when he was draining your life force."

Nova laughed, shaking her head. "Only you, Stella, could make fighting a dark wizard sound like a walk in the park."

As Bloom gently stroked Belle’s fur, she looked around at her friends and the shop that had come to mean so much to them all.

"Why don’t we stay and help out for the rest of the afternoon?" Bloom suggested, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "It would be fun to catch up with the customers and spend some time with the pets."

The other Winx nodded eagerly, clearly on board with the idea. "I’m in!" Stella said, tossing her hair back. "It’ll be just like old times!"

"Working and sweating?" Tecna teased, making Stella look at her with an angry look.

Nova beamed at their enthusiasm. "Really? That would be amazing! The customers would love to see you all here."

Roxy, meanwhile, had been watching Mirta, Alice, and Clarice as they explored the shop. She approached them with a thoughtful expression. "Hey, how about we go to the Frutti Music Bar? I’d love to catch up with my parents, Artu, and the other pets."

Mirta’s eyes lit up at the suggestion. "Sounds good for me."

Alice and Clarice nodded in agreement, clearly excited at the prospect. "Let’s do it," Alice said with a smile. "I’m curious to see more of Gardenia."

Roxy turned back to the Winx, who were already mingling with some of the customers at the shop and helping with the magical pets. "We’ll catch up with you all tonight, okay?"

Bloom waved at Roxy, smiling. "Sounds perfect! Have fun, and say hi to everyone at the Frutti Music Bar for us."

Roxy and the others nodded before heading out of the shop, the door chiming softly as they left. The Winx, meanwhile, got to work, helping customers choose the perfect magical pet and offering their old services again for a limited time only.


The Fortress of Light, shrouded in a perpetual state of a clear sky and a sunny weather, had some of the worst criminals turning into perfect citizens. The once-mighty Trix were confined within its oppressive walls. The radio played softly a continuous music that never ceased to stop, its cheery announcer droning on about relaxation techniques and counting sheep, an ironic juxtaposition to their situation.

Icy paced herself in the vibrant grass, her expression twisted in frustration. She could hear the happiness of the radio host as he continued, "And now, for those of you struggling to unwind, picture a serene meadow with soft, fluffy sheep. One... two... three..."

Icy’s patience snapped.
"Enough!" she screamed with all her might. Grabbing the communicator in a fit of rage, she slammed it against the ground, stomping on it repeatedly with her boot. One, two, three, four... ten, twenty, fifty times until the device finally cracked under her foot, its circuits sparking.

Stormy watched her sister’s outburst, her own face contorted with a mix of boredom and bitterness. "I don’t even know how long we’ve been stuck here," she grumbled, leaning against a tree. "Months? Years It all feels the same in this miserable place."

Darcy, sitting cross-legged on the cold floor, stared blankly at the flickering light overhead. "Our biggest mistake was joining forces with Valtor," she muttered, her voice heavy with regret. "We thought we were invincible with him, but look where it got us. Back in this horrible place."

Stormy scoffed, tossing her head back in exasperation. "Yeah, and all because we fell for his charm and promises of power. We should’ve known better. Us and men? It has to be a no from now on."

Icy stopped her destructive spree, panting slightly as she glared at the shattered communicator at her feet. Her icy blue eyes burned with anger and frustration. "We’ll get out of here," she hissed through gritted teeth. "We have to. I can't stand it anymore. I can't hear this anymore. I can't look at the sky or sing lullabies. I CAN'T! I won’t be trapped in this forsaken place forever!"

Icy started using her nails to scratch her own head as hard as she could. Her sanity slipping.

Darcy glanced at Icy, a flicker of determination reigniting in her own gaze. "We’ve escaped once before. We just need to wait for Darkar 2.0 to show up again."

Stormy clenched her fists, electricity crackling faintly around her hands. "And this time, we’re not going to fall for any sweet talk."

"No." Icy says, looking angry at her sisters. "We will not depend on someone to get us out of here! No more teamwork with strangers! Ever!"

Icy's angry face became a smirk, her icy exterior momentarily cracking to reveal a glimmer of hope. "We'll do it. We'll get out of here ourselves. We can do it! We have to! And when the moment comes, we’ll make sure the entire magical dimension remembers our names."

Icy starts laughing like a maniac to the ground, almost screaming her laugh to the broken communicator. Darcy and Stormy look at each other, with Darcy gesturing she was going insane.
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Thu Sep 12, 2024 7:16 pm

Chapter 9: The Escape


Roxy stepped into the Frutti Music Bar, the familiar ambience of people laughing and walking around filling her with warmth. The bar was buzzing with activity, as it always did on a sunny afternoon in Gardenia. She quickly spotted her parents, Morgana and Klaus, behind the counter, chatting with customers and serving drinks. Her eyes lit up when she saw Artu, her loyal dog, lying comfortably by the entrance, his ears perking up at the sound of her voice.

“Mom! Dad! Artu!” Roxy called out, her voice brimming with excitement as she rushed forward. Morgana turned around just in time to see her daughter throw her arms around Artu, who greeted her with an enthusiastic wag of his tail before jumping around her. Roxy laughed, hugging the dog tightly, her eyes sparkling. "Artu! I missed you so much, buddy!"

Morgana and Klaus walked over, their faces lighting up with joy. Morgana embraced Roxy tightly, while Klaus gave her a warm pat on the shoulder. “Roxy, honey, it’s so good to see you! How have classes been?” Morgana exclaimed, her voice filled with affection.

"They've been great! And I made a few friends too!" Roxy beamed, stepping back to introduce her friends. "Mom, dad, I'd like you to meet Mirta, Alice, and Clarice. We’ve been exploring Gardenia together, they're from the Magical Dimension."

Morgana greeted them warmly, her smile genuine as she shook their hands. “It’s a pleasure to meet you all. Any friends of Roxy are always welcome here.”

Klaus nodded in agreement, extending his hand. “Welcome to the Frutti Music Bar. Feel free to make yourselves at home.”

Mirta, Alice, and Clarice smiled, expressing their gratitude as they settled into the cozy atmosphere of the bar. Roxy couldn’t contain her excitement as she introduced Artu to them, the dog happily accepting their affection.

After a few moments of catching up, Roxy turned to her mother with a more serious expression. “Mom... I wanted to talk to you about something. We faced him recently, and it was... intense.”

"You had a battle already? With whom?" She asked, her face corned but a lingering smile still at the corner of her lips.


At the mention of Zyron’s name, Morgana’s face paled slightly. She looked at Roxy with deep concern and after a few seconds took a deep breath, her gaze distant as memories of her own battle with the dark wizard resurfaced. “So this is why Diana tried to reach me earlier... Zyron...” she muttered, her voice tinged with unease. “He was a formidable opponent. As queen, I was stronger and managed to draw energy from the faith of our people, but even then, it was a struggle. By the end, I was exhausted.”

Roxy nodded, understanding the gravity of her mother’s words. “We managed to defeat him for now, but it wasn’t easy."

"I can’t believe someone managed to escape from the Omega Dimension. The only reason we sent him there is due to it being an unbreakable prison! Let alone someone like him managing to escape.”

Mirta, listening intently, interjected thoughtfully, “It’s not the first time it happened, actually. Valtor, another powerful wizard, escaped a few years ago. The Omega Dimension’s security is not as infallible as we thought.”

Morgana frowned, her brows knitting together in concern. “Valtor... that name is familiar, I heard some commotion in the Magical Dimension about him many years ago as Queen, but with the Wizards, we fairies were all more focused on hiding among humans and survive than be updated with the latest news. If these wizards are finding ways to break free, it could mean trouble for the entire magical dimension.”

Alice quickly added, “Don't worry, they were isolated incidents. Our hope now is to find him and send him back.”

Morgana nodded thoughtfully, but before the conversation could grow too heavy, Klaus clapped his hands with a warm smile. "Well, let's not dwell on dark wizards today! How about we lighten the mood with some smoothies? On the house, of course!"

The fairies smile, sitting down excited. Artu and Roxy hug once more as her other pets run to her, making excited noises.

In the Fortress of Light, the sky was painted with vibrant rainbows, and the air was filled with fluttering butterflies. Icy, Darcy, and Stormy stood together, their expressions twisted in frustration as they tried once again to tap into their inner magic. They chanted under their breath, reaching deep within themselves, desperately trying to summon the darkness that had once made them formidable. But every time they closed their eyes and felt even a flicker of power, a cheerful voice cut through their concentration.

"And remember," the radio's incessant voice chimed in, "focus on happy thoughts! Think of sunshine, laughter, and love. Let go of all those nasty negative feelings!"

Icy clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms as she tried to shut out the voice. But the butterflies and rainbows swirling around them only mocked their efforts, reinforcing the Fortress’s magical influence that suppressed their dark powers.

"Argh! I hate it here!
I HATE IT HERE!! I. CAN'T. ANYMORE!" Icy roared, her icy eyes burning with rage. She screamed louder and louder, her voice echoing through the serene garden, forcing some looks from ex-criminals.

Darcy slumped against a tree, rolling her eyes watching Icy. "Face it, Icy, it's pointless," she said dryly. "Every few days, we think we’ve found the answer. We feel a bit stronger, and for a moment, it seems like we might actually escape. But then—" Darcy gestured to the cheerful scene around them, her expression cynical. "—this happens. It’s always the same. Butterflies, rainbows, and that insufferable narrator telling us to be happy."

"So insufferable." Stormy adds, an angry face at the dozen of communicators scattered around the place. "We’re not the Winx, you know. They have luck on their side and teamwork and all that nonsense."

Icy’s screams quieted as she listened to Stormy. Her breath came in ragged gasps, and for a moment, her eyes flickered with a desperate glint. "Yes... yes... that's it..." she muttered. Her mind racing with a new idea.

Stormy glanced at her, confused. "What are you mumbling about now?"

A smirk slowly spread across Icy’s face, a spark of something else—hope mixed with cunning. Then, she starts laughing hysterically, leaving the two sisters confused.

"Listen carefully, sisters." Icy finally says, her face still cheery.

The night was now beginning to settle in Gardenia. As the group of fairies finished their smoothies and were settled into the cozy atmosphere of the Bar, Andy, Mark, and Rio strolled in, carrying their instruments and ready for their usual gig. Andy’s eyes immediately lit up when he spotted Roxy among the crowd. With a broad smile, he made his way over and pulled her into a warm hug.

"Roxy! It’s been a while since I’ve seen you around here. I’ve missed having you at the bar," Andy said, his voice full of genuine warmth.

Klaus, catching sight of the hug, chuckled and called out playfully, "Alright, that’s close enough. Let’s keep a respectful distance from my daughter, shall we?"

Laughter erupted around the room as Roxy playfully rolled her eyes, stepping back from Andy with a grin.

"I was here last week to say goodbye, you were the one who couldn't make it!" Roxy playfully adds. "By the way guys, these are my new friends. Mirta, Alice and Clarice"

"Hello!" the guys said almost at the same time, with the girls waving and saying "hi" back.

Mirta’s eyes met Rio’s, and they quickly struck up a conversation. "So, how did you get into music?" Mirta asked, leaning in slightly as she listened to Rio.

Rio chuckled. "Oh, it’s been a bit of a wild ride, honestly. I started out just messing around with a guitar when I was a kid, but it quickly turned into something more serious. There’s just something about creating music that speaks to people—it’s like magic, you know?"

Mirta nodded enthusiastically. "I totally get that! In the magical dimension, we use music in spells sometimes, so I can see the connection. It’s really amazing how music can transcend worlds."

Rio’s eyes widened in surprise. "T-That's true! You guys are fairies as well! That’s amazing... I’d love to hear more about that—maybe even work some magic into our next performance!"

Meanwhile, Alice and Mark had hit it off as well.

"So, what’s it like performing here on Earth?" Alice asked, her voice filled with curiosity. "I’ve seen bands perform back home, but it’s usually part of some grand magical event."

Mark smiled, strumming his bass softly as he spoke. "It’s great, honestly. The crowd here is always supportive, and there’s a real sense of community. Playing in a magical event sounds incredible, though. I’d love to experience something like that someday."

Alice grinned. "Well, if you ever visit the Magical Dimension, I’m sure we could make that happen. It’s quite the experience!" They continued chatting, both clearly engaged and enjoying each other’s company.

Clarice found herself caught in a lively conversation with Morgana, eager to learn how to become a stronger fairy and asking for tips. Roxy and Andy were also engaged deep in a conversation.

"So, I inspired you to go back to school?" Roxy asked, giggling while finishing her smoothie.

Andy nodded. "Yeah, seeing you go to Alfea to study, and with Bloom and the others returning as well... it made me realize I still had some unfinished business if I really want to follow my dreams in a more profissional way. So I’m studying music at university now. It’s tough, but I’m loving every second of it."

Roxy smiled warmly, staring into his eyes. "That’s great! I'm sure you'll be a great musician!"

Just as Roxy and Andy were finishing their conversation, Bloom and the rest of the Winx walked in, their presence instantly drawing the eyes of everyone around.

Andy’s face lit up at the sight of Bloom and her friends, and he quickly nudged Mark and Rio, gesturing toward the Winx. "Hey, look who's here! 'The six girls from Love&Pet'!" he said with a wide grin, making everyone laugh.

"Hey, Winx! Long time no see!" Klaus called out, waving enthusiastically.

"Hey everyone! It's so good to see you all again!" Bloom exclaimed, rushing over to give each of the guys a hug. The rest of the Winx followed suit, exchanging hugs and excited greetings with the band. Stella immediately complimented Mark’s new jacket.

"Hey, it’s great to see you all," Andy said, his tone sincere. He glanced around at the whole group in front of him, a look of awe in his eyes. "You know, it’s still so weird seeing so much... of this around," he confessed with a chuckle while pointing at everyone. "I mean, I’ve gotten used to the fact that Bloom and the Winx are right here, but it still feels surreal sometimes when I think you're fairies and you study on a different Dimension."

Bloom smiled warmly, appreciating Andy’s honesty. "I felt the same way in the beginning, believe me."

Stella added, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "And our magic doesn't really define us. That's why we never really told you guys right away! You made us feel a little more... normal."

"That's for sure." Musa nodded with a smile.

As the conversations flowed, Bloom and the Winx took their seats, mingling effortlessly with the band, Klaus and the rest. Andy turned to Flora and asked, "So, where’s Brandon and the rest of the guys? Feels like we’re missing part of the crew."

Flora smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "They’ll be here this weekend. We’re planning to all meet up at Frutti Music Bar on Saturday night. It’ll be a full house—just like the good old days."

Andy’s face lit up at the news. "That sounds perfect! A proper reunion. I can’t wait to see everyone again."

Roxy, standing beside him, nodded in agreement. "It’s going to be great having everyone together. We’ll make it a night to remember."

As the conversations flowed and the music began to play, the Frutti Music Bar buzzed with the amount of people who started to show up. Mirta and Rio continued their animated discussion, while Alice and Mark asked a smoothie to share together.

Klaus turned to Roxy, who was showing Artu and her pets to Clarice next to the counter. "Looks like we’re in for a busy weekend," he said, setting another round of smoothies on the house for everyone. "Here’s to friends old and new! On the house again... but don't get used to it!"

The group raised their glasses, laughing loudly, clinking them together in a toast that echoed through the bar.

In the Fortress of Light, the Trix stood together with their hands joined, forming a triangle. Icy, Darcy, and Stormy had tried countless times to break free, only to be thwarted by the relentless cheeriness of the Fortress’s magical influence. But this time, Icy had a different plan. She turned to her sisters, her icy blue eyes burning with fierce resolve.

"We’ve been trying to fight this place with hate and anger. Forget it. We need to focus on our magic together—merge our powers completely, even if just for a moment. Forget the hate."

"Forget the hate?!" Stormy said quickly and Darcky kicked her leg as a sign to shut up.

"Feel the energy flow between us. Let it converge as one. Complete harmony, sisters..." Icy said, her voice getting dragged and low, as if she herself is already slowly reaching that state.

Darcy and Stormy exchanged uncertain glances but nodded, trusting Icy's judgment by closing their eyes and letting their breaths sync as one. The narrator’s voice chimed in again, annoyingly calm and upbeat.

"Remember to relax Icy, it's important breathe deeply and think carefully about what you're trying to do! Try to feel the soft breeze on your skin," the narrator said, its tone dripping with relentless positivity.

Icy smirked, knowing that for once, she would use his advice.

"I will..." She said lowly, grinning.

She let the breeze wash over her, focusing on the sensation of her sisters’ hands in hers, the energy thrumming between them. Slowly, the weather around them began to shift. The clear skies darkened, and a chill swept through the Fortress. The Trix’s bodies began to glow, their forms slowly merging into one as their features blurred and fused together.

"Now, as one!" Icy’s voice echoed, no longer alone but amplified by the unity of their combined voices and magic. In an instant, a blinding flash of light erupted from their form, followed by a violent explosion that shook the very foundations of the Fortress. The air crackled with energy as the weather turned fierce, whipping winds and icy sleet swirling around them.

As the flash subsided, the Trix reappeared, now as one powerful and single being. Their power blockers lay perfectly untouched on the ground. They laughed, their voices harmonizing in a chilling chorus, and without wasting a second, they opened a portal, slipping through before the guards could react. The Fortress’s alarm blared as guards scrambled, rushing toward the site of the explosion, but it was too late—the Trix had vanished.

The Trix emerged on the shores of Lake Roccaluce, the place where they had last stood before being captured and sent away. The water shimmered under the moonlight, a stark contrast to the forever sun that was kept in the skies of the Fortress.

Almost immediately, guards teleported in front of them, blocking their path, weapons drawn and ready for battle.

"It's almost impossible to escape, sir..." one of the guards muttered, his voice tinged with disbelief. "Unless the witches are as powerful as the old ancestral witches..."

"Stay calm," the lead guard snapped, his eyes fixed on the Trix, wary but composed.

The Trix smirked, sensing the fear and hesitation among the guards. They separated, their bodies untangling and returning to their individual forms, but their power remained amplified, their connection deeper than ever.

Icy stepped forward, her eyes glowing with cold fury. "This is for the entire time of suffering!" she snarled, raising her hands. A massive wall of ice surged forward, crystalizing in an instant and towering over the guards. Darcy followed, her eyes turning pitch black as she cast a shroud of darkness, plunging the guards into a disorienting void. Stormy raised her arms, summoning three powerful tornadoes that spun violently, whipping the guards around and disorienting their senses. The tornadoes roared, and the guards’ cries were lost in the maelstrom.

Amid the chaos, Icy thrust her arms forward, sending the wall of ice crashing into the tornado-bound guards, slamming them against big rocks with a resounding crack. The combined force of ice, darkness, and wind overwhelmed them, leaving them battered and disoriented. As the effects of the magic faded, the guards stumbled to their feet, bruised and bewildered, but ready to jump back into battle.

But the Trix were gone.

Only the echoes of their laughter lingered in the air, a haunting reminder of the power that had been unleashed. The guards regrouped, scanning the area, but there was no sign of the three witches. They had vanished once more, leaving behind only the knowledge that the mighty Trix were free again, more dangerous and united than ever before.
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Fri Sep 13, 2024 1:11 pm

Chapter 10: Darkness Returns


Alfea, under the soft glow of moonlight, was peaceful and serene. Headmistress Faragonda stood in her office, her gaze fixed on the sprawling school grounds. She was listened to her friends, her mind racing. Before she could dwell on the feeling, the door swung open and Griselda entered.

"Faragonda," Griselda began. "I have urgent news."

But before she could continue, Faragonda nodded, her expression calm yet knowing. "I’m already aware, Griselda." With a wave of her hand, two small holograms of Saladin and Griffin appeared beside her now. Saladin's usually composed face was etched with concern, while Griffin's eyes burned with a fierce determination.

"News travel fast when the most dangerous criminals are able to get out of prison," Faragonda continued, her voice measured. "Those witches are out yet again..."

She turned and walked toward the large window, gazing out over her school, bathed in the gentle light of the moon. She could see some students laughing next to the well, as they walk and get ready to go to their dorms and rest, enjoying the peacefulness of the night, oblivious to the dangers that were slowly creeping back into their world.

"The Winx..." Griselda began, but she was cut.

"I won't tell the girls just yet," Faragonda said softly, her reflection somber in the glass. "Let them have a few more days of peace. They deserve it after everything they’ve been through. But dark times are ahead of us again." She paused, the weight of the moment heavy in the air before finally turning her head to the other Headmasters. "Prepare your schools for what’s to come. We must be ready when the time comes. I'm sure an attack is eventually coming."

Saladin and Griffin nodded solemnly, and the holograms flickered away. Griselda turned to Faragonda, her usual stern demeanor softened with a hint of concern for the students she had come to care for over the years.

"The girls will fight the Trix, Headmistress," Griselda said firmly, placing a reassuring hand on Faragonda's shoulder.

Faragonda nodded, her eyes still fixed on the moonlit grounds of Alfea. "They always do, Griselda. Unfortunately, they always do."

Meanwhile, in the desolate realm of Oppositus, Zyron moved like a shadow among the trees, his laughter echoing through the barren landscape. His dark energy sizzled and crackled as he passed, his mere presence causing the trees to wither and die instantly. He reveled in the destruction, feeding off the life force of the plants, his mind swirling with thoughts of Roxy and the Winx.

He paused, wiping his hand through the air and watching as the branches of a tree shriveled to dust. “That little fairy screaming...” he muttered to himself, remembering their recent encounter. Her energy was unlike any he had ever faced; no matter how much he tried to drain her, it remained strong and vibrant. It frustrated him, yet intrigued him at the same time. He recalled Flora as well—her connection to nature, her unwavering resilience.

His mind raced with possibilities, and he couldn’t resist the urge to return to Earth. "Believix fairies... well, If their magic comes from life believing in them, then I'll drain it all,” he declared with a dark laugh. “The forests, the animals, the people, the very essence of that pre-historical world—I'll leave nothing for them to fight for!" With a flick of his wrist, the surrounding area exploded into a surge of dark energy, obliterating everything in its path. The ground cracked and split beneath him, leaving nothing but a scorched wasteland in his wake.

Zyron’s laughter echoed through the empty skies as he opened a portal to Earth. "Let's see how long they last when their precious Earth is done for."

Back at Alfea, a small figure darted through the night, weaving between the trees and dodging branches as she hurried toward the school. Livy, the pixie, flew as fast as her tiny wings could carry her, her heart pounding in her chest. She clutched a small envelope in her hands, a crucial message for one of the students at Alfea from her own Pixie. The night was dark, and Livy zigzagged through the forest, narrowly avoiding obstacles in her path.

As she glanced over her shoulder to see a tree she had just narrowly dodged, she burst through a thick bush and tumbled onto the ground, her envelope slipping from her grasp and flying away with the wind. Livy rolled over, giggling at her own clumsiness as she brushed leaves out of her hair. She picked herself up ready to get the message back, but as she did, a sudden chill filled the air.

She froze, her laughter dying instantly. Standing before her, materializing out of the darkness, were the Trix. Icy, Darcy, and Stormy towered over the small pixie, their expressions cold and menacing.

Livy’s eyes widened in horror, her wings fluttering in a frantic blur as she tried to back away. But Icy stepped forward, a sly, icy smirk curling on her lips.

"Well, what do we have here?" Icy sneered, her tone dripping with mockery. "A little pixie all alone in the dark?" She flicked a finger, and a tiny shard of ice formed at its tip, glistening menacingly. "You better answer my questions, little one, or you’ll be a pretty cube of ice for my tea."

Livy trembled, her wings fluttering nervously as she stared up at the three witches. "I-I don't know anything!" she squeaked, her voice high-pitched and panicked.

Stormy rolled her eyes, her impatience palpable. "Oh, please. We know you pixies always know something," she snapped, her electric energy sparking around her fingertips. "Where are the Winx?"

Livy’s mind raced. She knew the Winx were either at Alfea or on Earth, but she didn’t want to give the Trix any information that could lead them directly to her friends. "I-I really don't—"

Before she could finish, Icy’s smirk deepened. She raised her pinky finger, and a thin layer of ice began to creep up Livy’s feet, spreading slowly and painfully. The pixie yelped, feeling the biting cold seeping into her legs as the ice climbed higher.

"Quickly, now," Icy taunted, her voice laced with malicious glee. "Your time’s running out." The ice continued its relentless ascent, freezing Livy up to her knees.

Livy’s eyes darted desperately between the sisters, her tiny heart pounding. She squeezed her eyes shut, blurting out in a rush, "They’re either at Alfea or Earth since magic is back and fairies are running free there!" The words tumbled out so fast, they were almost incomprehensible, but Livy hoped the rapid delivery would confuse the witches. She gasped for breath, tears prickling at the corners of her eyes.

But the Trix understood perfectly. They exchanged satisfied glances, their expressions shifting from menacing to triumph.

"Earth, then," Darcy mused, her voice dripping with anticipation. "We’ll start there."

Stormy grinned, electricity crackling at her fingertips. "And if they’re not there, we’ll just tear apart every place they've been to until we find them."

Icy leaned down, her icy breath sending shivers down Livy’s spine. "Thanks for the tip," she said sweetly, before flicking her pinky finger once more. The ice surged up, completely encasing Livy in a solid block. The pixie’s terrified eyes were the last to freeze over, her tiny form trapped within the cold prison.

The Trix looked at one another with smug satisfaction. "Let’s go pay Earth a visit, shall we?" Icy suggested, her voice brimming with dark excitement.

They summoned their vacuums, using them to create a portal to Earth. The icy prison containing Livy lay abandoned in the forest.

As the Trix emerged on Earth, Icy’s eyes gleamed with the thrill of vengeance, and as the sisters sped through the skies, laughing hysterically.

The Frutti Music Bar was packed to the brim, filled with the sound of laughter, chatter, and anticipation for what was about to happen. Andy took to the small stage with his usual charisma, holding a microphone and grinning broadly at the crowd.

"Alright, everyone! We’ve got something really special for you tonight," Andy announced, his voice booming over the excited murmurs of the audience. "The one and only Winx are back on stage, and they're ready to rock!"

The room erupted into cheers and applause, the energy in the bar lifting even higher. As the boys went next to the sound equipment and stayed in the back. The Winx stepped onto the stage, waving to the crowd with radiant smiles. As they got into position, they spotted Jason Queen, their music producer, standing in the back with his wife, both of them waving enthusiastically. Musa waved back warmly, and the rest of the Winx nodded in their direction, beaming with appreciation.

The first notes of the Winx's song "A kingdom and a child" echoed through the bar, and the girls’ voices harmonized beautifully, almost like it's filling the space with a magical energy that had everyone captivated.

Alice, Mirta, Clarice, and Roxy couldn’t resist the rhythm and started dancing together, laughing and complimenting the song’s infectious melody. Rio, catching Mirta’s eye, gave her a playful wink, causing her cheeks to flush as she giggled shyly. Meanwhile, Mark flashed a charming smile at Alice, who blushed and quickly looked away, leaning closer to Clarice.

“He’s cute!” Alice tried to say to Clarice, but the noise from the crowd and the Winx’s performance drowned her out.

“What?” Clarice shouted back, leaning closer to hear.

“I said he’s cute!” Alice repeated, louder this time, but the cheers from the audience only grew, forcing her to raise her voice even more. Soon, both Alice and Clarice were practically screaming at each other, their playful shouting match drawing laughs from Roxy and Mirta, who could barely contain their amusement.

Unbeknownst to them, the Trix hovered in the sky, their expressions a mix of disgust and disdain as they sensed the abundance of fairy magic pulsating through the air.

“Ugh, I can feel it everywhere,” Darcy grumbled, her eyes narrowing in distaste. “Fairy magic. It’s all around us.”

Icy’s lips curled into a scornful sneer. “They’ve been busy, haven’t they? Spreading their magic all over Earth like it’s some kind of playground.”

Then they heard it—the unmistakable sound of the Winx’s song carried through the air. Stormy’s eyes flared with rage as she immediately recognized the voice. Her fists clenched, electricity crackling angrily around her.

“I know that voice anywhere,” Stormy growled, her anger bubbling up as she clenched her fists. "Musa."

Icy listened intently, her expression shifting from irritation to a wicked grin as she picked out Bloom’s voice in the chorus. “Well, well, well,” she purred, smirking evilly. “Looks like we’ve found our targets. Let’s go crash their little party.”

The Trix sped through the sky, their dark forms a blur against the night as they zeroed in on the Frutti Music Bar. Inside, Bloom and Musa were harmonizing beautifully, their voices blending in a captivating duet. But as the song reached its crescendo, the atmosphere suddenly shifted. The temperature plummeted, and massive shards of ice began to rain down from the ceiling, shattering tables and sending people scattering in panic. The lights flickered and then went out completely, plunging the bar and everyone inside into darkness.

The audience screamed in confusion and fear, some diving under tables while others rushed for the exits. Klaus looked around frantically, trying to make sense of the chaos that had erupted so suddenly. The Winx stopped singing abruptly, their eyes darting around the bar as they tried to locate the source of the attack.


Bloom’s eyes widened in recognition even before she turned to look. Her pupils flared with a fiery orange glow, her heart pounding as a familiar rage bubbled to the surface. She clenched her fists, her voice seething with anger. “Icy…”

From above, Icy, Darcy, and Stormy descended into the bar, wicked smiles plastered across their faces. Icy surveyed the surroundings with a smirk. “So this is the newest hole you’ve jumped to, Bloom? How quaint,” she taunted, gesturing around the bar and towards the city. “Miss your humble little origins?”

Darcy folded her arms, her gaze sweeping over the frightened crowd with contempt. “It’s been a while. Did you think you’d seen the last of us?”

Stormy snickered, crackling with energy as she eyed the Winx. “We’re back, and this time, we're not going easy on you.”

"If that's what you want..." Bloom’s expression hardened. She exchanged a determined glance with her friends, who nodded in unison. Without hesitation, they called out together, their voices ringing clear over the din of panic. “Winx Believix!”

The room was instantly flooded with light for a few seconds as the Winx transformed, then, their vibrant wings unfurling and illuminating the bar in a dazzling display of magic. The audience gasped in awe, some cheering while others, still in shock, tried to make sense of the spectacle unfolding before them.

Mirta’s eyes blazed with fury as she glared at the Trix, memories of past encounters rushing back. Alice, standing beside her, looked visibly shaken. “It’s them… It’s really the Trix,” she said, her voice trembling.

Roxy, her expression fierce, clenched her fists and stepped forward. “I’m going to help too! I don't know who they are, but they’re not going to get away with this.” She quickly transformed, her energy radiating with determination.

Mirta nodded firmly, stepping up beside Roxy. “I’m with you,” she declared, her magic flaring as she joined the transformation. Alice and Clarice, though hesitant, exchanged a resolute glance. They knew they couldn’t stand by while their friends fought. They nodded to each other and, with a flash, transformed as well, joining the Winx in their fairy forms.

The audience erupted in a mix of cheers and screams, some people still grappling with the sudden revelation that the band members were actually the Winx Club fairies, while others were simply caught up in the excitement and chaos.

Klaus tried to calm the crowd, his voice rising above the commotion. “Everyone, stay calm! We’re handling it!” But his attempts were drowned out by the chaos as people scattered in all directions.

Bloom pointed directly at the Trix. “This ends now!” she shouted, her voice full of authority.

Icy laughed mockingly, her icy blue eyes gleaming with malice. “Oh, Bloom, delusional as ever.” She flicked her wrist, and a barrage of ice shards rained down, narrowly missing the Winx as they leapt into action.

Bloom raised her hands, summoning her signature attack. “Dragon Heart!” she cried, unleashing an attack going straight into Icy. Icy deflected it with a wall of ice, but the sheer heat of the attack melted the barrier instantly, forcing the witches to scatter. Icy quickly send an attack towards Bloom.

Stella, hovering beside Bloom, was ready with her own spell. “Double Eclipse!” she called out, protecting both her and Bloom. The attack Icy sent reflected on the barrier and turned to Stormy, forcing her to shield herself in a hurry.

Flora raised her arms. “Constricting Vines!” she commanded. Green vines shot out from the floor, wrapping tightly around Darcy’s legs and arms, pulling her to the ground. “You won’t get away this time!” Flora shouted.

Musa joined the fray, her voice resonating through the bar as she cast her spell. “Harmonic Attack!” She sent huge waves of sonic energy cascading toward Stormy, the soundwaves visibly distorting the air as they hit her target. The force knocked Stormy back, disorienting her as the sound reverberated around the room.

Darcy, her patience wearing thin, blasted through Flora’s vines with a surge of dark energy, breaking free and sending Flora crashing backward. Icy growled, sending Ice shards to the people below as a way to get some leverage and make the fairies panic.

Tecna quickly reacted. “Super Prism!” she called, forming a shield and placing herself in front of the ice shards, destroying them.

“Morphix Wave!” Aisha shouted, sending a spell towards Darcy that she managed to dodge just before it hit her.

The Trix land on the bar's stage, looking at them angrily.

Roxy, her heart racing but her courage unwavering, stepped forward. “Scorpion's Tail” she yelled, her voice echoing through the chaos. She unleashed a surge of green energy, swiping at the Trix's feet and knocking them off balance.

Klaus starts smiling wildly, looking at her daughter. Morgana gets out of the kitchen, trying to understand what is going on, finally seeing the scene before her in shock.

Mirta, seeing an opening, summoned her magic. “False Nymph!” she cried, conjuring an enchanting mermaid on stage that began to sing a haunting melody. The Trix hesitated, momentarily entranced by the illusion, but quickly snapped out of it as Icy blasted the nymph with an ice bolt, shattering the illusion. The Trix quickly back into the skies, trying to not be so close together. People watched in transe.

“Light Blow!” Alice shouted, and the bar’s spotlights turned and swung sharply to blind Darcy, forcing her to shield her eyes as she flew back. “Ha! Take that!” Alice cheered, her confidence growing.

“Reflective Cascade!” Clarice called, creating shimmering mirrors that replicated the surroundings perfectly, confusing the Trix as they tried to navigate the battlefield. Icy attempted to blast through one of the mirrors, only to find herself shooting at her own reflection.

But despite their initial success, the Trix’s rage only grew stronger. Icy’s eyes blazed with fury, her movements becoming more erratic and dangerous. “You think you’ve won?!” she screamed, her voice filled with hatred. “I’m going to freeze every last one of you!”

Stormy, fueled by her own anger, summoned a vortex of wind and lightning. “I’ll tear this place apart!” she roared, the wind whipping through the bar, knocking tables and chairs into the walls. People started being knocked off to the ground, their screams resurfacing. The wind quickly breaking every single layer of mirror Clarice created, finally destroying it.

The Winx regrouped, their expressions fierce as they tried to hold their ground. “Let's send another wave of attacks!” Bloom shouted, her voice strained as she screamed to the fairies. “They won't hold on much longer!”

Stella, gritting her teeth, launched another attack. “Solar Storm!” she called, sending a wave of intense solar energy crashing into Icy. The witch screamed as it exploded directly in her face.

“Oh yeah! That's it!” Aisha encouraged, casting “Plasma Wall” to block an incoming barrage from Darcy. “Not sure how you got out of the Fortress, but you made a big mistake in coming here! We're sending you back”

Icy's hair gets lose as she looks at Aisha with her icy eyes glowing. "NEVER!" She starts sending ice shards everywhere as she screams and laughs simultaneously, exploding from her hands.

The Winx cast their Believix shields, trying to prevent any from landing on someone. As everyone is busy dealing with the Trix and before anyone could react, Mirta suddently gasped as Zyron’s hand wrapped around her, his appearence sudden and out of nowhere, his grip draining her energy so quickly she didn’t even have time to react.

She moaned in pain, her body going limp as her magic was sucked from her. In a matter of seconds, she collapsed, her eyes fluttering shut as she fell unconscious.

The Winx, the Trix and her friends look over to her, watching the scene in horror.

“Mirta!” Roxy screamed, rushing forward, but Zyron merely sneered, flicking her away with a casual wave of his hand. Mirta’s almost lifeless form tumbled toward the ground, but Rio, reacting in a split second, leaped forward and caught her just in time, cradling her protectively as she lay motionless in his arms.

“Mirta, please wake up!” Rio pleaded, his voice shaking with fear as he held her close. The rest of the Winx turned, their eyes widening in horror as they saw Zyron standing before them. The Trix on one side, Zyron on the other.
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Fri Sep 13, 2024 4:38 pm

Chapter 11: From the Depths of Obsidian


The Winx and the other faires quickly regrouped, standing firm in the sky as Rio desperately tried to wake up Mirta. He cradled her limp form in his arms, his voice filled with desperation as he pleaded, "Mirta wake up! Mirta!"

Mirta’s eyes remained closed. Flora quickly left the formation and landed next to the fallen fairy, placing a gentle hand over Mirta's, trying to feel her pulse. The drain had been too severe; Mirta was almost gone, her pulse extremely weak. "We have to heal her now, or it will be too late..."

Zyron, observing the scene with a detached curiosity, spotted Morgana and Klaus near the kitchen door. He smirked, recognizing the Queen of the Earth Fairies but kept this knowledge to himself. For now, his attention was on the fairies and the witches, both eager to claim their victory.

Without warning, Icy, Stormy, and Darcy sprang into action, launching a coordinated attack on the Winx. Icy conjured a barrage of sharp ice shards, Stormy whipped up fierce gusts of wind, and Darcy summoned tendrils of dark energy that twisted through the air like snakes.

The Winx minus Flora leaped into action, their wings unfurling as they expertly dodged the attacks. Stella retaliated with beams of solar light, slicing through Icy's ice shards before they could reach their target. Aisha conjured a wall of morphix, blocking Darcy's dark tendrils and redirecting them back towards the Trix.

Zyron hovered and avoided the spells coming from both sides as he slowly moved to the center, observing the battle with a cold, calculating eye. As the Trix intensified their assault on the Winx and almost hit him, Zyron grew impatient. With a flick of his wrist, he sent a wave of dark energy toward both the Winx and the Trix, aiming to assert his dominance over the battlefield.

Darcy snarled as she narrowly avoided the attack, shooting a glare at Zyron. “Back off, shady boy! The Winx are ours!” she snapped. Icy and Stormy joined her, their expressions twisted with irritation.

Zyron, unfazed, simply smirked. “I don’t take orders from witches as weak as you are,” he retorted, his voice dripping with contempt. He unleashed another wave of energy, forcing both the Winx and the Trix to scatter. The battlefield became a chaotic mess as the Trix, infuriated by Zyron's interference, began attacking him as well. Icy sent a flurry of ice spears directly at Zyron, while Stormy whipped a bolt of lightning in his direction, her face contorted with rage.

Zyron deftly dodged the attacks, his movements fluid and almost lazy. He reveled in the chaos, enjoying the challenge of fighting both the Winx and the Trix simultaneously. As he deflected another attack from Stormy, he caught sight of Morgana about to join in, and his smirk grew wider. The Trix, now caught between their original foes and the unpredictable Wizard in front of them, fought fiercely but with growing frustration.

In the middle of this chaotic battle, Stella aimed a dazzling beam of light towards Darcy. But Alice inadvertently crossed into the line of fire. Stella’s spell hit Alice squarely, sending her tumbling through the air. Mark, watching from below, surged forward, trying to catch Alice just in time before she hit the ground.

Alice looked up at Mark, her breath caught in her throat. “Thanks, Mark,” she murmured, her cheeks flushed from the near miss. Mark smiled warmly, helping her to her feet as she quickly flew back into the action, her determination undeterred.

Meanwhile, Bloom, still hovering above the fray, turned her focus back to Mirta. She swooped down beside Rio and Flora, her face set in grim determination. "I'm going to help her, Rio. Just hold on." Bloom placed her hands on Mirta, trying to channel her healing magic. But before she could fully concentrate, she felt a chilling presence nearby. Icy, observing Bloom’s actions with a sinister grin, readied a spell to take advantage of Bloom’s distraction.

Roxy, noticing Icy’s predatory gaze, sprang into action. “Not on my watch!” she shouted, sending a blast of green energy towards Icy. But Zyron, ever the opportunist, intercepted the attack with a shadowy barrier, protecting Icy. The icy witch glanced at Zyron with a sly grin, an unspoken truce forming between them in that brief moment.

Icy then turned her attention to Roxy, her eyes glinting with malice. “So, you’re the newest addition, huh?” she taunted, her voice laced with mockery. With a swift flick of her hand, she sent an ice shard hurtling directly at Roxy. Roxy managed to dodge, but not without the shard grazing her cheek, drawing a thin line of blood. She winced, the cold sting lingering as she pressed on.

Before Roxy could retaliate, Stormy prepared to attack her as well. However, before she could, a wooden chair from the Frutti Music Bar came flying through the air, colliding with Stormy and throwing her off balance. She glanced down, her eyes narrowing as she spotted Andy, who was standing ready with another chair in hand, defiance burning in his eyes.

Zyron’s grin widened as he shifted his focus to Andy. With a menacing chuckle, he began to drain Andy’s life force, watching with twisted glee as the man’s energy visibly ebbed away. Andy’s expression turned from determined to pained, his grip on the chair weakening as his strength faded.

Bloom, who had just been about to aid Mirta, looked up sharply at the sound of Andy’s strained gasp. Her eyes widened in horror as she saw Zyron's dark energy swirling around him. “Andy!” she screamed, her voice breaking with fear.

The Winx turned their attention to Andy, their faces etched with urgency. Roxy, seeing Andy’s plight, sprang into action. “Turtle Shell!” she cried out, conjuring a protective barrier around Andy that shielded him from Zyron's draining attack. Andy fell to his knees, gasping for breath but still conscious, thanks to Roxy's quick intervention.

The Winx regrouped without Flora and Bloom, their determination renewed. “Come on, let's send them flying with a convergence spell!” Stella commanded, rallying her friends. They joined hands, their combined magic flaring brightly as they prepared to unleash a powerful attack meant to overwhelm their enemies. But before they could finish, a powerful presence swept into the fight—Morgana, in her full fairy form.

The Winx and their allies paused, taken aback by the sudden arrival of the Old Queen of the Earth Fairies. Morgana’s expression was one of steely resolve, her patience with the escalating chaos clearly worn thin. “This ends right now,” she declared, firm.

The Trix, upon seeing Morgana’s powerful aura, exchanged nervous glances. Despite their bravado, they could sense the difference in Morgana's power level. Icy tried to maintain her usual smug demeanor but couldn’t hide the flicker of unease in her eyes. “And who are you supposed to be?” she sneered, attempting to mask her fear with arrogance.

Morgana stepped forward, her gaze unwavering. “I am Morgana, the previous Queen of the Earth Fairies. I ruled over the magic of this world long before you started your petty games.” Her words struck a chord, and the Trix’s confident fronts wavered, their bravado giving way to uncertainty.

Sensing the shift, Morgana raised her hands, ready to unleash a spell that would end the battle once and for all. The Trix, now fully aware of the imminent threat, exchanged quick, panicked glances. “We’re not sticking around for this,” Icy spat, her voice laced with bitter frustration. With a sharp motion, she summoned her vacuum, and Stormy and Darcy followed suit. The three witches vanished into swirling clouds of darkness, their sneers the last thing visible before they disappeared entirely.

Zyron, still hovering above, considered his options. He was not about to take on Morgana and the combined forces of the Winx at once. His gaze lingered on Klaus, a twisted idea forming in his mind. He raised a hand, his dark magic coalescing into a sinister spell. “From the depths of Obsidian, hear my command, rise to the shadows, fall to the beast within.” Zyron chanted, his voice echoing with an ominous power.

Klaus clutched his chest, a pained cry escaping his lips as dark energy surged through him. Morgana’s eyes widened in horror as she watched her husband writhe in agony. “Klaus!” she cried, rushing to his side. But Klaus, his eyes glowing with a deep, unnatural light, pushed her back with a forceful hand. His body convulsed, and before anyone could react, claws erupted from his fingers, his back arching as leathery wings sprouted from his shoulders.

The transformation was quick and brutal, turning Klaus into a monstrous figure with blazing red eyes and jagged fangs. His roar shook the bar, sending a fresh wave of panic through the remaining people. Andy, Rio and Mark looked in horror. Morgana stood frozen, her heart breaking at the sight of her husband twisted into a monstrous form. “Klaus, no!” she pleaded, her voice cracking with anguish.

"Have fun, Queen Morgana!" Zyron says, disappearing with a contagious laugh.

Klaus let out a guttural growl and lunged at Morgana with terrifying speed. Roxy darted forward, her eyes brimming with tears. “Dad, stop! It’s me, Roxy!” she cried, desperately trying to reach through to him.

But the dark magic that coursed through him was too strong, and his face twisted back into a snarl as he swung at Roxy with vicious intent.

Musa, acting on instinct, flew in front of Roxy. “Sonic Screen!” she shouted, projecting her Believix shield. As Klaus angrily hit Musa's shield with all his strength, that force returned back to the sender, knocking Klaus back and sending him sprawling onto the floor, his monstrous form dazed and disoriented.

Roxy, her heart pounding, knelt beside her father, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Dad, please, you have to fight it!” she sobbed, clutching his hand tightly. But Klaus’s eyes remained wild, growling.

As Bloom continued to channel her healing magic into Mirta, a soft glow enveloped the unconscious fairy. The air around them shimmered with a gentle warmth, and though Mirta’s eyes remained closed, her pulse gradually quickened. Bloom let out a relieved breath, her eyes brimming with hope. "Hang in there, Mirta," she whispered.

Flora turned her focus back to the frenzied battle unfolding before her. She flew towards the monstrous Klaus, determination blazing in her eyes. “Winter Rose!” Flora shouted, unleashing thick, resilient vines that shot out from the ground, wrapping tightly around Klaus’s monstrous form. The vines glowed with a green hue, attempting to hold him in place despite his thrashing.

With a determined look, Flora took a deep breath. “Flora Enchantix!” she cried, her body enveloped in a radiant transformation as her Enchantix wings unfurled behind her and her dress changed, she fluttered her wings, producing fairy dust, letting it sprinkle over Klaus, hoping to cleanse the dark magic that had corrupted him.

However, instead of Klaus reverting to his human form, he remained unchanged, still snarling and struggling against the vines that bound him.

Tecna, observing the scene, suddenly realized something alarming. “It won't work, Flora! It’s not a dark spell!” Tecna exclaimed, her voice filled with urgency as she flew to Flora’s side. “It’s a transformative spell using ancient hibernation magic—the same type that trapped Headmistress Faragonda in the tree. But this one’s been twisted into something far worse, changing Klaus' exterior completely.”

Flora’s eyes widened in shock as Tecna explained. “Are you saying he’s been transformed permanently?” she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"Not yet, but we need the wa..." Before Tecna could finish, Klaus let out a furious roar, his strength surging as he tore through Flora’s enchanted vines. With a powerful swipe, he sent Flora hurtling through the air, crashing onto the stage where she had been performing with the Winx just moments ago. She landed with a pained gasp, her wings fluttering weakly as she tried to regain her footing.

Bloom, watching the chaos unfold, felt a pang of sorrow. “I’m sorry, Klaus,” she whispered under her breath, her voice breaking slightly. Steeling herself, she soared into the air, raising her hands as a fiery aura surrounded her. “But you leave me no choice! Fiery Shield!” she called out, forming a protective barrier around her friends and everyone in the bar, shielding them from the impending attack.

With a determined look, Bloom took aim at the ground. “Supernova!” she shouted, her voice ringing out with authority. A brilliant burst of fiery energy erupted from her hands, slamming into the ground and cracking it open into Klaus, exploding beneath him. The force of the explosion sent tremors through the bar as the ground fissured, the flames racing toward Klaus with unrelenting power.

The flames engulfed Klaus, the intense heat forcing him to stumble back as the fiery eruption reached him. The energy pulsed and exploded around him, and with a deafening roar, Klaus was knocked off his feet. The monstrous figure collapsed onto the ground, the last of his energy spent as he finally fell unconscious. His body lay still, surrounded by the scorched remains of the stage.

The room fell silent, some of the lights started working again. Morgana looked in shock, Roxy started crying. Bloom landed softly beside Flora, who was still recovering from the force of Klaus’s attack. The rest of the Winx gathered around, their faces a mix of relief and sorrow.

Morgana, her eyes filled with tears, rushed to Klaus’s side, her hands trembling as she touched his transformed face. “Klaus…” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. Despite his monstrous appearance, Morgana could still see traces of the man she loved, hidden beneath the layers of magic that had twisted him into this state.

Roxy knelt beside her father, her tears flowing freely as she clutched his clawed hand. “We have to bring him back,” she said, her voice firm despite the quiver of fear in her heart. “We can't leave him like this...”

Bloom, standing beside them, nodded resolutely. “We’ll undo this, I promise Roxy.”

Tecna urgently flew to Flora's side, her face filled with concern. "We need water from Linphea again, it's the only way to counteract this twisted magic. Just like how we saved Headmistress Faragonda."

Flora nodded.

The Trix, having retreated to a safer vantage point, observed the aftermath of the battle in the distance on top of the beach with a mix of amusement and intrigue. Icy, with a satisfied smirk, glanced at her sisters. "Well, that guy certainly knows how to make an exit." she sneered.

Darcy chuckled darkly. "He caused more havoc in a few minutes than Valtor did in the last few weeks we were with him." she mused, clearly impressed.

Stormy crossed her arms, "I still don’t trust him," she muttered, her voice edged with disdain. "But if we see him again… maybe it wouldn’t hurt to lend a hand. Just to keep things interesting."

Icy nodded, her eyes fixed on the distant battlefield where Zyron’s magic still lingered. "No alliances, though. We play by our rules," she stated firmly. "But if he’s willing to make this much chaos, who are we to stand in his way? A little assistance might make things even more fun."

The Trix faded into the shadows, leaving their laugh behind.
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Fri Sep 13, 2024 10:47 pm

Chapter 12: Water Bottle


“Breaking news! The famous solo artist Musa, who is also a key member of the girl band Rockstars, has been identified as one of the Winx Club fairies! Reports are flooding in, confirming that the Winx Club has been actively engaged in a major battle at the Frutti Music Bar, and it appears the destruction both inside and outside is significant. As you can see, the area around the bar is heavily damaged, and we are unable to get inside due to safety concerns. Sources confirm that everyone has been safely isolated thanks to the actions of the Winx and other unidentified fairies.”

The camera cuts to shots of the outside of the Frutti Music Bar, showing debris scattered across the street, windows shattered, and the front entrance marred with scorch marks from the fierce battle. The TV crew remains a safe distance away, unable to breach the cordon established by magical barriers that flicker faintly in the air.

Nova’s expression is one of deep concern, her brows furrowed as she watches the footage, her mind racing with worry for her friends. “What’s happening in there…?” she murmurs to herself, biting her lip. The sound of the pets and Kiko whimpering draws her attention momentarily, and she bends down to comfort them. "Don't worry," she whispers softly, though it's unclear if she’s reassuring the animals or herself.

Back at the Frutti Music Bar, the atmosphere is tense. The Winx stand in various states of exhaustion, trying to assess the aftermath of the battle. Suddenly, Tecna's communicator beeps and she presses a button, pointing to the front. A shimmering portal opens in the middle of the room, and the Specialists step through, their presence bringing a sense of immediate relief and reinforcement.

Brandon, Sky, Riven, Timmy and Helia emerge, their expressions a mix of concern and determination. Brandon nods at Tecna, who still holds her device that created the portal. “Thanks for getting us here so fast,” he says, his voice filled with gratitude.

Tecna gives a quick nod, her eyes scanning the room. “We need all the help we can get.” she replies, her tone firm yet grateful.

The Specialists immediately get to work, rushing to Klaus’s side. They quickly secure him with a reinforced collar designed to suppress his strength and anchor him to the walls of the bar. Roxy and Morgana watch helplessly as Klaus awakes and begins to struggle, his monstrous form writhing against the restraints. Tears stream down Roxy's face as she reaches out but stops short, unsure of what to do. Morgana, standing beside her daughter, grips her hand tightly, tears welling in her own eyes. Diana and Nebula appear in a soft shimmer of light, their expressions grave as they take in the scene.

Nebula places a reassuring hand on Morgana’s shoulder. “I heard what happened and had to check up on everyone... don't worry, we will find a way to fix this.” she says, her voice gentle but firm. Morgana nods, though the worry in her eyes remains.

Meanwhile, the Specialists lie Andy down on a nearby table, his breathing still shallow and his body aching from Zyron's attack. Sky and Helia kneel beside him, checking his vitals, while Flora hovers nearby, her hands glowing softly as she tries to see if he's injured elsewhere. Bloom, her face etched with exhaustion, approaches them, her eyes focused on Andy.

“I’ve got this,” Bloom says quietly, placing her hands over Andy's chest. A warm, golden light emanates from her palms, enveloping Andy and gradually restoring his strength. He looks up at Bloom with a grateful smile.

“Thank you,” Andy murmurs, sitting up slowly. But as Bloom rises to her feet, she stumbles, her vision blurring. A wave of dizziness washes over her, and she collapses to her knees, struggling to catch her breath.

Flora, Stella, and Tecna rush to her side, their faces filled with concern. “Bloom, you’ve been pushing yourself too hard!” Flora scolds gently, her voice tinged with worry. “You can’t keep this up. You’ve been healing too much, too fast.”

Stella nods in agreement, her eyes filled with sympathy. “You need to rest, Bloom. You’re no good to anyone if you collapse.”

But Bloom shakes her head stubbornly, her expression resolute despite her obvious fatigue. “I can’t stop,” she says, her voice strained but determined. “If I don’t heal them… if I don’t help… people could die.” Her gaze shifts to Mirta, still lying unconscious nearby. Bloom’s face softens with guilt and determination, knowing that her friend’s life hangs in the balance.

The Specialists exchange concerned glances as they assess the situation. Sky steps forward, his expression serious. “You... guys can't really leave, either. Not with Klaus in this condition,” he says, his voice heavy with responsibility. “There’s no guarantee the walls of the bar will hold him if he breaks free. We may need some of you to stay and help contain him.”

Tecna nods in disapproval. “We can't stay. We need to get water from the Black Willow on Linphea,” she states, her tone urgent. “It’s the only way to counteract the hibernation magic that’s transformed Klaus. Without it, we have no hope of saving him.”

Roxy wipes her eyes, steeling herself. “I’m going,” she declares, her voice resolute. “I have to. It’s my dad, and I need to save him.”

Andy, now fully conscious and eager to help, places a reassuring hand on Bloom’s shoulder. “We’ll get that water,” he says, determination lighting up his eyes. He turns to Roxy, his expression softening as he sees her tears. “I’m going too, Roxy, I want to. Klaus did too much for us ever since I was a teen. I want to... I need to do the same for him”

Rio, and Mark step forward as well, their faces set with determination. “Count us in,” Rio says, his voice strong. “We’re not just going to sit back while you risk everything.”

Bloom’s eyes widen in alarm. “You’re crazy,” she exclaims, her voice tinged with fear. “The Black Willow is in the Magical Dimension! Humans haven’t been there in ages. It’s too unpredictable what might happen to you! Linphea has different plants, different wild life...”

Andy meets Bloom’s gaze, his expression sincere. “If we can’t go, we’ll accept it. But we want to help. We want to be there for Klaus, for Roxy, for all of you. If there’s even a chance we can make a difference, we have to try.”

Clarice and Alice, standing nearby, exchange a glance and nod in unison. “We’re coming too,” Alice says firmly. “We can’t let you do this alone.”

Silence falls over the group as everyone exchanges uncertain glances. The weight of the decision hangs heavily in the air, and for a moment, no one speaks. Finally, Brandon steps forward, breaking the silence with a determined nod. “Winx, guys, you have to protect this place and ensure Klaus remains here. We’ll go,” he says, his voice steady and sure. "I’ll go with them. I promise to bring everyone back safely, and we’ll get the water. We’ll save Klaus.”

Everyone nods in agreement, Stella looking softly at Brandon as she listens. Finally, she steps forward, her expression one of fierce determination. “Solaria!” she shouts, and her ring materializes in her hand, turning into a beautiful scepter glowing with a brilliant light. She turns to Roxy, her eyes meeting hers. “Roxy, you don’t have most of your Believix spells yet, and without your full set of wings, you can't teleport them. But don’t worry. I’ll get everyone there safely.”

Roxy nods as the blonde girl quickly approaches her boyfriend. Stella gently kisses Brandon, her eyes filled with trust and hope. She steps back, raising her ring high as its light intensifies, casting a warm, radiant glow over the group. “I’ll teleport you all to Linphea,” she says confidently. “And I’ll bring you back in two hours, with or without the water.”

The group nods, their expressions resolute as they prepare for the journey. Stella waves her ring, and a brilliant beam of light envelops them, lifting them off the ground. They vanish in a flash, transported through the portal to the lush, verdant world of Linphea, where instead of a black night, the first rays of sun start shining in due to the different timezones.

As the light fades, the remaining Winx, Specialists, and major fairies stand in the now-quiet Frutti Music Bar, their eyes filled with hope and determination. Bloom watches the spot where her friends had just disappeared, her heart pounding with worry but also with faith in their success.

“Come back safe,” she whispers, her voice a soft plea. "We’re counting on you."

Roxy, Andy, Rio, Mark, Brandon, Alice, and Clarice find themselves standing in the lush, magical landscape of Linphea. The air is filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and the sky above them is a mix of yellow becoming a baby blue. The group gazes around, momentarily captivated by the sheer beauty of the realm. Towering trees with leaves of iridescent green stretch towards the sky.

Roxy steps forward, “This place is… incredible,” she whispers, her voice tinged with a mix of wonder and urgency. But there’s no time to marvel at the beauty; they have a mission. The Black Willow awaits, and time is of the essence.

Brandon steps ahead, turning to face the group. His expression is serious, and his voice carries a sense of authority as he begins to explain. “Alright, everyone, listen up. The Winx were here before due to Faragonda so I know a few things about how this place works. The Black Willow is not like anything you’ve seen before. The river that flows near it runs in reverse and it’s crucial we don’t touch it directly. The magic here is ancient and powerful—one wrong move, and the consequences could be irreversible.”

Alice sees the cascade in front of them in awe. “I heard about this... the river, it flows upside down...”

Brandon points toward it, the waters shimmering, defying gravity as it flows upward into the cave instead of down to the ground. Brandon explains. “The water flows upwards, and it’s not just a spectacle. It’s imbued with transformative properties. If you touch it directly, it could regress you—turn you back into children, just like the Trix. We need a goblet to collect the tears of the Willow safely.”

Andy, his usual bravado tempered by the seriousness of the situation, nods thoughtfully. “So, we need to be extra careful. No direct contact with anything around that river.”

Brandon continues, pointing towards the cave. “The Black Willow is deeper in that cave. We need to find it, get the water we need, and get back. Time isn’t on our side; every second counts.”

Roxy clenches her fists, her resolve unshaken. “Let’s get moving. My dad’s counting on us, and I’m not leaving here without that water.”

The group makes their way through the big wooden staircase going upwards, their footsteps echoing together. As they approach the top of the waterfall, the cave is finally seen. Inside, lied the Black Willow. They looked tired of going up all those stairs, but happy only thirty minutes had passed and time was on their side.

The sight is both beautiful and daunting. The Willow’s tears glow faintly, illuminating the leaves from where the they fall to the water with a soft, silver light. However, the magic in the air feels heavy and thick, and the group can sense the immense power radiating from the tree.

Clarice takes a deep breath, her eyes wide as she takes in the surreal scene. “It’s… it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before.”

Brandon steps forward, his eyes locked onto the Willow. “Alright, everyone, remember what I said. No direct contact. We need to find a goblet—something to collect the tears without touching them ourselves.”

Andy quickly goes through his bag, going through his stuff looking for something. Roxy scans the ground around them, her gaze sharp and focused. “There must be something we can use. Keep an eye out for anything that looks like it could work.”

Taking out his steel water bottle and removing the common water from inside, Andy raises it. "Does this work?"

Brandon tries to remember what that was while Alice and Clarice look at object with curiosity while Roxy giggles happy, taking it for herself. "It's perfect! It'll work!"

"What is that?" Clarice asks, curious and uncertain, her eyes almost showing a hint of fear looking at the object.

Roxy turns to her, grinning. "A regular, earthly, water bottle." she laughs and the guys start laughing as well. Clarice and Alice look at each other confused, but end up smirking anyway, happy to see Roxy a bit more relaxed.

Brandon examines the bottle, nodding in approval. “Now, we just need to collect the tears. Steady hands, now. We can’t afford any mistakes.”

Roxy, her heart pounding with anticipation, steps forward with it. She takes a deep breath, carefully positioning the water bottle on an 85º degree angle, slowly, extremely slowly, pouring water inside. The others watch in silent anticipation as the object fills.

Roxy's hands tremble slightly, but she remains focused, ensuring not a single drop touches her skin. Finally, the water bottle is full. “Got it,” Roxy whispers, relief flooding her voice. She carefully steps back, putting the water bottle in Andy's little bag back while Alice does a quick magic to tie it with several ropes attached to the bag as if it were the most precious thing in the world.

"Can we signal Stella? This was pretty easy!" Clarice says with a smile.

Just as they turn to leave, the ground beneath them rumbles softly, and the Willow’s branches start moving softly, almost like it's warning them. The atmosphere inside the cave shifts from serene to tense as Zyron appears suddenly, his form emerging from the shadows with a smug grin plastered on his face. His eyes gleam with a malicious delight as he surveys the group, pausing for a moment to savor their surprise and fear.

“I knew you’d come,” Zyron says, his voice echoing eerily through the cave. “All for Morgana’s boyfriend, how sweet.”

Roxy steps forward, her eyes blazing with defiance. “He’s not just Morgana’s boyfriend! He’s my dad!” she shouts, launching an offensive spell in his direction. A burst of green energy surges from her hands, but Zyron barely moves. With a casual flick of his wrist, he conjures a shield that absorbs the attack effortlessly, redirecting the spell toward Brandon.

Brandon reacts quickly, drawing his sword and deflecting the redirected energy into the cave wall, causing a tiny explosion. He steadies himself, glancing at the group with concern.

Zyron chuckles, stepping closer with a slow, deliberate pace. “You all are quite foolish, coming here. And even more foolish to bring humans along.” His eyes gleam with malice. “The same spell I used on dear Dad can be used on them—and believe me, I’m more than willing.”

Rio and Mark exchange a nervous glance but stand firm. “Don’t listen to him!” Andy urges, his voice resolute despite the fear creeping into his tone as well.

But Zyron’s eyes narrow, glowing red as he gazes directly at the boys. Their confident stances waver as they suddenly collapse, gasping as Zyron begins to drain their life force. They struggle on the ground, their vitality visibly ebbing away, leaving them pale and weak.

“No!” Roxy cries, her voice breaking as she watches Andy, Rio and Mark suffer. Desperation floods her as she raises her hands to strike again, but Zyron shifts his gaze to her, his expression turning cold and calculating. “You really don’t get it, do you?” he sneers.

Clarice, her face twisted in determination, conjures a sharp mirror shard, hurling it at Zyron. He barely glances at her, and with a dismissive gesture, he saps her strength too, her attack faltering as she gasps and drops to her knees, her vitality waning rapidly.

Brandon steps forward, positioning himself protectively in front of Roxy. “Stop right now dude, I'm warning you!” he shouts, his voice firm. He pushes Roxy behind him, his sword ready in his hand. Zyron’s eyes narrow as he assesses Brandon.

“Well, well, if it isn't a Specialist,” Zyron mocks, his voice dripping with disdain. “Tell me, are you happy playing the obedient soldier at Red Fountain? Back in my day, any school, including Red Fountain taught magic to everyone, and every Specialist just like yourself had the potential to ascend to a Wizard. I was just like you once, but I surpassed all expectations. They were afraid—afraid that someone not born with magic could become more powerful than those who were. So, they banned it. People like me, who weren’t meant to have power, became too much of a threat. You could also be that way, so why accept? Why obey?”

Brandon tightens his grip on his sword, his expression unwavering. “I’m fine just the way I am,” he retorts, his voice steady despite the danger.

Zyron’s smile fades into a scowl, his irritation growing. “You shouldn’t be. Your acceptance of mediocrity will be your downfall,” Zyron snaps, his voice rising with frustration. His eyes glow intensely as he raises his hand, draining Brandon’s life force. Brandon’s tan skin pales, taking on a sickly yellow hue as his strength ebbs away. He stumbles but manages to stay on his feet, his sword trembling in his grip.

Roxy, seeing her friends suffering, pleads, “Stop hurting them! Please!”

Zyron finally releases his hold, letting everyone slump to the ground, weak and barely conscious. He steps closer to Roxy, his expression shifting from anger to a predatory curiosity. “There’s something different about you, isn’t there?” he says softly, his tone almost musing as he tilts his head, examining her. “I’m curious to see what makes you so special.”

Roxy stumbles backward, confusion and fear flashing in her eyes. She tries to summon her powers, but Zyron waves his hand, raising a barrier from the ground that traps her. As he approaches her, he reaches out, his fingers brushing her face. His touch sends a chill through her, and she gasps as she feels her life force begin to drain, her body weakening rapidly.

For the first time, Roxy feels truly vulnerable. She had withstood Zyron’s power before, but now she feels it seeping through her defenses, draining her more than ever. Her knees buckle, and she struggles to stay upright. Zyron gasps, confused. Then, his surprise turns into a bitter smile, clearly pleased but also disappointed. “Seems you’re not as resilient as I’d hoped. I was looking for something more… enduring. Maybe I was wrong.”

Andy, weakened but not defeated, watches in horror as Zyron continues to touch Roxy. Despite his frailty, he forces himself to his feet, eyes burning with anger. “Get away from her!” Andy yells, his voice strained but defiant. He rushes at Zyron, dropping his bag with the precious water bottle as he charges. Zyron glances at Andy with mild annoyance, raising his hand and draining even more of Andy’s strength, causing him to collapse to his knees, barely able to keep breathing.

Zyron chuckles softly, looking down at Andy with a mix of amusement and contempt. “Pathetic,” he mutters, shaking his head. “This is too easy.”

Roxy’s eyes fill with tears as she watches her friends suffer. “Please, let them go!” she begs, her voice breaking. Zyron shrugs nonchalantly, a cruel smile playing at the corners of his lips. “I can’t let all this delicious energy go to waste,” he says dismissively.

Suddenly, a bird swoops into the cave, its vibrant feathers a sharp contrast against the dim surroundings. Zyron smirks, extending his power toward the bird and draining it too, feeding off its life force. Roxy’s eyes widen as she feels a sudden connection to the bird, its fear and pain echoing in her mind. Despite her own weakness, Roxy feels a surge of strength returning as the bird's connection bolsters her and begs for her help as fairy of animals.

Just as Zyron is about to finish the bird, Roxy gathers her strength and shouts, “Venomous Fangs!” Green energy bursts from her hands, breaking her binding spell and forming into snake-like projectiles that strike Zyron in the chest. He stumbles back, clutching his chest as his body writhes in pain, his skin prickling as if bitten by a thousand snakes. He screams, feeling the venom in his body.

Roxy looks at the white circle in her finger, quickly closing her eyes and trying to establish a quick connection with her mother. "Mom, please, tell Stella we need to get out of here right now!" she thinks desperately, her mind racing.

Zyron grits his teeth, brushing a hand over his chest as the pain begins to subside. He glares at Roxy, a mixture of rage and amusement flashing in his eyes. “Maybe I was right then, but this means you’re going to regret that,” he growls, starting to stand up and regain his composure. “You really think you can defy me?!”

Roxy’s eyes dart around as she hears Zyron's threat, her heart pounding. In the distance, a faint glow begins to shine—a sign of Stella’s magic. Zyron sneers, raising his hand to unleash a final attack. But before he can act, a brilliant beam of dark sunlight bursts into the cave, encircling the group. The light begins to pull them away, and Zyron lunges forward, trying to reach them before they can escape.

In a split second, Roxy spots the bag with the water bottle on the floor just in front of the group, grabbing it as the light envelops her. Zyron’s outstretched hand narrowly misses her and the bag, and he stumbles back as the light takes them, disappearing from the cave just in time.

Left alone, Zyron’s eyes blaze with fury as his prey slips away. The cave echoes with the sound of his angry roar.
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby NepDoesArt » Sat Sep 14, 2024 4:07 pm

The story is honestly really well written, and I'm always eager to see what the next chapters hold.
However, I do fear that things conveniently happen because the plot demands so.
Leaving the Winx on Earth instead of Lynphea, when there's the Specialists, Major Fairies, Roxy, Alice, and Clarice feel a bit too convenient for Zyron to come in and ruin the day on Lynphea. I already talked about this in a previous discussion, but Zyron's powers really feel overpowered for a weakened wizard, espescially one who was trapped for centuries in the Omega Dimension.
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