Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Fri Sep 20, 2024 11:54 pm

Chapter 22: Forever Glory or Eternal Shame


As the four girls walked alongside Queen Varanda through the hallways of the Wizardry School of Callisto, they were all in awe of its grandeur. The school stood atop a cliff that overlooked the endless ocean, its walls made of gleaming white stone, enchanted with magic that made them shimmer under the light of Callisto's suns. Every detail seemed to speak of ancient power, from the intricate symbols carved into the columns to the floating chandeliers that gently bobbed in the air, casting soft glows across the vast corridors.

“This place is incredible,” Roxy whispered, her eyes wide as she took in the grandeur around her. She marveled at the sight of students—mostly boys—gliding through the hallways, their transformed fairy wings sparkling with magic. Every one of them seemed to carry themselves with confidence, and their energy buzzed in the air.

“They’re all transformed…” Alice noted quietly, watching the students, particularly the fairies, in their full magical forms. “I’ve never seen so many people stay transformed in a single space.”

Mirta frowned slightly as she absorbed the scene. “It must be exhausting.”

The queen nodded in agreement, her voice gentle but firm. “It is. But here, they don’t have much of a choice. The school is designed for wizards, fairies, and paladins—though witches have their own separate academy on Callisto.” She gestured to the halls that stretched endlessly around them. “Only two classes of female fairies are admitted here, since this institution was primarily built for boys. The girl fairies who attend are the daughters of powerful families, and they’re placed in their own exclusive wing to separate them from the rest.”

Clarice glanced around, curious. “But… what about poor families with fairy powers? Isn’t there another school nearby that’s more… balanced?”

Queen Varanda nodded, her expression softening as they walked. “Yes, there's a public school a few hours away, it has more or less the same number of both boys and girls. But it’s public, and because of that, there’s a certain stigma attached to it. Many families here on Callisto prefer the prestige of the Wizardry School but not all can get in.”

Alice tilted her head, intrigued. “So only the strongest families—those with a strong magical lineage—send their children here?”

“Exactly,” the queen confirmed. “The strongest families, the most powerful bloodlines. It’s a matter of pride for them. Their children are expected to rise to the top in both magic and societal status.”

As they passed through the grand hall, the girls couldn’t help but be amazed at the sheer size and complexity of the school. Towering archways led to various classrooms, training rooms, and open courtyards where students were practicing their magic. The energy in the air was palpable, and the sight of students constantly in their transformed state was overwhelming.

“They’re forced to stay transformed?” Clarice asked, her voice tinged with disbelief. “I’ve never spent more than one or two hours transformed at a time. Any longer, and I start to feel drained.”

The queen smiled sympathetically. “It’s true. The school enforces strict training. They must stay transformed throughout the entire day. Only when the sun sets are they allowed to detransform. The idea is that constant transformation will push them to enhance their powers, forcing them to grow stronger.”

Clarice shuddered at the thought. “No way. I couldn’t do that. It would completely drain me.”

“It was hard for me as well,” the queen admitted. “When I first started, it felt unbearable. My body ached every day, and there were times when I could barely walk. It takes a long time for your body to adjust, but eventually, you do get stronger.”

“But not everyone can handle it,” Mirta said softly, glancing at the queen.

Queen Varanda’s expression darkened slightly. “No, they can’t. Many students sneak away to the bathrooms during breaks, just to detransform and replenish their energy. I did it myself, more times than I can count. Some students faint, and others sleep for days just to recover.”

“And yet their parents still make them come here?” Roxy asked, shaking her head.

“It’s a matter of honor,” the queen explained, her voice tinged with sadness. “For many of these families, sending their children here is not just about education—it’s about legacy. They’re expected to become the best, no matter the cost.”

Mirta sighed deeply, her gaze drifting to the students who moved with precision and grace around the halls. “I could never study here. It’s too… harsh.”

Queen Varanda smiled softly at her. “Neither could I, if I had a choice. I would have much preferred to attend Alfea, where there’s more balance. But sometimes, we don’t get to choose our path.”

The group fell silent as they approached the central courtyard of the school. The space was enormous, with a grand fountain at its center, and students practicing spells and transformations in every corner. The sight was both awe-inspiring and intimidating, the weight of tradition and expectation heavy in the air.

Clarice looked around in awe, but her earlier discomfort remained. “It’s impressive, but… I don’t think I’d last a day here.”

Queen Varanda chuckled softly. “Many feel the same way at first. But those who endure become some of the most powerful fairies and wizards in the universe.”

Mirta remained quiet, her thoughts drifting as she looked at the determined faces of the students around her. The Wizardry School of Callisto was unlike anything she had ever seen, and while it was grand and prestigious, it felt like a place that would push anyone to their limits.

The group stopped right in the center of the grand courtyard, the weight of the school’s grandeur settling around them. They had been told to wait for Headmaster Cyrus to arrive, but in the stillness, Roxy's thoughts began to drift.

“You know, I’ve been thinking…” she began, her voice tentative as she looked toward Queen Varanda. “About all the boys—those who aren’t from magical bloodlines. They can’t learn magic in schools like this. They have to teach themselves at home, and some struggle to connect with their own magic so they can't even find balance, right?”

The queen turned to Roxy, her expression soft but thoughtful. “If you’re referring to the regular wizards, those who aren’t born into a magical family then yes, that is correct.”

Roxy nodded, her frustration bubbling up. “Exactly. They’re neglected, and it feels like they don’t even have a chance. They’re stuck learning by themselves, and in some places, using their magic is forbidden. How are they supposed to defend themselves? Or even reach their potential? It’s like they’re being punished for something they can’t control. If everyone is born with magic, why can't they choose their path?”

There was a silence for a moment, the only sound the distant murmur of students talking. The queen sighed deeply before speaking. “That’s a good question... I won't lie, that's the type of things that are in the back of my mind. Perhaps, in the back of the entire Magical Dimension. Things have been this way for two whole centuries. I never thought about it that way nor have I placed myself in that position.”

Alice glanced up, intrigued. “No one’s ever tried to change it in two whole centuries?”

“There was a lot of unrest when the rule was first implemented,” Queen Varanda explained. “Back then, many students at Red Fountain felt it was unjust when they were suddenly rejected and couldn’t complete their studies. The same thing happened here, in Callisto, and later on in Eraklyon. But after a time, it became accepted. People grew used to the rule, and the complaints faded in almost all the planets of the magical dimension.”

Roxy shook her head. “That’s awful. So many were just cut off from their education like that?”

The queen nodded sadly. “Yes. Solaria and Andros are the only real exceptions. Solaria has a school where all wizards can attend, regardless of bloodline. But truthfully, Solaria doesn’t have many regular wizards to begin with. It's a planet that has mainly fairy magic. Most of those who attend the school are bloodline wizards who were rejected from places like Callisto and other planets and are forced to study abroad. As for Andros, it’s more welcoming of all magical people, whether they come from powerful bloodlines or not. Regular wizards stopped trying to enter into schools and pursue their magical abilities, most men don't even tap into their powers. They only attempt to know one or two spells at most.”

Alice looked thoughtful. “So why did this rule even come about? What’s the purpose?”

Queen Varanda’s expression grew darker, her eyes reflecting the weight of history. “The rule was implemented to preserve the purity of magic, or so it was said. To ensure that only the strongest families, the most powerful wizards, would be the ones wielding magic.”

Clarice glanced at the queen, sensing the burden of her words. “Can't you do anything about it? Change the rule a little? I mean, you’re the queen.”

The queen smiled sadly. “I may be the queen, but I’m not without constraints. I have a council, a board filled with people who still defend the traditions. They argue that this is the way it’s always been, and they fear that allowing regular wizards to learn magic could lead to chaos or dilution of power. Changing such deep-rooted laws is not easy.”

“But don’t you think it’s wrong?” Roxy pressed gently.

“I do,” Queen Varanda admitted, her voice quiet but firm. “I think it’s a sad rule. People just want to learn magic, to defend themselves, to have a place in the world. Denying them that because they weren’t born into the right family—it doesn’t sit well with me.”

The girls were silent for a moment, reflecting on the queen’s words. The grandeur of the school seemed to lose some of its luster in the wake of the conversation, its shimmering halls now cast in a shadow of injustice.

“If I was a guy, I'd hate this lifestyle,” Mirta said quietly, her gaze far away. “To be deprived of our future, to have choices stripped from you? I hate it...”

"Zyron's a bad guy, there's no question about that..." Alice began, her voice showing how carefully she was trying to finish the sentence. "But I understand why he snapped. He should never act the way he did, don't get me wrong, but it is unfair..."

Queen Varanda placed a hand on Alice’s shoulder, her expression filled with understanding. Before they could say more, the sound of footsteps echoed through the hall. They all turned to see Headmaster Cyrus approaching, his robes trailing behind him like a shadow. His presence was commanding, yet there was a strange, quiet intensity to his gaze.

“We should continue this later,” Queen Varanda whispered softly to the girls. “Cyrus doesn’t take kindly to distractions.”

Headmaster Cyrus approached the group with an air of grandeur, the polished emblem of the Wizardry School of Callisto gleaming on his chest. His eyes locked onto the queen as he began to speak in a deep, resonant voice that seemed to fill the vast courtyard.

"Your Majesty," he said, bowing deeply, "it is an honor to have you here, gracing these halls with your presence once again. I can assure you, the students of Callisto have been learning diligently, and I dare say, they are among the finest the Magical Dimension has ever seen, yet none as powerful as you were." His words were dripping with formality, and though his tone was respectful, there was an unmistakable sense of pride—bordering on arrogance—behind his every syllable.

Queen Varanda smiled politely, but the moment he turned away to lead them on the tour, she rolled her eyes in a silent expression of exasperation. The girls stifled their giggles, exchanging amused glances as Cyrus continued his monologue.

As they walked, Cyrus pointed out various groups of wizards inside the classrooms that could be seen through the glassy windows, all dressed in resplendent uniforms, practicing their spells with precision. Some hovered above the ground, their robes fluttering as they conjured intricate magical attacks and defensive shields. Others were engaged in intense duels, their spells crackling through the air with power.

"Look at them," Cyrus said proudly, gesturing to the students as they cast spells that glowed with raw energy. "These wizards are preparing to be the best of the best, the magical dimension’s finest protectors, leaders, and guardians. Every person, every world, has its own magical essence, and my role as headmaster is to ensure that these students discover the unique powers they are destined to wield."

The headmaster's chest puffed out with pride as he watched his students. "My task is to help them unlock that potential."

Mirta, who had been quietly observing, suddenly spoke up. "Don’t regular wizards also have their own magical essence and powers as well?"

Cyrus stopped in his tracks, clearly taken aback by the question. For a moment, he faltered, but quickly regained his composure. "Well, yes… of course," he began, his tone slightly flustered. "But this school is for the elite—those with the strongest magical bloodlines as I assume you're aware."

Roxy, sensing an opening, quickly added, "But if they have their own magical essence, just like your students, why can’t they study here? Don’t they deserve a chance to discover their potential too?"

Cyrus’s face tightened with irritation and the Queen realized what the Alfea students were trying to do. Cyrus tried to keep his voice calm. "Because, miss, they are not at the same level as the wizards trained here. This institution is designed for those with a natural, inherited power. Regular wizards would—" he hesitated, clearly uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation, "—simply fall behind."

Mirta crossed her arms, her brow furrowing. "But how can you know that if they’ve never been given the chance? You’re saying they’re not good enough when you haven’t even seen what they can do."

Cyrus's patience was wearing thin, and he turned to the queen, his irritation now barely masked. "Your Majesty, I'm deeply sorry but I can't stay silent no more. My concerns need to be voiced this instant! Are you certain these fairies are truly qualified to protect you? My students are the finest from this planet—they will undoubtedly do a far better job."

Mirta took a step forward, her eyes flashing with defiance. "I can protect the queen just fine."

Clarice, standing by her side, nodded in agreement. "No offense but that statement was pretty bold. How can you be sure I’m not stronger than any of these students?"

The tension in the air thickened, and the Pixies, who had been quietly observing, suddenly fluttered around nervously, sensing the rising heat of the moment.

"Everyone, please calm down!" Livy squeaked, her tiny voice full of concern.

"Yeah, let’s not argue!" Jolly added.

But Cyrus, his pride wounded, smiled darkly. "Oh, you think you’re stronger? Would you dare to put that theory to the test?"

The challenge hung in the air, and the girls exchanged glances. Mirta seemed to regret speaking, but Clarice would never allow them to back down, her pride was at stake now. She stepped forward, her chin raised in determination. "Sure."

Cyrus’s eyes gleamed with a mixture of annoyance and amusement as he turned to the queen. "Your Majesty, do I have your consent for a friendly duel? I believe it would be… enlightening to see just how strong these Alfea fairies truly are."

Queen Varanda raised an eyebrow, her expression calm but firm. "Yes, you have my consent. But I want it to be fair. Only second-year students, and one third-year student, will be allowed to match the Alfea fairies’ power levels."

Cyrus blinked, clearly surprised by the condition, but he quickly regained his confidence. "As you wish. I accept. My students are more than capable."

Before he could turn away, the queen added, her voice carrying a subtle edge. "And if the Alfea fairies win, you will add an extra class for thirty more girls next year."

The shock on Cyrus’s face was unmistakable. He had clearly not expected such a demand. "An extra class? But it's been only two for a long time..." he repeated, his voice faltering. But after a brief hesitation, he straightened his back, masking his surprise with confidence. "Very well. I accept. But I assure you, my students will prevail."

As he walked away to make the arrangements, Roxy turned to Queen Varanda, a smile spreading across her face.

The queen gave her a small, knowing smile and whispered, "Baby steps towards change. But now it’s in your hands."

The girls nodded, their determination renewed.

The sun was just beginning to go high now over Alfea as the Winx finished up their last class of the morning, detransforming from Enchantix as they landed. The students they had been teaching waved goodbye, always happy to have the Winx as teachers. With a few quick goodbyes, the Winx stepped away from the training grounds, feeling both a sense of accomplishment and exhaustion.

"That was intense," Stella said, stretching her arms over her head. "But I’m glad we’re getting the hang of teaching."

"Yeah, I thought we'd not have any idea of what to do after a few classes, but it's been pretty rewarding, and our program has been great!" Aisha admitted with a smile.

Just as they began to walk back to the main building, Tecna’s communicator buzzed. A small hologram flickered to life on the screen, revealing the bodies of the Specialists. Immediately, the girls perked up, smiles spreading across their faces.

“Hey, girls!” Sky greeted, his usual confidence shining through despite the faint static of the hologram. “Sorry for the early call. We’ve been up all night redoing the dragon test, and we just wanted to check in.”

Tecna’s smile softened as she adjusted the communicator for a clearer view. “Redoing the dragon test? Did something happen?”

Sky sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah… We had a face-to-face with Zyron yesterday. He disrupted the test. We barely had time to realize it was him... he escaped right away.”

The girls exchanged worried glances. Bloom’s expression grew serious as she stepped closer to Tecna’s communicator. “Zyron again? This is getting out of hand. Did anyone get hurt?”

“No, only a second year student but he's completely fine now...” Brandon chimed in. “But we’ve had to start over. He really caught us off guard.”

Musa crossed her arms, her brow furrowing. “That guy’s slippery. We need to figure out what he’s up to before things get worse.”

Flora’s gaze lingered on Helia, noticing that he had been unusually quiet during the conversation. While the others seemed engaged, Helia’s expression was distant, his eyes reflecting a kind of internal struggle that Flora hadn’t seen before. She leaned in slightly, her voice gentle. “Helia, is something wrong? You’ve been quiet…”

Helia’s eyes flicked up to meet Flora’s, and for a moment, his lips pressed into a thin line. “Yes. Sorry... I should be focusing on you."

"If you're not ok, then you should absolutely not." Flora whispered, smilling warmly to him. Helia looked into her eyes, their love stronger than ever.

"I… I’ll explain everything at the Gala,” he said softly, his voice carrying a weight that made Flora’s heart sink.

Flora’s hand hovered near the communicator as she frowned. “The Gala?”

Helia nodded. “Yeah. It’s just… complicated. But I promise, I’ll tell you everything then.”

Before Flora could respond, Aisha spoke up. “Actually, the Gala might have to wait for us. We won't attend.”

Sky blinked, clearly surprised. “Wait, why? What’s going on?”

The Winx exchanged glances, and Bloom took a deep breath before explaining. “We’ve just been assigned a mission. There’s a lot happening with Zyron and the Trix. Faragonda thinks they’re planning something big.”

Timmy adjusted his glasses, his expression turning serious. “What’s the plan?”

“Faragonda has divided us,” Tecna added. “Some of us will be going to Cloud Tower, and others to Red Fountain. We need to keep a low profile, but we’ll be on guard in case anything happens. It’s the perfect time for Zyron and the Trix to strike while everyone’s distracted.”

There was a brief pause, and then Sky’s voice was heard. “Be careful, Bloom. Stay safe.”

Bloom smiled softly, her eyes meeting Sky’s through the hologram. “You too, Sky. Don’t do anything reckless in those tests of yours.”

Sky chuckled. “Reckless? Me? Never.”

The girls and specialists shared a brief laugh, though the underlying tension remained. There was so much uncertainty with Zyron and the Trix still on the loose, but for now, the brief moment of connection with the specialists brought some comfort.

Helia’s voice broke the silence, softer this time. “Flora… I’ll see you soon, okay?”

Flora’s heart fluttered as she nodded. “Okay. Just… take care of yourself, Helia.”

“We all will,” Timmy said reassuringly. “We’ll keep an eye out on our end, and we’ll keep you updated.”

With a few final goodbyes, the holograms flickered out, leaving the Winx standing together in the quiet courtyard.

The four Alfea fairies stepped cautiously into the enormous arena of the Wizardry School of Callisto. The towering structure loomed over them, its colossal columns rising into the sky as if piercing the heavens themselves. They had been confident walking through the classrooms, but now, standing in the center of this vast coliseum, the magnitude of the challenge ahead began to weigh on them. The arena was packed with students and faculty, and even the most minor movement seemed to be seen by thousands of people.

Roxy glanced around nervously, "It looked big from the outside, but this... this is on another level."

Clarice nodded, her determined expression faltering for just a moment as she took in the sea of eyes watching them. "I wasn’t expecting all... this."

A soft murmur rippled through the crowd as the girls noticed something unusual—a series of hovering holographic screens flickering to life in the sky. As they looked up, their eyes widened in disbelief. They were being broadcasted?!

Across the magical dimension, planets like Solaria, Eraklyon, Dolona, Magix, Linphea, and Andros displayed the unfolding event. The news channels were broadcasting live, and people from all corners of the universe were now watching.

Alice exhaled sharply. "This is… c-can we still refuse this?"

High above, screens projected their every move, and onlookers across multiple worlds leaned closer to witness the spectacle.

Back on Alfea, the Winx were gathered together, their eyes on the sky as a huge screen was now high in the sky. And they, alongside countless of students, started watching the massive broadcast in stunned silence. Faragonda stood in her office, her eyes fixed on the screen with concern, while the witches at Cloud Tower and the specialists at Red Fountain exchanged anxious looks as they watched from their respective schools.

But there was another set of eyes watching, eyes filled with fury. Deep in the forests of Magix, Zyron stood beside the Trix, his gaze fixed on the sky as the broadcast played out above them. His lips curled into a sneer as the scene unfolded, and his eyes darkened with anger.

“Why are they there?” he muttered under his breath, fists clenching at his sides. “Weak fairies... what could they possibly be doing in my school?”

The Trix, surrounded by books, watched silently, their usual smirks absent as they observed the broadcast. Curiosity in their faces.

Back in the arena, the tension grew thick as Queen Varanda leaned toward Headmaster Cyrus, her brow furrowing. "All this spectacle—is it really necessary?" she asked in a low voice, her tone carrying a hint of unease.

Cyrus smiled, his voice dripping with pride as he responded. "It’s been 150 years since the last duel between Alfea fairies and Callisto’s elite. This is a rare event. The world deserves to witness it."

The queen's lips pressed into a thin line. "I recall reading that last time, the Alfea fairies won," she said pointedly.

Cyrus’s smile faltered for a brief second before he recovered. "Perhaps the outcome will change this time," he said, his tone sharper. His eyes glinted with ambition as he turned back to the arena.

The girls stood at the center, waiting. They exchanged glances, trying to calm the rising nerves within them. The audience hushed as a group of Callisto’s finest wizards and fairies entered the arena from the opposite side. Their uniforms gleamed under the magical lights, and their wings shimmered with the full power of transformation. These were no ordinary students—these were the elite, chosen for their strength and skill. Two wizards and two male fairies were now already transformed looking straight at them.

Roxy swallowed hard. "So, this is it."

Clarice straightened her back, her voice steady but tense. "We can do this. We faced the legendary Trix."

"Once! With the equally legendary Winx!" Alice said with a very high-pitched voice, her traumatizing face being zoomed in by the cameras.

"Wait..." Clarice finally said, her face falling with panic. "Does this mean Griselda knows we're here?!"

The three girls started panicking with the thought while Roxy was just confused. Griselda wasn't that bad to her, but they barely interacted so far.

Across the magical dimension, people watched with bated breath. The stakes had never felt higher. The girls, once confident, now felt the weight of expectations pressing down on them.

Faragonda, watching from her office, shook her head slightly. "This will be a test for them all, maybe I shouldn't have allowed them to go," she murmured to herself, worry creasing her brow.

Meanwhile, in the arena, Cyrus stepped forward, his voice booming across the space. "Welcome all, to the rematch of the century! Callisto versus Alfea! Well then, let the duel begin!"

The crowd erupted in cheers, and the four fairies took their stances, knowing there was turning back.

The tension in the air grew thicker as the four Alfea fairies stood in the center of the arena, their hearts pounding. The signal to start the duel reverberated through the arena with a deafening boom.

Roxy, Alice, Mirta, and Clarice barely had time to react. The Alfea fairies, minus Roxy, quickly raised their hands to transform, their voices uniting as they began to shout, “Magic Wi—!”

But before they could finish, the two Callisto fairies attacked with ruthless precision. A massive burst of magic shot toward them, exploding in a brilliant flash that nearly engulfed them all. The impact sent the girls flying in different directions, their bodies crashing hard against the arena floor.

Clarice hit the ground, gasping for air as she rolled to her feet, her face twisted with panic. “This is not fair!” she screamed, her voice echoing across the coliseum.

One of the wizards smirked as he raised his staff, slamming it down to create a massive hole in the ground beneath Clarice. The floor cracked and crumbled away, threatening to send her plummeting thousands of meters down. With a gasp, Clarice threw herself to the side just in time, narrowly avoiding the fall.

Alice, quicker on her feet, scrambled up, her voice rising above the chaos. “Alice, Magic Winx!” she shouted, and in an instant, her body was enveloped in a swirl of shimmering magic. Her basic fairy form emerged.

The audience erupted in cheers, and across the dimension, the Winx cheered the loudest for Alice.

"Come on! Kick their butts!" Musa said angrily to the sky.

Encouraged by her transformation, Alice quickly sent a flash of blinding light toward the Callisto students, dazzling them for a moment.

Roxy, seizing the opportunity, shouted, “Believix!” as her wings burst into view and her common clothes are replaced by the ones from her transformation. Next to her, Mirta and Clarice followed suit, their voices ringing out with, “Magic Winx!” and in a whirl of magic, they transformed into their fairy forms and ascended into the skies.

The four girls hovered above the arena.

One of the wizards, however, remained unfazed. He muttered a spell under his breath, “Caeli Sereni,” and the flashes of light from Alice’s magic vanished instantly, the illusion dispelled.

Roxy narrowed her eyes, focusing her energy. “Wolf Talon!” she shouted, sending a powerful offensive spell hurtling toward one of the male fairies with a scepter gleaming in his hand. With a simple dodge, he spun gracefully out of the spell’s path, wielding his scepter like a weapon.

Mirta, undeterred, raised her arms and shouted, “Illusionary Vision: Deep Depths!” A mystical wave of magic flowed from her, and in an instant, the four Callisto students found themselves in the middle of a vast ocean, water pressing in on them as they struggled to hold their breath. Though to everyone else, they were simply fluttering in confusion, the illusion was vivid enough to make them react as though they were drowning.

“Self-reflective shard!” Clarice yelled, sending a shard of glass hurtling toward the enemies, intending to knock them down agressively. But as soon as her spell struck, the opponents vanished—nothing more than projections.

Cyrus, watching from the sidelines, grinned with satisfaction.

The Alfea fairies’ eyes widened in shock, realizing they had been tricked. Before they could react, the real wizards and fairies of Callisto struck. Their magic slammed into the girls, throwing them to the ground with brutal force. The impact knocked the wind out of them, leaving them stunned on the arena floor.

Livy and Jolly, fluttering nervously next to Queen Varanda, gasped in horror. “They’re in trouble!” Jolly squeaked, her tiny hands trembling.

“They won't make it!” Livy added, her voice full of fear.

The four girls lay on the ground, struggling to get back up. The pain was sharp, and the realization that they were up against powerful foes began to sink in.

Roxy gritted her teeth, her voice shaking as she spoke to her friends. “We can’t give up.”

Mirta, still recovering from the hit, nodded, her eyes filled with determination. “We have to outsmart them.”

Alice, her wings trembling from the impact, pushed herself up. “We’ll need to work together… like we did against the Trix.”

Clarice, her pride bruised but her spirit unbroken, joined them. “I won't let strangers take me down so easily, as if.”

She exchanged determined looks with Mirta and Roxy, a grin spreading across their faces. In unison, they shouted, "Charmix!"

Bright lights enveloped each of them as they called upon the added power of their Charmix, their magical jewels and bags materializing to amplify their abilities.

But before they could fully complete their transformation, the Callisto students launched a powerful offensive spell. Alice, realizing the danger, quickly sprang into action. "No you won't!" she shouted, leaping in front of her friends. Her hands glowed as she summoned a protective barrier, the magic shimmering as she braced herself for impact. The Callisto students’ four spells slammed into Alice’s shield, shattering it with an ear-splitting crack. Alice cried out as the force of the explosion sent her flying backward into Roxy, knocking her down mid-transformation. Roxy’s jewel flickered and disappeared.

"Alice!" Roxy exclaimed, pushing herself up, her body aching from the blow.

Clarice and Mirta exchanged quick nods as Charmix fairies now, taking to the skies. They soared in opposite directions, flanking the Callisto students from either side. Clarice’s voice cut through the air, "Self Reflection!" Her magic formed a large, shimmering box made of mirrors around their opponents, trapping them inside. On the other side, Mirta unleashed her own spell, "Ugliness Exterior!" A dark wave of magic surged through the Callisto students, warping their appearances into grotesque beasts, forcing them to watch their own hideous reflections in Clarice’s mirror prison.

Alice quickly scrambled to her feet, guilt flooding her voice as she said, "I'm sorry, Roxy! I couldn't hold it."

Roxy gave her a quick, reassuring smile as she dusted herself off. "It’s okay. We’re still in this!" She stood tall, her voice ringing out with renewed determination, "Charmix!" A surge of energy surrounded her as she completed the transformation into a Charmix fairy, her jewel and bag gleaming into view. Both smiled and took off, joining their friends.

The Callisto students thrashed and clawed at the mirrored walls, their panicked faces reflected over and over again. For a moment, the crowd held its breath, wondering if the battle was over. The four Alfea fairies hovered in the sky, waiting to see if anything was going to happen or it was the end.

The crowd was silent, waiting for what would happen next. Across the magical dimension, millions of eyes were glued to the spectacle, their breaths held as they waited for the final outcome.

But suddenly, with a loud crack, the mirror prison shattered into a million shards, raining down across the arena. Clarice’s face contorted in panic as her own mirrors flew toward the spectators in the coliseum. "No!" she screamed, her voice laced with fear.

Thinking fast, Clarice summoned four massive mirrors, using them to shield the audience from the sharp shards. The mirror fragments slammed into her protective barrier, sparking as they collided harmlessly against the reflective surface. The audience gasped, some shouting in surprise, but then—slowly—a cheer began to rise from the stands.

"Alfea!" someone shouted, and soon others joined in, chanting for the girls who were turning the tide of the battle. Some of the crowd, however, continued to cheer for Callisto, their loyalties split as the tension in the arena grew.

Cyrus, who had rise with his staff to protect the audience himself, scowled as he saw Clarice take control of the situation. His face darkened with annoyance, but he said nothing as the crowd continued to chant. He looked at the queen, who seemed amused with the whole thing instead of being angry like he was.

Back on the battlefield, the Callisto students—shaken but not defeated—regrouped. They floated together in a tight formation, their eyes burning with resolve. In unison, they raised their hands and shouted, "Convergence!" A swirling vortex of magic began to form between them, the power building as they poured their energy into the spell.

Clarice’s eyes widened in horror. "No… they’re trying Convergence!" she gasped. "We haven’t mastered that yet…"

Faragonda, watching from Alfea, covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes wide with fear. "They know convergence this early?! Oh no!" she whispered to herself, worry for her students tightening her chest.

The energy from the Callisto students continued to swell, spiraling out of control. The vortex crackled and sparked, growing more unstable by the second. The four Alfea fairies braced themselves, knowing they had only moments before the spell was unleashed. The two male fairies turned their focus toward Mirta. The dark skinned male fairy smirked at her, his voice dripping with mockery. "Aren’t you the witch-turned-fairy we’ve heard about? Mirta, daughter of Darko and Clara?"

Mirta, confused by the sudden mention of her parents, nodded cautiously. Her brow furrowed as she tried to understand where the conversation was heading.

The fairy's grin only deepened. "Perfect," he sneered. "I heard you were a pumpkin once. Let's revive the old days, shall we?"

They send the spell towards her and her friends. Mirta's expression darkened immediately, memories of her past flooding back. The casual cruelty of the comment ignited a fury inside her. Alice, Clarice and Roxy screamed in terror as the Convergence vortex hurtled toward them, spiraling with uncontrollable power.

But Mirta, consumed by rage, closed her eyes. A dark energy enveloped her, the power of her emotions taking control. Her eyes snapped open, glowing with a cold, unsettling light. In a low, icy voice, she whispered, "Why don't you be one yourselves?"

A dark, spider-like glove of magical energy materialized around her hand, extending toward the vortex. In one swift motion, Mirta turned the Convergence spell back on its casters. The swirling magic reversed, surging toward the Callisto students with unstoppable force. In a matter of seconds, the four students were transformed into pumpkins, eerily similar to the one Mirta had been turned into during her time at Cloud Tower.

The arena fell into a stunned silence. The crowd, who had been cheering moments earlier, was now utterly quiet, unsure of what they had just witnessed. All eyes turned to Mirta, whose expression was still hard and unyielding.

The witches watched back in Cloud Tower, exchanging confused glances. Lucy, who was watching everything as well, turned to Miss Griffin and asked in a hesitant voice, “Was that… a fairy spell? It looked a lot like our "Darkness Hold" spell.”

Griffin’s face was serious, her eyes narrowing as she watched Mirta. “That was no fairy spell.”.

Faragonda, watching from Alfea, let out a quiet sigh of relief that the battle was over, but her face reflected the same concern. Mirta’s use of dark magic had not gone unnoticed.

The Winx exchanged glances, their worry mirrored by the specialists back in Red Fountain. Even Rory and Manuel, watching the battle, were spellbound by what they had just seen.

Back in the arena, Alice, Clarice, and Roxy opened their eyes, slowly realizing that the battle was over—and that they had won. They started cheering, their voices filled with triumphant laughter, but their joy was met with silence. No one in the crowd joined in their celebration.

Hovering above the battlefield, Cyrus flew down, his face twisted with satisfaction. “You lost,” he declared, his voice ringing out for all to hear.

Clarice froze, her confidence turning into indignation. “What do you mean? They became veggies!”

Alice looked at her, wanting to correct her by saying a pumpkin was a fruit, but she decided not to.

Cyrus’s expression grew stern as he locked eyes with Mirta. “You used a witch spell, Mirta,” he said, his voice dripping with condemnation. “Witch magic is not allowed—ever—in this school. You’re disqualified.”

Mirta’s face flushed with embarrassment. Alice, Clarice, and Roxy looked at her in shock, their joy replaced by surprise and soon after, sadness.

"I can't believe this..." Clarice mumbled, her expression turning into rage. "My mother is going to kill me!"

With a prideful grin, Cyrus turned to the audience and shouted, “Callisto wins! The Alfea fairies have been disqualified!”

Cheers erupted from the Callisto supporters, and the noise filled the arena as people began chanting in favor of their school.

The Winx, still watching from Alfea, looked disappointed and frustrated, their expressions reflecting their disbelief at what had just transpired.

But before the celebrations could continue, a regal voice cut through the noise. Queen Varanda appeared next to Cyrus, her presence commanding and her expression unreadable.

“Both sides are disqualified, actually,” the queen said calmly, though her words carried a weight that silenced the crowd.

Cyrus spun around, his face a mask of outrage. “I beg your pardon?!” he exclaimed, his voice rising in disbelief.

The queen met his gaze, unflinching. “One of your students is repeating, Cyrus. That second-year fairy isn’t a new student—he’s repeating the year. He was in second year, last year. This creates a power imbalance I did not consent to. You bent the rules.”

Cyrus's face contorted with pure rage. “Wha- My Queen!" he began, his voice rising. "This could have been the glory Callisto needed!” he hissed, his fists clenched. “How could you take this from us?”

The queen’s gaze remained steady, her voice unwavering. “I prefer fairness over false victories, Cyrus. Both sides are disqualified. There are no winners today.”

The cheers for Callisto died down as confusion spread through the crowd. People whispered among themselves, unsure of what to make of the queen’s decision. Some still supported Callisto, while others began chanting for Alfea again and clapping awkwardly, their voices growing louder as they turned toward the underdog fairies.

Mirta, standing with her friends, looked down at her hands, still shaken by her own actions. She quickly detransformed and started walking away, ashamed. The sting of failure, the fear of having let her past witch powers slip through—it all weighed heavily on her.

Clarice, Alice and Roxy also detransformed, following Mirta with a certain distance, unable to describe what they felt.
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Sat Sep 21, 2024 10:51 am

Chapter 23: Family Pride


Mirta sat in the grand hall of Queen Varanda's palace, her head low, staring at her hands as the weight of what had just happened in the arena lingered in her mind. The grand, luminous palace was a stark contrast to the tension she felt inside. The others stood around her in silence, exchanging concerned glances. Clarice was the only one who wasn’t looking at her with sympathy—she was still fuming, her arms crossed, her frustration palpable.

Roxy, Alice, Livy, and Jolly stood nearby, unsure of how to break the silence. They wanted to comfort her, but the heaviness of the recent duel hung over them like a dark cloud. Clarice's phone buzzed loudly, cutting through the awkward stillness. She sighed, taking it out, her face contorting in frustration as she glanced at the screen.

“I need some air,” Clarice muttered, her voice tight as she turned on her heel and walked out of the room, leaving the others behind.

As the door closed behind her, Roxy stepped forward and gently placed a hand on Mirta’s shoulder. “We’re here for you,” she said softly. Alice nodded in agreement, standing beside her with quiet support.

Livy and Jolly fluttered up, their tiny wings making soft whooshing sounds as they hovered near Mirta’s head. “Don’t be sad,” Jolly said softly. “You did your best.”

Mirta’s lips trembled, and she finally broke the silence. “I’m sorry... I don’t know what came over me. I just wanted them to feel the weight of what they were saying—how that affected me.” Her voice was raw with emotion, her eyes glistening.

Queen Varanda, who had been observing from her seat, stood and walked over to Mirta. Her presence was warm and calming, and she placed a hand on Mirta’s arm. “You don’t have to be sad about the outcome, Mirta,” the queen said, her voice gentle but full of conviction. “If anything, today proves that you’re not weak fairies. You fought against students with a higher skill level and stood your ground for far longer than anyone expected. I was amused at how long the battle lasted.”

Mirta looked up, her eyes wide with surprise. The queen smiled kindly. “Callisto tries, but it’s clear that Alfea is still regarded as the best fairy school in the magical dimension for a reason. You leveled the playing field exceptionally well.”

Alice, who had been silent, spoke up, her expression a mix of pride and sadness. “I’m happy with how we did... but I can’t help feeling disappointed that we didn’t win that extra class for the girl fairies. That was a chance to make a real change.”

Queen Varanda nodded thoughtfully. “True, both sides lost today. But remember, change takes time. Cyrus was unlikely to follow through with the deal easily. The next school year isn’t for another eight months—he would have found some excuse to delay or reject the extra class altogether.”

Before they could dwell further on the matter, the heavy doors of the grand hall creaked open. Two royal guards entered and bowed respectfully before Queen Varanda.

“Your Majesty,” one of them spoke, “the wizard and witch, Darko and Clara, are at the palace gates. They request to speak with their daughter.”

Mirta's heart skipped a beat at the mention of her parents. She hadn’t expected them to come. A mix of emotions surged through her.

Queen Varanda gave her an encouraging smile. “Go, Mirta. Speak with them. It’s clear they wish to see you.”

Mirta nodded, rising quickly from her seat. She hurried to the gates, her mind racing. As she approached, the sight of her parents waiting for her sent a rush of emotions through her.

Darko stood tall, his expression a blend of concern and relief. Clara, by his side, was more reserved, her sharp eyes scanning Mirta from top to bottom. The tension between them was palpable.

“Are you alright?” Darko asked, his voice filled with genuine worry.

Mirta nodded, though her heart still ached from the events of the day. “I’m okay,” she said softly.

Clara's gaze lingered on her daughter before she finally spoke, her tone cool but not unkind. “There’s still hope for you after all.”

Mirta stiffened. “It was a mistake,” she said, her voice barely a whisper.

Clara scoffed lightly, crossing her arms. “Setting your ground and preventing people from walking over you is no mistake, Mirta. You knew a spell that could save you, and you used it. Never feel bad about that.”

Mirta considered her mother’s words, her mind churning. Clara’s perspective wasn’t entirely wrong. Slowly, she nodded, understanding the truth in her mother’s statement. She had protected herself when she needed to.

Darko stepped forward, placing a hand on Mirta’s shoulder, his smile warm and reassuring. “Maybe it’s time for a fresh start,” he said softly. “For all of us.”

Clara looked at him, her brow furrowing slightly. “What do you mean?” she asked, clearly unsure of where he was going with this.

Darko’s eyes twinkled with hope. “Can parents attend Alfea’s Annual Gala?”

Mirta blinked, caught off guard by the question. “Yes,” she said after a moment. “Not many parents go, only those that come from rich families, but they can.”

Darko’s smile widened. “Then maybe we should go this year. Meet your school, your teachers, see where you’ve been learning. We’d like to understand your path.”

Clara opened her mouth to object, but Darko gently nudged her, silencing her with a knowing look. She sighed, her resistance softening. “You have to be kidding me,” she muttered, though there was no real malice in her tone.

Mirta’s heart swelled with emotion as she looked at her parents. For the first time in a long while, she felt a glimmer of hope for her relationship with them. She smiled brightly and said, “I’d love that.”

As they stood together, the tension between them began to ease, and for the first time in what felt like forever, Mirta felt like she was truly on the path to healing.

Clarice's muffled voice could be heard faintly through the palace halls as the Pixies, Roxy, Alice and the queen approached. Though they couldn’t make out the words, the tone of the argument was clear. She was upset. Alice and Roxy exchanged worried glances.

As they got closer, Clarice’s voice became louder but still indistinct, almost drowned by the thick stone walls of the palace. Her mother’s voice was occasionally weakly heard, sharp and authoritative.

“Clarice?” Roxy called softly, hesitant.

At the sound of her name, Clarice glanced over her shoulder, her tear-filled eyes meeting theirs for a brief moment. Alice gasped, immediately rushing toward her friend. Clarice turned quickly and ran, her pace quickening as she disappeared down the corridor.

“Clarice, wait!” Alice called out, chasing after her. Jolly following as well while Livy stayed behind, confused.

Roxy and Queen Varanda stood frozen, watching in surprise as the two girls vanished from sight. The silence in the hall was thick with confusion and concern.

Just as they stood in quiet contemplation, Mirta entered the room again, her face now lit up with happiness after her meeting with her parents. She looked around, confused.

“Where are the others?” she asked.

Roxy sighed and gave a small smile. “They just need a minute, I think.”

The queen, sensing the need to shift the conversation, spoke thoughtfully. “Well, girls... Zyron won’t attack the palace… I don’t think so, anyway.”

Both Roxy and Mirta turned their attention to Queen Varanda, waiting for her to elaborate with a confusion expression. Livy sat on Roxy's head, also looking directly at the queen to listen.

“He’s had ample time to strike at both the school and here, but he hasn’t,” the queen continued, her voice measured. “At least, not for now. I suspect your trip might have ended up as nothing more than a bit of tourism.”

Roxy giggled softly, the tension in the room lifting a little. “Tourism or not, it was still amazing to see this world. But... we can’t just leave, right? What if he attacks once we’re back at Alfea?”

Queen Varanda smiled warmly, pulling a delicate envelope from her pocket. “You won’t be leaving just yet,” she said with a twinkle in her eye. “Plus, we won't say goodbye right away. I received this—an invitation to Alfea’s Annual Gala. I’ll be escorting you back to Alfea personally on Friday. It's the perfect opportunity to see the school.”

Roxy and Mirta exchanged excited glances, their earlier concerns fading. The queen continued, “My parents will be here at the palace, so it won’t be left unprotected while we’re away.”

“That’s amazing!” Roxy beamed, her worries replaced by excitement at the thought of returning to Alfea with the queen.

As they basked in the good news, the doors to the room swung open, and King Dilawar of Callisto entered, his presence commanding but warm. He greeted everyone quickly with a nod and a charming smile before making his way to Queen Varanda. He kissed her cheek gently, his expression softening in her presence.

“I’ve just returned from my mission to find the Trix,” he said to his wife, his voice laced with frustration. “Unfortunately, no luck.”

Queen Varanda’s face softened as she reached up to caress his cheek. “It’s alright, my love,” she said soothingly. “We’ll deal with them in time.”

Mirta, sensing the moment was personal, motioned to Roxy. “Let’s give them some privacy,” she whispered with a smile.

Roxy nodded, and the two girls slipped out of the room quietly. They exchanged knowing glances, feeling lighter now that things seemed to be taking a more positive turn.

"Now, let's find Alice and Clarice," Mirta said, as they headed down the corridor.

Clarice sat on the edge of her bed, tears streaming down her face. She buried her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking with each sob. The weight of her mother’s words hung heavy in the air, suffocating her with doubt and sorrow.

The door creaked open gently, and Alice entered the room, her face etched with concern. Jolly fluttered in beside her, immediately noticing Clarice’s distress. Without hesitation, Jolly zipped over, her tiny hands glowing with magic as she summoned a small tissue box. She hovered beside Clarice, her voice soft and full of worry. “Oh no! Clarice, what’s wrong?”

Alice quickly sat beside her, placing a comforting hand on her back and gently pulling her into a hug. “Hey,” she whispered softly. “What happened?”

Clarice tried to speak but was overcome by a fresh wave of sobs, her breath catching in her throat as she struggled to form words. Finally, she burst out, her voice cracking with emotion. “My mother... she called me useless and weak, just like she always does.”

Alice’s arms tightened around her, offering silent support as Clarice continued, her tears falling freely. “I try so hard, Alice. So, so hard to impress her, to make her proud. But no matter what I do, it’s never enough. You know my world thrives on pride, and all I’ve ever wanted is to be the pride of my family just like she wishes... but nothing I do is good enough for her!”

Clarice's words came out in a rush, her sobs intensifying. “She keeps telling me everyone is better than me, that I need to be like the Winx. She says they’d never lose, and that I should be ashamed to be in the same school as them and be so weak in comparison. I just… I just can’t anymore.” Her voice broke as she collapsed into Alice’s arms, burying her face in her friend's shoulder.

Alice held her tighter, stroking her back gently. “Clarice, I already told you that you shouldn’t listen to that,” she said softly but firmly. “You’re an amazing fairy. You stood there and protected everyone in the coliseum faster than anyone else could. You’re fierce, and you shouldn't let yourself be compared to anyone. The Winx are the Winx, and you are you. You are strong your own way, and you're still learning. We all are!”

Clarice looked up, her eyes swollen and red, still glistening with tears. Alice smiled warmly at her. Clarice blinked, her sobs slowly quieting as Alice’s words sank in. She sniffled and gave a small, shaky smile. “Thank you... I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Jolly, hovering nearby, floated over with the tissue box and began wiping away Clarice’s tears with a tiny handkerchief. Her tongue was out, like it was a job that required a lot of concentration. When Clarice saw her Pixie's expression, she let out a soft chuckle.

Just as the tension in the room began to ease, Roxy and Mirta entered. Their expressions were filled with concern as they quickly scanned the room, and Roxy spoke first. “Is everything okay?”

Clarice looked up at them, her face still blotchy and her eyes puffy, but a genuine smile played on her lips. Despite her tear-streaked face, there was a warmth in her expression as she nodded. “Yeah... I think I’ll be okay. But... I could really use a hug.”

Without hesitation, Roxy and Mirta rushed to her side. They all jumped onto the bed, surrounding Clarice with a warm, tight embrace. Clarice closed her eyes, soaking in the feeling, the love and support of her friends slowly mending the pieces of her heart that had been shattered by her mother’s cruel words. In that moment, she realized she wasn’t alone, and maybe—just maybe—she was stronger than she gave her credit for. At least with her friends, she truly felt stronger.
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Sun Sep 22, 2024 3:25 pm

Chapter 24: The Annual Gala


The warm afternoon glow bathed Alfea in a golden hue as Mirta, Alice, Clarice, and Roxy appeared through a light portal beside Queen Varanda and King Dilawar.

As they walked toward the main entrance, a few students already dressed for the upcoming Gala started to gather, drawn by the sight of the royal couple and the returning Alfea students. Their eyes immediately locked onto Mirta, and soon, whispers spread through the crowd.

“That’s her...”

“The's the one who came from Cloud Tower, right?”

“Did you see the battle? She used witch magic!”

Mirta felt the weight of every stare, the whispers growing louder with each step. Her pulse quickened, and her heart pounded in her chest. She had never felt so exposed, as if every pair of eyes in Alfea were on her. Her steps faltered for a moment, and she could feel her friends tense around her in support.

“Don't listen to them. I, for one, am glad to be back,” Alice said quietly, trying to break the tension. “Feels like forever since we left.”

Before any of the girls could respond, a stern voice cut through the whispers like a knife.

“Really, Miss Alice? Then I'm sure you will also be glad to spend your entire next weekend organizing the library in alphabetical order—without the use of magic,” the voice commanded.

The girls froze in place. Slowly, they turned to see Griselda standing behind them, her arms crossed and her gaze severe. Mirta’s stomach dropped.

Clarice groaned audibly. “Ugh, st**id broadcast…”

Griselda’s stern eyes scanned the group, pausing briefly on Mirta before continuing. “You, Miss Mirta, have gone off on this little excursion with permission, but you allowed your friends to go with you without doing so. Plus, you used witch magic when you're clearly training to become a fairy! The consequences of your actions in Callisto have damaged the reputation of our school. So, on top of library duty, you’ll be responsible for cleaning the entire first floor of the dormitory—also without magic.”

Mirta’s heart sank further, but before she could speak, Griselda turned her focus to the others. “Now, Miss Faragonda is waiting for you in her office, along with the Winx.”

Clarice sighed loudly, throwing her hands in the air. “I’ve been called into her office more times in the past two weeks than I was in the entire last year.”

Alice chuckled softly at her friend’s dramatic reaction, but the tension still hung in the air. They all exchanged glances, silently resigning themselves to the inevitable.

Griselda, clearly unimpressed by Clarice’s comment, gave them all one final stern look before turning on her heel. “Well? Don’t keep her waiting,” she said over her shoulder as she strode toward the entrance.

The girls nodded solemnly and began to follow her, their spirits dimmed by the news of their upcoming punishments. As they entered the school, whispers trailed behind them, but with their heads held a little lower, they pressed forward.

Queen Varanda and King Dilawar exchanged knowing glances, their expressions soft with sympathy for the girls, but they remained silent, allowing the students to handle their situation with dignity.

As they made their way toward Miss Faragonda’s office, Mirta couldn't shake the uneasy feeling of eyes still on her, the shadows of the past now looming heavier than ever.

“Well,” Alice muttered as they walked, “at least we’ll be organizing the library together, right?”

Roxy nudged her, a small smile playing on her lips. “You’re always looking on the bright side, Alice.”

Clarice rolled her eyes but smiled at her best friend's positivity, her spirit lifting a little as they continued down the hallway.

The atmosphere inside Faragonda's office was tense but not without a glimmer of hope. The girls stood quietly, knowing they were about to face the consequences of their actions. The Winx, who were next to the mirror in Faragonda's office, looked as the door opened, their eyes filled with concern for their younger friends.

"Are you all alright?" Bloom asked gently, her gaze particularly focused on Roxy.

Roxy smiled weakly. "Yeah, we're fine, just... a little shaken."

Flora’s eyes shifted to Mirta, who stood quietly, her hands clasped in front of her, as if bracing herself for judgment. "Oh, Mirta, I'm so sorry," Flora said softly. "What they said to you in the arena was cruel, but the entire world heard it. People might judge you, but what you did was understandable."

Mirta blinked, clearly taken aback by Flora’s words. "But… I used witch magic," she whispered, guilt still heavy in her voice.

Flora shook her head gently. "You only used it to redirect their own spell, and the students were quickly turned back to normal at the end of the battle. No lasting harm was done. But you, Mirta, you suffered because of the Trix's cruelty and everyone here knows it. You had every right to defend yourself from going through that whole thing again."

Faragonda, standing behind her desk with her hands resting lightly on the surface, cleared her throat. "The methods are questionable but there is no doubt in what Flora's saying, Mirta," she said. "But for now, we need to focus on the larger threat at hand—Zyron and the Trix."

The room grew silent, all eyes turning toward Faragonda as she spoke. "We cannot ignore what’s coming. Zyron and the Trix are preparing something dangerous, and we need to act. I've decided that the Winx, along with Roxy, Alice, Clarice, and Mirta, will be divided between Red Fountain and Cloud Tower."

The fairies nodded in agreement, each understanding the gravity of the situation. "If splitting up means stopping the Trix and Zyron," Alice said, "then we'll do whatever it takes."

Clarice raised her hand slightly. "Does this mean that, if we win, we won’t have to serve our punishment in the library?" she asked hopefully.

Faragonda adjusted her glasses, her expression stern. "No," she replied, unamused.

Clarice groaned in disappointment, but before the mood could sour further, Faragonda’s tone softened. "We have a strategy in place. The Pixies will turn into all of you to trick Zyron and the Trix into pretending you're at the party if they come here to take a look."

Jolly and Chatta immediately chimed in with excitement. "Oh, I love this plan!" Jolly exclaimed. "They'll have no idea what's happening!"

Chatta nodded eagerly, while Amore floated nearby, visibly nervous. "I’m scared," she admitted in a soft voice. "What if they figure it out?"

Faragonda gave her a reassuring smile. "That’s why we’re working together. I'll be paying attention the whole time and your trick will buy us enough time to strike at the right moment."

Faragonda then looked around the room. "Has everyone already found their pair?" she asked.

The Winx exchanged smiles, nodding. "Yes," Stella replied with a grin. "We're with the Specialists, of course."

Bloom added with a gentle smile, "And we’re hoping that once Zyron is defeated, we can still enjoy the Gala together."

Mirta, Roxy, and Alice exchanged glances, a small spark of excitement lighting their faces. "We’d love to have the boys from the Frutti Music Bar at the party," Alice said with a mischievous grin.

Faragonda raised an eyebrow but remained silent, her eyes twinkling with amusement as she glanced at Bloom, who couldn't help but stifle a laugh.

She turned her attention to the royal guests, her smile warm and welcoming. "Queen Varanda, King Dilawar, it is an absolute pleasure to have you here in person for this special occasion," she said, her voice filled with respect. "The Gala is not just for welcoming new students, but also for parents and close friends. It’s an opportunity to enrich our students by bringing together people from all dimensions, offering them the chance to forge friendships that can last for years to come."

Queen Varanda smiled graciously and gave a slight bow, acknowledging the introduction. "Thank you, Headmistress Faragonda. It is an honor to be here."

Stella, always quick to lighten the mood, immediately stepped forward with a playful grin. "Oh, you don’t have to be so formal, Varanda!" she said with a laugh, pulling her old friend into a warm hug. "It's been ages!"

Queen Varanda chuckled softly, returning the hug. "It's true, my friend! The last time I saw you in person was when you personally came to get my rejection letter years ago."

Stella’s cheeks flushed a deep red, and a nervous sweat broke out on her forehead. "Oh, right... that," she muttered, her voice trailing off as she laughed awkwardly.

Faragonda noticed Stella’s sudden discomfort and smiled to herself in amusement. "Now, now, we should all get ready," she said, gracefully interrupting the moment. "The Gala is about to begin, and I still need to remove the magical shield that prevents non-magical beings from entering the school. After all, this year, we’ll have some very special human guests."

At the mention of human guests, Roxy's face lit up, and she couldn't help but smile widely. She turned to Faragonda, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Wait... are my parents coming?" she asked eagerly, almost bouncing on her toes.

Faragonda gave her a knowing nod, her expression soft. "Yes, Roxy. Your parents, along with Artu, will be attending."

Roxy's happiness was palpable as she grinned from ear to ear. "I can’t wait to see them! Ok, we have to be serious and defeat Zyron and those witches quickly, you guys!" she said excitedly and everyone started laughing, but for Roxy, the thought of reuniting with her family was actually filling her with renewed determination.

Meanwhile, down in Alfea’s kitchen, the bustling preparations for the Gala were in full swing. The head of the kitchen, Chef Sfoglia, moved like a whirlwind, orchestrating a perfect harmony of staff members slicing, stirring, and seasoning.

At the back of the kitchen, Knut—the clumsy, lovable ogre—was peeling potatoes. His large hands awkwardly fumbled with the knife, and he couldn’t resist popping a piece of the potato into his mouth. Chef Sfoglia, catching the moment out of the corner of his eye, exploded.

"Knut! What are you doing?!" Chef Sfoglia yelled, his voice echoing over the noise of the kitchen. He stormed over, snatching the knife from Knut's hand. "You can’t just eat the ingredients like that! We’re preparing for the most important event of the year!"

Knut’s eyes widened, and he swallowed nervously. "I was just... taste testing!" he stammered.

"Well, stop!" Chef Sfoglia snapped. "We use natural ingredients here, no magic shortcuts! Food always tastes better without it!" He waved his arms dramatically, reminding everyone that good cooking was an art of patience and precision.

As Chef Sfoglia lectured Knut, across the room, three of the cooks were gathered around a large pot, their eyes sparkling as they looked at the main soup for the evening. It had taken hours of preparation, but now it was perfect—rich in flavor and color.

One of the cooks, a young woman with curly hair, grinned at her fellow chefs. "We did it," she said, pride evident in her voice.

The others nodded in agreement, beaming as they admired the soup’s deep golden hue. "I’ll go grab more vegetables," said one of them, wiping her hands and heading toward the pantry as the others followed suit.

As night began to rise over Alfea, the atmosphere shifted. The sound of loud music filled the air, flowing out of the courtyard and echoing across the school grounds. Laughter, chatter, and the clinking of glasses could be heard as students and their families mingled and enjoyed the festivities.

In the main hall, parents greeted their daughters, embracing them warmly as the girls introduced their friends. There was an overwhelming sense of joy and reunion, with students proudly showing off their achievements to their families.

Among the crowd, Amaryl appeared with her parents, a smile on her face. Her now longer hair sparkled under the moonlight, and as she made her way to her table, several people recognized her.

"Amaryl?!" one voice called out, and soon more followed, some students and even parents approaching her. "You were in the Winx’s class, right?"

Amaryl smiled graciously, nodding. "Yes, I was," she replied, her tone polite. "I actually missed the school quite a bit."

"Wow! That must've been so cool!" one woman exclaimed, clearly impressed. "Another Enchantix fairy!"

Amaryl’s face lit up with pride.

In a very center of the party, Faragonda, Headmaster Saladin, and Headmistress Griffin sat together, sharing a rare moment of calm amidst the festivities. Plates of food were being passed from table to table, as students and families enjoyed the carefully prepared dishes from the kitchen.

The three leaders exchanged pleasantries, their long years of friendship evident in the ease of their conversation.

"It’s good to see everyone coming together like this," Saladin remarked, his eyes scanning the lively crowd.

Faragonda smiled softly, sipping her drink. "It truly is," she said.

Griffin, however, leaned in slightly, her voice low as she asked, "Have the Winx and the others already gone?"

Faragonda took another sip of her drink and gave a muffled, "Yes," ensuring her reply wasn’t overheard by anyone nearby.

Saladin, his expression serious, nodded in approval. "Let’s hope today marks the end of these escaped criminals," he said, his voice full of quiet resolve.

Faragonda glanced at him, her eyes holding the same determination. "We can only hope," she replied, her tone thoughtful but firm.

The courtyard erupted into cheers as the Winx arrived, or at least, so everyone thought. The Pixies, expertly disguised with illusions, strolled in alongside Kiko, who was waving excitedly at the crowd. The illusion was so convincing that even the closest observers couldn’t tell it was just magic.

"Winx! Winx!" the crowd chanted, their voices merging into one roaring celebration. Some fans shouted individual names, their admiration for the fairies clear.

The fake Winx—with their forced, somewhat awkward smiles—waved to the crowd as they made their way to the teachers' table. Behind them, Roxy, Mirta, and Alice also walked in with cheerful grins. Alice being particularly lively to everyone who watched her, "her excitement" clear in the way she jumped around like a bunny.

As they took their seats at the teachers' table, the crowd slowly returned to their conversations and meals, still buzzing with excitement over the supposed presence of the Winx.

From another table, Lyna glanced at Roxy and Alice in confusion. She leaned toward a friend and whispered, "Why are they sitting at the teachers' table?"

The strangeness didn’t escape the attention of everyone, but the overall celebratory mood kept most people distracted.

At a table near the back, Darko and Clara sat with the Cloud Tower witches, watching as their daughter, Mirta, joined the teachers' table with the others. Clara’s sharp eyes narrowed as she spotted Mirta sitting with the Alfea crowd.

"Look at her," Clara muttered under her breath, clearly unimpressed. "Sitting up there like she belongs. With them."

Darko, always the calmer of the two, simply sighed. "Let her be, Clara. She’s finding her way."

But Clara wasn't having any of it. "I’m going to get up and make sure that Faranothing," she sneered, looking at Faragonda with an intense gaze, "knows exactly who I am. I will not be ignored."

She made a move to stand, but Darko gently placed a hand on her arm, pulling her back down into her seat. "Please," he said quietly but firmly. "For our daughter’s sake, let’s not make a scene."

Clara scowled but reluctantly sat back down. "Fine," she grumbled, crossing her arms and whispering with an angry tone of voice. "But don’t expect me to sit here and smile. I hate the look of this place, the smell of this place, I even hate the air of this place!"

Just as the tension between them was about to rise again, Lucy approached their table. Clara’s mood visibly lifted at the sight of her.

"Lucy!" Clara exclaimed, her voice now much more pleasant. "It's so good to see you, honey! Finally! Someone here who understands the importance of the dark arts." She smiled warmly at Lucy, clearly grateful that at least one person had pursued the path she approved of.

Lucy returned the smile and nodded. "It’s good to see you again, Mrs. Mirta’s Mom."

Darko chuckled softly at Lucy’s awkward phrasing, but Clara didn’t seem to mind. She was far too relieved to find an ally among the witches of Cloud Tower.

The Specialists sat together at their table, the lively atmosphere around them contrasting with the quiet tension that hung over their small group. Sky picked at his food, his mind clearly elsewhere. His eyes occasionally flickered toward the entrance, hoping to see the real Winx, even though he knew they weren’t at the Gala.

"I hope the Winx are okay," Sky muttered, his concern breaking the silence at their table.

Across from him, Manuel and Rory were uneasy. Both had noticed Helia stealing glances at them throughout the meal. Helia’s intense, quiet stare had made the two of them visibly uncomfortable, and they shifted awkwardly in their seats.

"Uh… maybe try the soup?" Rory suggested weakly, hoping to break the tension as he picked up his spoon.

Manuel, trying to follow suit, lifted his bowl, but the awkwardness was almost palpable between them.

Suddenly, Riven broke the silence, slinging an arm over Helia's shoulders with his usual carefree confidence. "Helia, relax, man," Riven said with a smirk. "If something’s bothering you this much, just spill it already."

Helia let out a deep breath, his expression softening, but he didn’t say anything at first. His eyes stayed focused on the entrance to the ballroom.

"I will… after the Winx arrive," Helia finally said, his voice low but steady.

Riven raised an eyebrow, giving Helia a sideways glance. "You’re a real piece of work, you know that? So mysterious." he said with a grin, trying to lighten the mood.

Meanwhile... Cloud Tower stood tall, an eerie sight with its shadowy spires cutting into the darkening sky. The school was completely deserted, save for the powerful protective shield that Headmistress Griffin had set in place. Only a select few could pass through it—and tonight, that was Bloom, Tecna, Musa, Mirta, and Alice.

The five fairies stood outside the entrance, the wind whistling through the empty courtyard as they prepared to head inside. Bloom took a deep breath, her eyes narrowing with determination as she turned to the others.

"Alright," she said, her voice calm but firm. "Tecna and I will head to Griffin’s office to make sure everything’s secure from there. Musa, you go with Mirta and Alice. You three can scout the school, and if any of the Trix show up, send us a magical signal immediately."

Musa nodded, her expression serious. "Got it. We’ll keep an eye out."

Mirta glanced nervously at the dark, empty hallways of Cloud Tower. It felt strange to be back here, especially under these circumstances. Alice, on the other hand, looked more excited than nervous, though she still understood the gravity of their task.

"Don’t worry," Alice said with a confident grin, "we’ll be fine."

With that, the group split up. Bloom and Tecna headed down one hallway toward Griffin’s office, while Musa, Mirta, and Alice ventured deeper into the school. The eerie silence of the empty corridors weighed heavily on them as they moved forward, their senses heightened, ready for anything.

Over at Red Fountain, the atmosphere was just as tense. Clarice, Roxy, Flora, Aisha, and Stella made their way through the deserted school. The usual energy and vibrancy of the campus were gone, replaced by an unsettling stillness that made the air feel heavy.

Flora shivered, wrapping her arms around herself as they walked. "I don’t like this," she admitted softly. "Seeing the school so empty? It's just… too quiet. And dark."

Stella nodded in agreement, her usual bravado slightly dimmed by the strange atmosphere. "Yeah, it’s giving me the creeps. The hot guys walking around are really missed."

Aisha, however, was more focused on the task at hand. "Let’s just hope this ends tonight," she said, her voice firm. "I want one school year where we can actually relax. No life-or-death missions, no evil sorcerers… just a normal, calm school year for once."

Roxy, walking beside her, smiled a little. "Wouldn’t that be nice?" she said quietly.

Clarice walked a little ahead of the group, her eyes scanning the darkened hallways of Red Fountain. "Let’s stay alert," she said, her tone serious. "If the Trix or Zyron are going to strike, they won’t give us much warning. And I want to defeat them with you."

The five of them continued their patrol, their senses sharp as they moved through the empty school. They knew the Trix and Zyron were out there somewhere, waiting for the right moment to strike.

The courtyard of Alfea buzzed with conversation as the fairies and witches sent occasional glances toward each other. Tension lingered in the air, but for many, the lively music and the celebratory atmosphere helped bridge the gap between old rivals.

However, as the celebration continued, a strange chill began to fill the air. Dark clouds gathered overhead, swirling ominously as thunder rumbled in the distance. The laughter and music faltered as people began looking up at the sky in confusion.

"What's going on?" someone muttered.

The air grew thick with tension as the clouds darkened, and raindrops began to fall, the soft patter quickly escalating into a heavy downpour. Voices of protest and concern rose as people hurried to find cover, shielding themselves from the sudden storm. The courtyard was filled with annoyed murmurs as everyone looked up at the unnaturally dark sky.

Faragonda stepped forward next to Saladin and Griffin, her voice cutting through the rising chaos. "Prepare yourselves. This is no ordinary storm—we were right, an attack is coming." Her tone was commanding, her words sending a ripple of realization through the crowd for those who were able to listen.

Suddenly, Griffin leapt to the front of the courtyard into the rain. Her sudden, almost unnatural movement caught everyone's attention, and all eyes turned toward her.

Griffin started laughing. Not just any laugh, but a wild, manic cackle that echoed through the courtyard. The laughter was so out of character that it froze everyone in place, the confusion thick in the air.

"Griffin?" Faragonda said, her brow furrowing.

Before anyone could react further, Griffin's form shimmered and morphed. Gasps erupted from the crowd as the headmistress of Cloud Tower transformed into someone else entirely—Zyron.

Faragonda and Saladin exchanged shocked glances, their faces filled with disbelief. "How… how did we not sense him?" Saladin muttered, confused.

Zyron stood tall and proud, his eyes gleaming with dark amusement. He looked over the crowd of young fairies, witches, and specialists with a sly grin. "Ah, it’s wonderful to meet the new fairies of Alfea," he began in a mockingly cordial tone. "I do hope we can all be friends, it's been a very long time since I saw this school... a shame nothing has changed much in the past two hundred years, though. I'd expect more than just different staff."

His words dripped with sarcasm, but before he could say more, a sudden flash of magic shot toward him from the crowd. A random fairy, filled with fear and impulse, had lashed out, her hands trembling as she launched an attack at the dark wizard.

Zyron didn’t flinch. He effortlessly caught the magical strike in his hand, his fingers curling around it like a toy. He turned his gaze to the fairy who had attacked, his smile turning cold. "Now, that wasn’t very friendly, was it?" he said softly.

With a simple flick of his wrist, he drained her, her body collapsing to the ground as her life force was sucked away. The crowd gasped in horror, everyone frozen in disbelief at how easily Zyron had struck. Palladium quickly rushed over to her from among the crowd, trying to listen to her shallow breathing.

Faragonda, her eyes blazing with fury, flew up into the air, hovering above the courtyard. "Where is Griffin?" she demanded, her voice fierce. "What have you done with her?!"

Zyron smirked, clearly enjoying the panic and confusion. "Oh... Faragonda, is it? You should be more concerned about how you didn’t even sense me," he teased. As he spoke, he conjured Saladin's cane out of thin air, holding it up with a flourish.

Saladin’s eyes widened in shock as he realized his cane was missing. "But… how—?"

Zyron chuckled darkly. "Perhaps your senses aren't what they used to be," he said, his voice dripping with condescension. "You see, I’ve had plenty of help tonight."

Faragonda’s eyes narrowed as she quickly scanned the area, trying to figure out what went wrong, her gaze suddenly settled on the large tables filled with food. Her mind raced, and then the realization hit her.

Zyron’s grin widened, a glint of cruel satisfaction in his eyes. "Oh, those witches of Cloud Tower really are helpful, aren’t they?" he said mockingly, acknowledging his collaborators. "Magic in food—a Callisto specialty... it certainly needs to be used more often."

Faragonda’s heart pounded as she screamed, "Everyone, go inside now!" She raised her hands, preparing a powerful attack aimed directly at Zyron, her magic crackling with energy.

But before she could release it, Zyron simply waved a hand and said, "Stop."

In an instant, the courtyard fell silent. Everyone who had eaten the food—students, parents, teachers—froze in place. People mid-run stopped as if time itself had come to a halt. Faragonda’s attack fizzled out in her hands as she, too, became immobilized, her body paralyzed in midair. Only her eyes could move, wide with terror.

The specialists stood frozen at their table, unable to move. Mirta’s parents could do nothing but watch with horror in their eyes. Even the queen and king of Callisto were paralyzed.

Only two or three people—those who hadn’t touched the food—remained free, their faces filled with confusion as they looked around at the scene.

Zyron laughed, his voice echoing through the silent courtyard. "Tsk, I thought you'd be prepared for anything," he said with a wicked grin, his eyes sweeping over the crowd. He moved slowly, confidently, as if savoring the helplessness of his captives.

Faragonda could only move her eyes, filled with fury and terror. Zyron had played his hand, and now, all of Alfea was at his mercy.
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Thu Sep 26, 2024 2:27 am

Chapter 25: Protecting the Schools Pt. 1


As Bloom and Tecna monitored Griffin's office, the room was eerily silent. A faint glow of magical wards shimmered in the air from her crystal ball in the center of the table, giving the place a subtle, haunting atmosphere. Tecna's eyes scanned every corner, her analytical mind processing the various protective spells and illusions layered around them.

"It seems normal," Tecna muttered, her voice barely a whisper. "Griffin is usually very thorough with her cleaning. Nothing seems out of place."

Bloom nodded but continued to examine the room with a keen eye. Her attention soon drifted to a door near the back wall. Something about it seemed... off. The frame was slightly askew, as though hastily closed or forced into place. Bloom stepped closer, her hand brushing against the wood. "Tecna, look at this," she said.

Tecna joined her, inspecting the door. "It doesn't make sense," she remarked. "This door is supposed to lead to a wall... probably there's something hidden on the other side hidden by Griffin... but why is it not properly shut?"

Bloom's brow furrowed. "Maybe she was in a hurry to hide it. But something is definitely not right here." She tried the handle, but it wouldn’t budge. It was as if the door was resisting them, hiding something behind it. Tecna conjured a small beam of digital almost neon-like-magic, illuminating the area around the door to look for traces of recent tampering.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in Cloud Tower, Musa, Mirta, and Alice were traversing the dimly lit corridors, their senses on high alert. They scanned every nook and cranny, but there was no sign of the Trix. "They've got to be here somewhere," Musa muttered in frustration, her eyes darting around.

Mirta walked silently beside them, her brow creased in concentration. The deeper they ventured into the corridors, the more uneasy she felt. It was like a whisper in the back of her mind, calling out to her. As they approached the bottom of a staircase, Mirta suddenly stopped. "Wait," she breathed out, her eyes fixated on the empty space before them.

Musa and Alice turned to her, puzzled. "What is it?" Alice asked, glancing around the seemingly empty corridor.

Mirta hesitated. "I... I feel like there's something here. Someone using illusion magic, or maybe... dispelling it?" Her voice wavered, a mix of uncertainty and determination.

The other two exchanged doubtful looks. "I don't see anything," Musa remarked, trying to sense any magical presence. But there was nothing—just cold stone walls and shadows.

Mirta bit her lip. "Maybe I just imagined it." She forced a shaky smile and continued walking with the others, though she glanced back one last time. The tingling sensation in her mind lingered, but she pushed it aside, not wanting to alarm her friends without proof.

Back at Red Fountain, the tension was equally palpable as the Winx and the others explored the boy's dormitory. Stella approached a door on the first floor, noticing Brandon's and other boys’ names inscribed on it. Her eyes lit up, and she pushed it open, revealing a room cluttered with clothes and equipment.

Without hesitation, Stella sprinted inside and dove onto the first bed she saw. "My Brandon's bed!" she squealed, hugging the pillow.

Flora followed her, wearing a disapproving frown. "Stella, those are Helia's clothes." Stella jumped up, blushing with embarrassment. "Oops! Sorry!" she giggled nervously, stepping away from the bed.

Aisha rolled her eyes with an amused expression. "Focus, Stella. We're on a mission here, remember?"

Roxy glanced around the room, a bemused look crossing her face. "There’s nothing but testosterone in here," she muttered, unable to hide a small grin.

Clarice's lips twitched involuntarily as well at Roxy's comment, but she quickly covered it up as Aisha took charge. "We need to head to Saladin's office and the basement levels. Both are in danger... I think we should split up, just in case the Trix show up in either of them."

Flora nodded. "Right. Aisha, Clarice, and I will go to the basement. Stella, you and Roxy head to Saladin's office."

Stella gave a mock salute. "Got it!" she said, grabbing Roxy’s arm. "Let’s go!"

Roxy sighed with a smile but followed her friend out of the room, heading toward the staircase that would lead to Saladin's office. The others, meanwhile, turned to face the looming darkness of the basement corridor, their steps cautious as they began their descent.

Down in the basement, Aisha's senses were on high alert. "Stay close," she whispered, her eyes scanning the area. Clarice grinned, her excitement building at the prospect of encountering the Trix, while Flora walked beside them, her hands ready to summon her magic at a moment's notice.

Zyron continued to smile, his eyes gleaming with triumph as he surveyed the scene. The entire courtyard of Alfea lay frozen under his spell, his victory seemingly assured. He walked slowly toward the disguised Winx, his gaze lingering on each of them.

"The Trix told me quite a lot about you," he mused, his voice dripping with malice. He crouched down to look into their faces, his smirk widening as he saw the fear and anger in their eyes. "The famous Winx, paralyzed and powerless before me. How delightful."

He stood up, his attention shifting to Roxy. "And you," he announced, pointing at her with a cruel smile. "The Fairy of Animals. I was counting the time to mee you and your unique ability to replenish your energy... again and again. Imagine how much stronger I’ll become by feeding on your life force, over and over."

Roxy's eyes widened in terror, her body frozen and unresponsive. Zyron raised his hand, preparing to drain her energy. Just as he was about to strike, Roxy's form shimmered. Her figure twisted and shrank, revealing Livy still frozen. With a thud, Livy fell to the ground, unable to move.

Zyron stumbled back in shock, his expression turning to one of confusion and fury. "A pixie?!" he spat, looking around wildly. The other Winx, Mirta, and Alice followed suit, their forms warping and revealing their true identities as pixies. One by one, they toppled to the ground like lifeless statues, the spell's effect leaving them paralyzed but now exposed as illusions.

He growled, eyes flashing with anger. "So, they were pixies the entire time," he muttered. "No matter. I'll just drain them instead. They may be small, but their energy is potent enough." His eyes glowed red as he raised his hands, preparing to extract their life force.

"Venenum mali corpus meum relinquat!" a voice suddenly thundered through the courtyard.

Zyron whirled around, his eyes narrowing as he spotted Saladin, the headmaster of Red Fountain, breaking free from the paralysis spell. Saladin's body shuddered as the remnants of the dark magic dissipated. Standing tall, his face was a mask of determination and fury.

Manuel and Rory exchanged quick glances, recognizing the power of the spell. From the other side of the courtyard, Helia's eyes locked onto his grandfather, concern etched on his face.

Saladin lifted his hands, conjuring a brilliant blue light. "Potentia aestuum!" he shouted, releasing a beam of magic that surged toward Zyron with incredible speed.

Zyron’s eyes widened, but he leaped to the side just in time, the beam missing him by inches. He landed gracefully, smirking. "You’re forgetting one thing, old man," he taunted. "You don't have your cane."

Unfazed, Saladin floated into the air, his expression steely. "I don't need a cane to defeat the likes of you, Zyron," he replied coldly. "You're a mere criminal who thinks he understands power."

Zyron's face twisted in anger. "You're an old fool!" he barked. "I’ll defeat you, and then the cane will be legally mine as it was once before!"

Saladin laughed, the sound echoing ominously. "Criminals don’t get a say in legality," he declared. "Don’t underestimate me because of my age. I am the headmaster of Red Fountain for a reason!"

As he spoke, the surge of the Potentia aestuum spell had turned like a dart and hit Zyron from behind, catching him completely off guard. The blue ray of energy struck hard, sending him crashing against one of the stone columns of Alfea. Zyron grunted in pain as he slammed into it, his head hitting the stone with a dull thud.

Saladin descended slowly, his eyes blazing. "You're nothing but a child," he mocked, his voice filled with disdain.

Zyron struggled to his feet, fury blazing in his eyes. With a snarl, he lunged forward, his hand glowing as he attempted to drain Saladin's life force. But Saladin raised his hand, casting a shimmering barrier around himself.

Zyron’s fingers clawed at the shield, but it held firm, glowing with a brilliant light that repelled his dark magic. "Your powers are useless against a true master of magic." Saladin said calmly.

Zyron snarled, pounding against the shield in frustration, but Saladin stood his ground, his expression unyielding. The tables had turned, and Zyron found himself facing a far more formidable foe than he had anticipated.

Back in Red Fountain, Roxy and Stella found themselves in Headmaster Saladin's office. The room was spacious and filled with ancient books lining the shelves from floor to ceiling. Roxy picked up one of the books, flipping through the dusty pages, her eyes scanning the content absentmindedly. Stella, however, was furiously rearranging books on a nearby shelf, her expression one of irritation.

“These books are all out of order!” Stella muttered, her brow furrowed in concentration as she pulled down a stack of books to rearrange them properly.

Roxy raised an eyebrow, a teasing smile forming on her lips. “Since when do you care about organization?” she asked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Stella paused, glancing over her shoulder at Roxy with a sigh. “With Griselda’s punishments? After a while, you just leave everything neat and organized by default even if you don't have to,” she explained, turning back to her task. “Makes it so much easier to clean up if—no, when—you get punished.”

Roxy let out a small laugh. “I’ll keep that in mind since I’m in detention this weekend.” She watched as Stella meticulously placed each book back on the shelf, arranging them by size and color.

Stella stepped back to admire her work, dusting her hands with a satisfied smile. “There. Much better,” she declared triumphantly.

Just as she turned to face Roxy, a soft rumbling sound echoed through the room. The two girls froze, their eyes darting around for the source. Suddenly, the floor beneath one of the bookshelves began to tremble and split open, revealing a dark, gaping hole that stretched into nothingness. The abyss was utterly black, swallowing the light around it, making it impossible to see the bottom.

Stella and Roxy exchanged nervous glances. “What in the world...?” Roxy breathed out, taking a cautious step toward the edge of the hole.

“Well, that’s new,” Stella muttered, her eyes wide with a mix of curiosity and fear. She turned to Roxy, her lips curling into a sly smile. “Students first?”

Roxy shot her a scolding glare, crossing her arms defensively as her lips formed a smirk. “Why would I? Teachers should set the example and lead the way,” Roxy chuckled softly, knowing exactly what she was doing.

Stella gulped, her eyes glued to the ominous abyss. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment. “Fine, fine,” she muttered, her wings glowing as she slowly floated over the edge.

“Here goes nothing,” Stella said as she descended into the darkness, her light illuminating the walls of the shaft. Roxy spread her wings and followed closely behind, her eyes scanning the darkness warily as they ventured into the unknown depths below.

As they descended, the air grew colder, and the shadows seemed to press in around them. The faint echoes of their wings flapping were the only sounds in the otherwise eerie silence.

Bloom and Tecna made their way through the dim corridors of Cloud Tower, each step echoing ominously against the stone walls. The silence was almost unbearable, and every shadow felt like it could leap out at any moment. As they approached the predetermined meeting point, they spotted Musa, Mirta, and Alice emerging from a side passage, their expressions weary and disappointed.

“There you are,” Bloom said, relief washing over her face. “Did you find anything?”

Musa shook her head, her lips pressed into a thin line. “Nothing. Not a single sign of the Trix or Zyron. It's like the place is completely deserted,” she replied, frustration evident in her voice.

“We searched every corner,” Alice added, running a hand through her hair. “Not even a hint of a trap or spell. Everyone is at the Gala, the school's deserted... how could they miss this opportunity?”

Mirta, however, stayed quiet, her eyes scanning the empty hallway around them. She looked tense, as though something was nagging at her senses. Tecna noticed her unease and gave her a concerned glance but decided to keep quiet for the moment.

Bloom sighed, rubbing her temples. “Great,” she muttered. “So we were wrong. They didn’t attack Cloud Tower. We should head back to Alfea and report everything to the headmasters.”

“Wait,” Mirta said suddenly, her voice stopping the others in their tracks. She looked at each of them, her eyes betraying a mix of fear and certainty. “I can’t shake this feeling… There’s some sort of... well I... I can feel something...”

Bloom and Tecna exchanged quick, surprised glances. They both immediately thought of the door in Griffin’s office. Bloom’s eyes widened with realization. “That door!” she exclaimed. “In Griffin’s office. We saw it earlier, and it didn’t seem right. Maybe it’s an illusion, hiding something behind it!”

Tecna nodded in agreement. “If Miss Griffin wanted to keep something hidden, she'd definitely use illusion magic. Mirta, can you help us get the door to open?”

However, Mirta was already staring off into the shadows, her eyes narrowed as though trying to see something that wasn’t there. She shook her head absently. “No… no, it’s not the door,” she murmured. “Something about it is off, but not in the way you think, that has been there since I was a student...” She paused, biting her lip. “It's somewhere else around here… but I don’t think it’s the Trix.”

Musa glanced at Mirta with a frown. “If it's not the Trix, then is it Zyron?” she asked cautiously, the tension in her voice thickening.

Mirta shook her head again, her expression frustrated and confused. “No, it’s not Zyron either. It doesn’t feel like an evil entity. It's more...” She glanced at the others, searching their faces for understanding. “I just… I can't put my finger on it.”

Bloom sighed heavily, clearly running out of patience. “Mirta, I get that you’re sensing something, but we can't act on a feeling alone. If the Trix and Zyron aren't here, then there’s nothing we can do. We were wrong. Our priority should be getting back to Alfea in case they decide to attack there instead.” She turned to the others, a sense of finality in her tone. “Let’s head back.”

Tecna nodded, adjusting her bracelet. “Bloom’s right. We can’t afford to waste any more time here.”

Musa hesitated, her gaze lingering on Mirta, who still seemed troubled. But after a moment, she sighed and agreed. “Alright, let’s go back. No point in sticking around if there's nothing here.”

Mirta and Alice exchanged a glance, both feeling uneasy. “Yeah,” Mirta finally said, her voice filled with doubt. “I guess we should go.” But as she spoke, she cast one last wary glance down the darkened hallway. Something inside her screamed that they were leaving too soon, that they were missing something crucial. But with no proof and the others ready to leave, there was nothing she could do.

Alice touched her shoulder gently. “We’ll figure it out,” she whispered, trying to comfort her friend.

Roxy and Stella finally descended into the bottom of the abyss, their feet touching solid ground as the dark tunnel gave way to an expansive underground chamber. The air was thick with the scent of ancient parchment and dust, and as they looked around, both girls gasped in awe.

Before them lay a vast, hidden library filled with tomes and scrolls of wizardry spells. Bookshelves stretched far into the darkness, stacked with an unfathomable collection of magical knowledge. This was not just any library; it was a collection of history's most powerful spells, enchantments capable of turning even the weakest individual into an army of one.

“Oh my...” Roxy whispered, her eyes wide as she took in the sight. “This... this is way bigger than Callisto's library...”

Stella was equally stunned, but before she could say anything, movement caught Roxy’s eye. Her gaze snapped to the far corner of the room, where three familiar figures were rummaging through the shelves.

“It’s them!” Roxy hissed, pointing. “The Trix!”

The trio of witches were grinning gleefully as they snatched up books, tucking them into bags they had brought with them.

"Zyron’s probably keeping everyone occupied up there,” Darcy said with a satisfied smirk. “This is the best trade we could’ve made: wizard books in exchange for those enchantments at Cloud Tower.”

“Right?” Stormy grinned as she wiped the dust from her hands, clearly thrilled with their haul. “This one-time trade with that young Wizard is going to make us unstoppable!” She began humming a triumphant tune to herself, bouncing lightly on her feet. “We’ll be the strongest witches in history! Forever remembered!”

But before Stormy could finish her self-congratulatory chant, a blinding solar blast shot across the room, hitting her square in the face. She screamed as the force of the magic sent her flying into a nearby shelf. The impact caused a cascade of thousands of books to rain down on her, burying her under the heavy tomes.

“Hey—!” Stormy tried to shout, but a thick book smacked her mouth, causing her to bite her tongue. Tears welled up in her eyes as she let out a muffled wail, her face turning bright red with pain.

Darcy and Icy whirled around, only to see Stella standing confidently, her hand still glowing with the remnants of the solar blast. Roxy was right beside her, already in a battle stance, eyes locked on the witches.

Darcy snorted, unable to hold back a giggle. “Oh, look! It’s the fairy of the sun and the moon and the new sidekick.”

Icy smirked, crossing her arms with a dismissive sneer. “Stella and the useless addition, all alone against us? You two might want to rethink this. You can still turn back now, before I force you to stay down on the floor where you belong.”

Roxy narrowed her eyes and lifted her chin defiantly. “Don’t count on it, witch.”

Icy’s smirk faltered for a brief moment, and her eyes gleamed with icy malice. “The little ant actually speaks.” she mocked. “I’ll make sure to freeze that mouth of yours so you can never speak again.”

With a flick of her wrist, Icy summoned a flurry of ice darts that shot straight toward Roxy. But before the darts could reach their target, Stella gracefully twirled in front of Roxy, her hands glowing as she conjured a brilliant golden shield.

“Enchanted Moon Shield!” Stella cried out, the protective barrier forming effortlessly around them. The ice darts shattered harmlessly against the shimmering shield, falling to the floor in a shower of frost.

Stella laughed, her voice echoing through the vast library. “Icy dear, you should consider retirement! Escaping again and again and again to be such basic villains? It's getting old.”

Icy’s eyes flared red, her expression darkening into one of quiet fury. Without a word, she summoned a massive ice dragon, its cold, serpentine body winding through the air around Stella and Roxy. The dragon opened its maw and released a blast of freezing wind, encasing both fairies in solid ice.

Stella and Roxy screamed as the ice crawled over their bodies, immobilizing them in place. The temperature plummeted around them, and their screams were abruptly silenced as the ice sealed over their faces.

Icy stepped forward, her gaze locked onto the frozen forms of the two fairies. Her voice was low, trembling with rage. “You should learn to speak only when asked to,” she hissed, her lips curling into a satisfied smile as she watched her handiwork.
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby CrystalRose » Wed Oct 02, 2024 1:56 pm

Ohh I haven't been here for some days or weeks... I guess I have a lot to catch up on :lol:
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Thu Oct 03, 2024 6:26 pm

I write fast sorry! :mrgreen: :lol:

I'm finishing another one now! /flowerpower/
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Fri Oct 04, 2024 4:34 pm

Chapter 26: Protecting the Schools Pt. 2


Zyron stumbled back, clutching his face where Saladin’s magic had struck him again. His expression twisted in pain and fury. “You’re a fool!” he snarled. However, Saladin stood tall, a calm but fierce look in his eyes.

As Saladin gathered his magic, Rory, still paralyzed, began to chant desperately, “Venenum mali corpus meum relinquat!” His voice trembled as he repeated the incantation, his eyes squeezed shut in concentration, but nothing happened. The dark magic holding him remained intact.

Nearby, Manuel attempted the same incantation. His hands twitched, slowly moving against the spell’s hold, but he couldn’t break free. “Venenum mali corpus meum relinquat!” he whispered again, frustration and fear lining his face as the spell resisted his efforts.

Zyron’s eyes flicked to the struggling specialists, a sinister grin spreading across his face. “You’re wasting your energy,” he taunted. “None of you have the power to break my spell.”

Ignoring Zyron’s words, Saladin focused his energy and lunged forward. A burst of magic shot from his hand, striking Zyron square in the face. The force of the blast sent him staggering backward.

“You underestimate me, Zyron. I’ve faced darker foes than you,” Saladin replied with a confident smirk. He raised his hand, preparing another spell. “Your fight is pointless. Surrender now, or face defeat.”

Zyron staggered but managed to stay on his feet. He raised his head, a wicked smile spreading across his face as he looked toward Helia. The young specialist stood frozen, his eyes filled with a mix of fear and defiance.

“Well then,” Zyron hissed, his gaze never leaving Helia. “If I can’t beat you, maybe I’ll just have to take something you love.” His hands began to glow with a dark energy as he moved toward Helia, his intentions clear.

Saladin’s eyes widened in horror. “No!” he shouted, abandoning the spell he had been conjuring. “Leave him alone! He has nothing to do with this!”

Zyron laughed, a cold and chilling sound that echoed through the courtyard. “Then you better stop fighting, old man,” he sneered. “Or your precious grandson will know what the afterlife looks like.”

Saladin hesitated, fear gripping his heart. He couldn’t risk Helia’s life, but surrendering would mean handing victory to Zyron. He clenched his fists, his mind racing for a way out of this impossible situation.

Before he could make a decision, a blinding light filled the courtyard. A portal opened up, casting a warm glow across the stone ground. Zyron growled, turning to see who had arrived.

Out of the portal stepped Musa, Mirta, Bloom, Tecna, and Alice, their expressions grim as they took in the scene before them. Bloom gasped, her eyes immediately landing on the petrified forms of Sky and Faragonda. Horror spread across her face as she realized what had happened.

Zyron’s eyes narrowed, irritation flaring within him. “More nuisances,” he muttered under his breath. He quickly followed Bloom's eyes. With a flick of his wrist, a wave of magic surged toward the petrified Sky and Faragonda, lifting their statues and bringing them closer to Zyron.

“If any of you try anything,” Zyron threatened, his eyes locking onto Bloom’s, “I’ll drain every last bit of life force from them until there’s nothing left.”

Bloom’s heart pounded in her chest as she watched the statues of her beloved Sky and their mentor Faragonda hover in the air, suspended by Zyron’s dark magic. She clenched her fists, fighting to keep her fear in check. They had to find a way to defeat Zyron, but one wrong move could cost them everything.

Musa stepped forward, her eyes blazing with determination. “You think you can keep us at bay with threats, Zyron?” she challenged, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her.

Zyron smirked, the glow in his eyes intensifying. “Oh, I don’t think—I know,” he retorted, tightening his grip on the statues. “Your lives are in my hands now. So unless you want to see your loved ones turned to dust, you’ll do exactly as I say.”

Saladin glanced at Bloom and the others, his expression one of both warning and trust. They needed to act, but carefully. They couldn't let Zyron win, nor could they allow him to harm Sky and Faragonda.

Mirta’s eyes darted to the stone figures of their parents, her mind racing as she gasped. "Mom, dad!"

There had to be a way to break Zyron’s hold, to turn the tide back in their favor.

Meanwhile, in Red Fountain, Icy's eyes gleamed as she admired her handiwork, a wicked grin spreading across her face. The statues of Roxy and Stella stood frozen before her, encased in solid ice. She let out a soft, mocking chuckle and blew a sarcastic kiss of farewell. “So long, fairies,” she sneered, preparing to turn and leave.

“Hey, Icy,” Stormy croaked out suddenly, her voice muffled as she sat up in the pile of books. She stuck out her swollen tongue. “Can you look at this? Is it really bad? It hurts so much! Could you blow on it?” Stormy whined pitifully, her face twisted in pain.

Icy rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed. "Ugh, Stormy, seriously? Now? Fine, just—”

She was cut off as a vine-like plant suddenly sprouted from the ground right in front of Stormy. Both witches blinked in surprise, exchanging a puzzled glance.

“What the—?” Stormy mumbled, squinting at the plant. As she took a cautious step forward, the plant shot up and slapped her across the face with a thick, leafy vine. She let out a yelp as the force sent her sprawling back onto the floor, landing hard among the scattered books.

“OUCH!” Stormy screamed, clutching her cheek, where a bright red mark quickly appeared. Darcy, who had been watching the scene, doubled over with laughter.

“Oh, that was priceless!” Darcy cackled, wiping a tear from her eye. Her laughter was abruptly cut off as a sharp glint caught her eye—a shard of a mirror that appeared out of nowhere and zoomed toward her head. She gasped loudly and ducked just in time, narrowly avoiding the deadly projectile.

“What—?!” Darcy exclaimed, her heart racing.

From the shadows, Flora, Aisha, and Clarice stepped into view. Icy’s eyes narrowed, a scowl forming on her lips. “Oh, look who decided to crash the party,” she sneered, her gaze locking onto Clarice. “What's this, Winx? Are you so desperate that you need to bring extra fairy friends just to deal with us?”

Clarice glared at Icy, standing her ground. Aisha smirked and stepped forward, arms crossed over her chest. “Extra friends?” she retorted coolly. “You’re so weak, Icy, that I could take care of you all on my own.”

Icy’s expression darkened, her hands glowing with icy magic as she prepared to launch an attack. “Big talk for such a small fairy,” she growled.

Just then, Flora gasped, her eyes catching sight of Stella and Roxy frozen in the background. “Stella! Roxy!” she cried out in horror and immediately took to the air, attempting to fly toward them.

Icy’s smirk widened as she saw Flora make her move. “Not so fast!” she hissed, redirecting her spell in Flora’s direction. A blast of icy magic surged forward, striking Flora's wings.

Flora let out a gasp as the ice crept across her wings, freezing them solid. She crashed to the ground, landing flat on the floor with a pained cry. “No!” she groaned, struggling to move but finding herself immobilized by the freezing cold.

Aisha’s eyes widened in fury. “You’ll pay for that!” she shouted, summoning a ball of Morphix in her hand. She hurled it at Icy with all her might, but Icy simply smirked and sent a blast of icy wind toward it, freezing the Morphix ball solid in mid-air.

“Too easy,” Icy taunted. But before she could continue, a cracking sound echoed through the chamber. She turned, her eyes narrowing.

The ice encasing Stella and Roxy shattered with a deafening crack. Stella’s body began to glow with a radiant light, her eyes blazing with anger.

“You want to mess with the sun? You got it!” Stella shouted, raising her hand. A blazing orb of sun energy formed in her palm and, with a swift motion, she sent it hurtling toward Icy. The ball of light hit Icy squarely in the back, sending her stumbling forward with a cry of pain.

Roxy, shivering from the cold, managed to raise her hand. “W-wolf t-t-talon!” she stammered, conjuring a spell despite her trembling form. A swirl of ethereal energy formed around her, shooting toward Icy.

However, Darcy intervened in a flash, appearing between Roxy and Icy. With a flick of her wrist, she redirected the spell back toward Roxy, who was too cold and sluggish to dodge in time. The magic struck Roxy, sending her sprawling backward onto the ground.

Roxy let out a cry of pain as she fell, her body still shivering from the cold. “Ugh… no…” she gasped, struggling to sit up.

Stella’s eyes widened with worry as she saw Roxy get hit. “Roxy!” she shouted, turning her gaze back to Icy and Darcy, her anger flaring up again. “You’re going to regret that!” she declared, her aura glowing brighter as she summoned more of her solar magic.

Icy regained her balance, clutching her back where Stella's attack had hit. She glanced at Darcy, who nodded, her eyes fixed on the now regrouping fairies.

Stella stood tall, her expression fierce, and her magic swirling around her in a blinding white glow, far brighter than her usual orange hue. The change in her power was palpable, and the intensity of her aura sent a chill through the room. She was done playing games.

Darcy took a cautious step forward, trying to maintain her composure. "Oh, please," she scoffed, though her eyes betrayed a hint of nervousness. "I'll make sure you won't see the sun’s shine for a long time, you pathetic fairy."

Stella locked eyes on Darcy, the anger in her gaze cutting through the air like a blade. “You know what else doesn’t have light?” she said, her voice cold and steady. “The moon. How about I show you what that feels like?”

With a swift motion, Stella raised her hand, magic crackling at her fingertips. "Lunar Life!" she cried, unleashing a powerful spell. Darcy attempted to dodge, leaping to the side, but the spell hit the ground near her feet. From the impact, a wave of energy spread, surging toward Darcy and enveloping her in a shroud of absolute darkness.

“No! What?! What is this?!” Darcy screamed, stumbling blindly. The darkness consumed her senses, leaving her utterly disoriented. She could no longer see anything, not even her own hands in front of her face. Panicking, she turned toward where she thought Icy was standing. “Icy! Where are you?!”

Icy growled, her eyes darting to the swirling darkness around Darcy. “I’m right here next to you, ugh!” she shouted, her frustration bubbling over. “Just follow my voice!”

“I can’t see you!” Darcy yelled back, spinning in place as she waved her hands around in an attempt to feel her surroundings. Her movements grew increasingly frantic, causing Icy to clench her fists in rage.

“Enough!” Icy roared, clearly losing her patience. She turned to Stormy, who was still rubbing her sore cheek. “We’re getting out of here. Now!”

Stormy glanced at Darcy, then back at Icy, nodding quickly. The two witches moved to grab their dazed sister, all while Aisha stood in the background, laughing with Clarice. “Running away already?” she mocked, a smirk playing on her lips.

Icy glared at her, fury in her eyes. “This isn’t over, fairy!” she spat. With a swift motion, she grabbed Darcy and Stormy, channeling her magic to open a swirling portal.

Aisha’s expression turned serious. “Oh, no, you don’t!” she shouted, conjuring a Morphix rope in her hands and launching it toward the trio. The rope shot forward, aiming to bind the witches and stop their spell, but they managed to teleport just in time. The rope passed through the empty air where they had stood and disappeared along with them, the faint echoes of their teleportation ringing in the room.

Stella watched them vanish and let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. “Well, they'll probably have a hard time getting that Morphix off of them,” she muttered, her glow slowly fading back to its original orange.

Aisha walked over, a proud smile forming on her face. “Let’s hope it sticks to their hair,” she quipped before rushing to Flora, who lay on the ground with her wings frozen in place. Kneeling beside her, Aisha summoned a sprinkle of fairy dust and gently dusted it over Flora’s wings. The magic worked quickly, dispelling the dark spell and melting the ice. Flora gasped as her wings unfurled, free and whole once again.

“Thank you, Aisha,” Flora breathed, relief washing over her as she stood up, testing her wings with a soft flutter.

Meanwhile, Clarice hurried to Stella’s side, helping Roxy up from the floor. Roxy was still a bit shaky, her body recovering from the cold and the force of Darcy’s counterattack. “Are you okay, Roxy?” Clarice asked, concern etched on her face.

Roxy nodded, her eyes determined despite the lingering pain. “I’m fine. Just… cold,” she replied with a weak smile. “Thanks for helping me.”

Stella placed a comforting hand on Roxy's shoulder, her fierce expression softening. “We need to get back to Alfea,” she said, glancing around at her friends. “We have to let everyone know what happened.”

Aisha nodded in agreement, her eyes serious. “Right. The Trix have been dealt with, for now, but they won’t stay down for long.”

Flora, now back on her feet, joined them. “Then let’s go,” she said, her voice calm yet resolute.

With that, the group gathered together, standing side by side as they prepared to head back. Stella quickly shouted "Solaria!" as her ring became a scepter.

Back in Alfea, the atmosphere was tense, the air thick with fear and uncertainty. Bloom, Tecna, Musa, and the others stood frozen, their minds racing for a plan to save Sky and Faragonda without risking their lives. Zyron hovered menacingly, his eyes glowing with dark magic. The power radiating from his hands seemed to pulse with every passing second, tightening the grip of terror around the courtyard.

Musa took a tentative step forward, her heart pounding in her chest. "We have to do something," she whispered, glancing at Bloom for any sign of a plan. But as she moved, Zyron’s gaze snapped to her, and his hand glowed brighter, threatening to unleash his power.

"Stay where you are!" he barked, his voice echoing ominously. The statues of Sky and Faragonda encased in dark energy.

Faragonda, still petrified, managed to turn her gaze ever so slightly. Her hands began to glow faintly, her magic struggling against the petrification, attempting to break free. It was a desperate act of defiance, but the spell holding her was too strong, and the glow faded again.

Zyron scanned the courtyard, his eyes finally falling on Mirta, standing close to Bloom. For a brief moment, something seemed... off. He squinted, noticing that whenever Bloom’s wings moved, they clipped through Mirta, flickering softly as though she wasn’t really there.

A realization struck him. His eyes narrowed as he attempted to drain Mirta’s life force, sending a pulse of dark magic toward her. But she didn’t move; she didn’t react. The magic passed right through her.

Zyron looked around in sudden confusion, his eyes darting through the courtyard. Then he spotted Mirta, standing on the other side near two statues, her gaze fixated on them with worry.

"An illusion!" he roared, rage contorting his features. Bloom's heart sank as she realized what was happening. "Mirta, no!" she screamed, but it was too late. Zyron turned toward the real Mirta, his hand raised to drain her life force.

“Disco Shell!” Musa yelled, raising her hands. A bubble shield formed around Mirta just in time, deflecting Zyron’s attack. He recoiled in frustration, turning his attention toward Musa, his eyes glowing with malice as he prepared to strike.

But before he could unleash his spell, a bolt of magic shot past him, narrowly missing his shoulder. Zyron turned his head sharply, spotting Saladin, who had his hand raised, eyes burning with determination. “Not so fast,” Saladin growled, readying another spell.

Zyron grunted, his patience wearing thin. He looked at Helia, who was still paralyzed, his expression contorting into a sinister grin. “That’s enough!” he declared, his voice filled with dark satisfaction. Zyron’s hands began to glow as he aimed at Helia, preparing to drain his life force.

“Helia!” Saladin screamed, his heart lurching in fear. Without a second thought, he teleported in front of his grandson, blocking the attack. Zyron's magic struck Saladin squarely, and the old man fell to the ground, gasping as the dark energy pulsed through his body. His eyes met Helia’s for a brief second, his grandson looking terrified.

“Saladin!” the Winx screamed in horror, immediately taking to the air. They had to act fast, or they would lose everything. Zyron, realizing his advantage, began to laugh, the sound echoing through the courtyard.

He glanced around, intending to make his escape, but Mirta suddenly roared, her eyes glowing with fury. With a flick of her wrist, she cast an illusion on Zyron, shrinking him to the size of an ant. Zyron screamed in shock as the world around him distorted, the Winx now appearing like towering giants. Panic surged through him for a split second before he closed his eyes and shook his head, dispelling the illusion.

His eyes snapped open, locking onto Mirta, who was now flying toward him with fierce determination. He had had enough of this troublesome girl. As he watched, he noticed something: she was trying to stay as close to those two statues as possible. A cruel idea formed in his mind.

"Fine," he sneered. "If you care so much about those statues, let's see how you handle this!" Zyron's hand glowed as he aimed directly at them. A blast of dark energy surged forward, speeding toward them with the intent to shatter them completely.

“No!” Mirta screamed, realizing his plan. She pushed herself forward, her wings beating furiously as she raced to intercept the spell. The air around her vibrated with her desperation, every ounce of her being focused on protecting the ones she loved.

She flew faster, her breath ragged, her heart pounding against her chest. But the spell was relentless, closing the distance with terrifying speed. With mere meters left, she threw herself in front of the blast, crossing her arms in a desperate shield.

The spell struck her squarely in the chest, right at her heart. Mirta let out a moan of agony, her eyes wide as the pain radiated through her body. Her breath hitched, her heart struggling against the dark energy. For a brief, excruciating moment, time seemed to freeze.

Then, she crumpled, falling to the ground like a broken doll, gasping for air. The courtyard fell silent, the only sound being the echo of her painful gasp.

"Mirta! No! Mirta!" the Winx screamed, horror etched across their faces as they watched her fall. Her body lay motionless on the stone floor, her once-bright aura now dimming.

The statues of her parents vibrated violently, almost as if they were trying to move, to reach out to their daughter. Tears formed in the stone eyes, a manifestation of the pain and grief they could not express. The scene was paralyzing, freezing everyone in their tracks as they processed what had just happened.

Zyron stood still for a moment, his eyes fixed on Mirta’s fallen form. A twisted smile slowly curled on his lips, satisfaction gleaming in his eyes. The Winx hovered in the air, their faces contorted with a mixture of shock, rage, and sorrow. The world around them seemed to grow colder, the shadows deepening as the gravity of the situation sank in.

Bloom felt a surge of anger. Her fists clenched, her aura starting to blaze around her. “Zyron!” she roared, the fury in her voice echoing through the courtyard.

A colossal dragon of fiery energy erupted from her, roaring with fury and rage. Bloom’s eyes glowed with a fiery light as she let out a scream, her entire being blazing with power. The dragon loomed over the courtyard, its eyes locked onto Zyron, who took a wary step back, momentarily unnerved by the raw power directed at him.

But Zyron’s fear quickly turned to cunning calculation. His gaze darted to the petrified forms of Faragonda and Sky. With a wicked smirk, he raised his glowing hand toward them. “I wonder how much life force I can drain from both of them at once,” he taunted, his voice dripping with malice.

Bloom faltered, the dragon’s roar echoing into silence. She froze in place, the fire in her eyes dimming as fear gripped her heart. If she attacked now, she could put Sky and Faragonda in grave danger. She hesitated, her mind racing for a way to save them.

Just then, a simultaneous shout rang out. “Venenum mali corpus meum relinquat!” Rory and Manuel yelled in unison, their voices reverberating through the courtyard. The spell released its magic in a bright flash, aiming directly at Faragonda.

Zyron’s eyes widened in shock as he realized they were able to break free. The stone casing around Faragonda began to crack. Pieces of stone fell away, revealing her true form beneath. Within moments, Faragonda stood free, her eyes narrowing as they locked onto Zyron. She side-eyed him for only a heartbeat before raising her hand and casting a powerful spell. A surge of energy shot forth, striking Zyron as violently as possible and sending him flying upward at a dangerous speed.

Zyron screamed as he hurtled through the air, his body spinning uncontrollably before crashing into the courtyard wall. Dazed and disoriented, he struggled to regain his senses.

Faragonda turned to Rory and Manuel, nodding gratefully. “Thank you,” she said, her voice firm and commanding. “Now, we need to free everyone else.”

With renewed determination, the boys rushed to each of the petrified individuals, placing their hands on them and chanting, "Venenum mali corpus meum relinquat!" One by one, the stone statues glowed, cracks spreading across their surfaces as they returned to flesh and blood.

Amaryl, Griselda, and Wizgiz were the first to be freed, gasping for breath as they staggered forward. “Thank goodness,” Griselda muttered, her eyes scanning the chaos around her.

Helia was next. As the stone crumbled off his body, he stumbled, catching himself on one knee. His eyes immediately sought out Bloom, who nodded at him with relief.

Saladin groaned softly, his eyes fluttering open as he lay on the group. Helia, who was at his side, kneel down and grasped his grandfather’s hand.

"Grandfather, are you alright?" Helia asked, his voice thick with worry, eyes searching Saladin's face for any signs of pain.

For a moment, Saladin remained still, then slowly nodded, his gaze settling on his grandson. A faint smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he lifted a hand to touch his face, feeling the warmth of life return to his skin.

"I’m alright, Helia," Saladin reassured, his voice soft yet steady. "It will take more than a dark spell to bring me down."

Suddenly, a massive portal formed in the courtyard, swirling with magical energy. Flora, Stella, Aisha, Roxy, and Clarice appeared through it, stepping into the scene with wide, worried eyes.

“Guys, what happened—” Flora began, but her words were cut off by a sudden rush of wind. Zyron reappeared, hurtling down at a breakneck speed. He landed next to Flora with a thunderous crash, his eyes wild and desperate.

“Flora!” Stella screamed, panic flooding her voice. Everyone turned to her. Flora barely had time to react as Zyron grabbed her wrist with a painful grip. His eyes were frantic, the composure he once held now replaced with raw panic. He looked at Stella, his voice cracking. “Leave the portal open or she'll die!” he demanded, his words edged with a mixture of command and fear. It was clear he was losing, and this was his last-ditch attempt at escape.

Stella hesitated, her fear for her friend overcoming her anger. With a trembling hand on her scepter, she kept the portal open, unsure of what to do.

Zyron yanked Flora toward the portal, his grasp tightening painfully. Flora cried out, struggling against him. “Let go of me!” she shouted, but Zyron was relentless, pulling her closer to the swirling vortex.

Just as they were about to cross into the portal, Helia appeared out of nowhere. His eyes blazed with fury, and in one swift motion, he cast his cords, ensnaring Zyron’s arm grabbing Flora. “You’re not taking her anywhere!” Helia growled, pulling back with all his strength.

Zyron glared at Helia, his lips curling into a snarl. “Then she dies,” he spat, his eyes glowing with rage.

Helia screamed as the wizard prepared to release an attack on the fairy, "Flammae Ardentes!" His cords, going around Zyron's arm, ignited in flames, burning through the restraints and scorching his skin. With a scream of agony, Zyron released his grip on Flora, the flames searing his hand. Flora stumbled back into the arms of Clarice, who quickly pulled her away from the portal's edge.

Zyron howled, his voice filled with fury and desperation. “You haven’t seen the last of me!” With that, he leaped into the portal, disappearing from sight as it closed behind him, leaving behind the echo of his rage.

Silence filled the courtyard for a moment as everyone processed what had just happened. Flora clutched her wrist, staring at the spot where Zyron had vanished. “He’s gone,” she whispered, her heart racing.

Stella rushed forward, embracing Flora tightly. “Are you okay?” she asked, her voice shaky but full of concern.

Flora nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. “Yes… I’m okay,” she replied, hugging Stella back. “But that was too close.”

Helia rushed to Flora, his face pale and eyes wide with fear. Without a word, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. His breath hitched, his whole body trembling as he held her tightly. “Flora…” he choked out, his voice breaking. “I was so scared. I thought I'd lose you…” Tears welled up in his eyes, his emotions pouring out in a way he rarely let happen. Flora returned the embrace, burying her face in his shoulder, feeling the warmth and love emanating from him.

Meanwhile, in the courtyard, Rory and Manuel continued their task of turning back the petrified students and teachers one by one. The courtyard glowed with the light of their spells as stone figures were slowly brought back to life. Just as they were about to move to the next statue, Saladin’s voice cut through the air like a blade.

“Stop,” he ordered, his tone cold and commanding as he could barely stand. The seriousness in his eyes was enough for the boys to halt immediately, their hearts pounding in their chests. They glanced at him, the unspoken tension in their eyes.

Musa soared into the air, her fairy dust sparkling brightly around her. With a sweeping motion, she scattered the dust over the entire courtyard. The magic spread out like a shimmering mist, washing over the guests and students. Statues cracked and fell away, revealing the people within them. Slowly, they returned to flesh and blood, coughing and gasping as they were freed.

Amaryl stepped forward, her wings glowing as she also transformed into an Enchantix fairy. She joined Musa in the air, her own fairy dust swirling around her hands. With a graceful motion, she sprinkled the dust across the remaining statues. The magic spread rapidly, enveloping everyone in a soft glow as they were restored one by one.

With everyone freed, Musa’s heart sank as she rushed to Mirta’s side. The young fairy was lying on the ground, her breaths shallow and labored. “Hang on, Mirta,” Musa murmured, her eyes shining with determination. She summoned more fairy dust, guiding it toward Mirta’s heart. But as the dust settled over her, Mirta’s breathing remained strained, her chest rising and falling in a desperate rhythm.

"It's not a dark spell... it's an offensive spell!" Musa whispers, noticing the fairy dust did nothing to cure her internal wound.

Suddenly, a soft light began to emerge from Mirta’s heart. She gasped sharply, her eyes wide with fear as the glow intensified. The light pulsed for a moment before slowly fading. With a final, quiet breath, Mirta went still. Her eyes closed, and her body relaxed, as if she had simply fallen asleep.

“No, no!” Musa cried, her voice trembling as tears streamed down her face. She pressed her hands over Mirta's heart, desperately trying to pour more magic into her. Around them, the crowd grew silent, horror and disbelief settling over everyone.

"Mirta!" Flora shouted, running towards her.

Mirta's parents, now free from their petrified state, rushed forward. Clara reached out and grabbed Mirta, pulling her into her arms. “My baby, no!” she screamed, her cries filled with agony. She cradled her daughter’s limp body, her tears falling freely onto Mirta’s cheeks. Darko knelt beside her, his face contorted with grief as he wrapped his arms around them both.

Bloom, witnessing the heart-wrenching scene, rushed over. Her eyes were blazing with a mixture of determination and desperation. She knelt beside them, her hands already glowing with her healing power. “Let me try!” she pleaded, reaching out.

“No! Get away from her!” Clara shrieked, her grief turning into rage. “This is all your fault! All of you fairies!” She pushed Bloom back, her hands shaking as she held Mirta tightly.

Bloom’s heart ached, but she didn't back down. She locked eyes with Clara, her gaze filled with compassion and resolve. “That's not true, deep down you know that's not true...” Bloom whispered, her voice gentle yet firm. “Please, I can help.”

Clara’s eyes filled with tears. She broke down, clutching her daughter’s body against her chest. Darko held her, his shoulders shaking. Slowly, Clara nodded, her strength giving way to hope. She released Mirta, allowing Bloom to approach.

Bloom took a deep breath, focusing on the flickering energy within herself. Her hair began to float, and a red glow surrounded her. She placed her hands over Mirta's chest, allowing the magic to flow from her fingertips and into the girl. “Her heart has stopped,” Bloom muttered under her breath, closing her eyes to concentrate. “But her brain hasn’t. She still has energy within her. I can… I can bring her back.”

Everyone gathered around, holding their breath as they watched in silence. The glow from Bloom’s hands brightened, illuminating the courtyard. Slowly, color returned to Mirta’s skin, spreading across her body like the rising dawn.

Bloom gasped, her energy draining as she continued the spell. Just when she thought she couldn’t go on, a final pulse of magic surged through Mirta’s heart. Bloom fell back, dizzy and weak, but she had done it.

Mirta’s eyes flew open, and she inhaled sharply, filling her lungs with air. A ragged gasp escaped her lips as she looked around, disoriented. “W-what…?” she stammered, but before she could say more, her parents wrapped their arms around her in a tight embrace.

“Mirta!” Clara sobbed, holding her daughter close. Darko hugged them both, tears streaming down his face. “You’re back!” he whispered, his voice filled with relief and joy.

Mirta blinked, trying to make sense of everything. She placed a hand over her chest, where a soft glow was now emanating. “What’s happening…?” she asked, her voice trembling.

A cheer erupted from the gathered crowd as they realized what was happening. Mirta’s body began to shine brighter, enveloping her in a cocoon of light. She hovered off the ground, her form shifting and glowing until she was transformed into an Enchantix fairy.

Her wings grew larger and more intricate, shimmering with a dazzling array of colors. Her outfit changed, becoming more elegant and flowing. Her eyes sparkled with renewed strength as she landed softly on the ground, her chest still glowing faintly.

“I… I did it,” Mirta whispered, staring at her hands in awe. She looked at the crowd, then back at her parents. They nodded, tears in their eyes, as they smiled at their daughter’s transformation.

Flora stepped forward, her eyes reflecting the joy and awe in the courtyard. She moved closer to Mirta. "That's exactly what happened to me," Flora said softly, her voice carrying across the crowd.

Mirta turned to Flora, curiosity in her eyes. “What do you mean?” she asked, still dazed from the transformation.

Flora took a deep breath, recalling the moment that had changed her life forever. "I died as well," she began, her gaze distant as she relived the memory. "I was trying to save my sister, and I gave everything I had. But when I fell, the Black Willow cried. Its tear reversed time, just enough to bring me back."

The crowd grew silent, hanging on to her every word. "When I opened my eyes again," Flora continued, a faint smile playing on her lips, "I was transformed, just like you. I had my Enchantix, gifted by nature itself. It was a second chance, and I took it with all my heart."

Mirta's eyes widened. Flora placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "The magic inside you it's very powerful now, because it comes from your selflessness. You’re stronger than ever. Welcome to the Enchantix club, Mirta!"

The courtyard filled with cheers and applause, celebrating the miraculous moment. Bloom, still seated on the ground, smiled faintly as she watched. “And welcome back, Mirta,” she whispered, pride and relief washing over her.

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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Tue Oct 08, 2024 1:44 am

Chapter 27: Rebuilding


As the courtyard filled with cheers and laughter, the atmosphere of victory settled in, but there was still work to be done. The Winx and the students, both witches and fairies, took a moment to regroup. Parents with magical powers who were in Alfea began to gather, their faces a mixture of relief and determination.

Bloom stepped forward, her eyes scanning the broken stone paths and shattered walls around them. "Let's not waste any more time," she called out, her voice steady. "We need to fix the damages."

Nodding in agreement, the students began to form a large circle around the courtyard, each extending their hands towards the center. The Winx joined them, interlocking their fingers with those beside them. In a show of solidarity, witches and fairies alike, along with the parents, joined hands, creating a powerful magical chain.

Faragonda, standing at the center, closed her eyes and lifted her hand. “On my count,” she instructed, her voice filled with authority. “We’ll channel our energy to rebuild our school, stronger than it ever was.”

With a deep breath, Faragonda began chanting a restoration spell. The air around them shimmered with light as everyone focused their energy, feeling it surge through their bodies and into the ground beneath them. A soft glow emerged, spreading out across the courtyard. Slowly, the cracked stones began to mend, the shattered windows piecing themselves back together. Vines sprouted from the earth, wrapping gently around broken pillars, restoring their strength.

As the glow enveloped the courtyard, Lucy approached Mirta, her eyes sparkling with admiration. She wrapped her arms around her friend in a tight embrace. "You look beautiful, Mirta." Lucy said softly, her voice filled with emotion.

Mirta returned the hug, her smile widening. "Thank you, Lucy," she replied, her eyes shimmering with gratitude. "It feels... different, but good."

Releasing Mirta from the hug, Lucy stepped back as Professor Ediltrude, Professor Zarathustra, and Professor Bittersmoke made their way over to her and Faragonda. Their faces were grave, reflecting concern and confusion. "What happened to Miss Griffin?" Professor Ediltrude asked, glancing around as if expecting to find the stern headmistress of Cloud Tower emerging from the shadows.

Faragonda looked defeated. "I have no idea. Girls, did you see Miss Griffin?"

Mirta bit her lip, joining the conversation and shaking her head. "I'm sorry... when we arrived at Cloud Tower, Griffin was nowhere to be seen." The professors exchanged worried looks, their eyes clouded with uncertainty.

Faragonda's expression grew somber, her gaze turning to Clarice and the other Winx. "Girls, what exactly happened?" she asked, her tone gentle but firm.

Stepping forward, Stella recounted the events that had transpired. "The Trix were at Red Fountain, raiding the archives that Saladin has below his office — by the way, it was easy to organize and get inside, you should try something harder — I think they made a deal with Zyron to keep everyone occupied here at Alfea while they stole ancient spells and artifacts and trade with him. But from what we could tell, Zyron must have been at Cloud Tower too and stole things there as well," she explained, her voice steady despite the turmoil of the recent events.

Saladin, who was sitting nearby, groaned softly, his hand pressed to his forehead. Bloom immediately moved toward him, her hands glowing faintly as she placed them over his chest. "Here, let me help," she murmured. Her magic flowed into the old headmaster, restoring his strength bit by bit.

As Saladin's eyes regained their clarity, Bloom wobbled slightly, feeling drained from the effort. Roxy hurried over, bringing a chair with her. "Sit down," Roxy insisted gently, helping Bloom into the seat.

"Thank you, Roxy," Bloom said, her voice weak but grateful as she took a deep breath.

Saladin, now fully alert, turned to the Winx. "So, the Trix were using Zyron as a distraction," he mused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"Yes, and while they were busy raiding the archives at Red Fountain, earlier Zyron must have taken advantage of the chaos to infiltrate Cloud Tower," Tecna added, her eyes narrowing in concern. "But... where could Griffin be now?"

Faragonda sighed, her eyes drifting toward the darkened horizon.

Mirta stepped forward, her gaze steady as she addressed the headmistress. "Please, Headmistress Faragonda," she pleaded, "let us help find her. I have a feeling this isn't over, we need to save her!"

Faragonda gave Mirta a small, approving nod. "Of course, Mirta," she agreed. "Griffin is not only my colleague but also my friend. We will leave no stone unturned until we bring her back safely."

The pixies quickly joined their fairies, with Kiko hopping alongside them. Livy fluttered excitedly toward Roxy, her eyes wide and shimmering with concern.

"Roxy!" Livy called out, her voice trembling slightly. "I was so scared! I thought I was going to be frozen forever!" She flew straight into Roxy’s arms, nuzzling against her for reassurance.

Roxy smiled softly, hugging the tiny pixie close. "I'm okay now, Livy. Thanks to all of you as well, you did great covering for us," she whispered, her voice warm and soothing.

Nearby, Jolly floated over with a mischievous grin plastered on her face. "So, did you kick Icy's butt or what?" she asked, her eyes glinting with curiosity and excitement.

Clarice, who had been listening in, let out a playful snicker. "Nah, not really," she said, shrugging casually. "But Icy’s butt might be stuck on Aisha's net right now!"

Hearing this, Aisha couldn't contain her laughter. She doubled over, giggling hard as Clarice joined in.

Piff and Jolly exchanged puzzled glances as Aisha and Clarice continued to giggle uncontrollably. The sight of their laughter was infectious, and soon the entire group of friends found themselves smiling and chuckling, the tension of the day's events lifting, if only for a moment.

As the laughter gradually faded, Griselda stepped forward, her expression stern and serious. "I think it's clear that we should cancel the party," she announced, her tone leaving little room for debate. "The schools were at stake today; there's no time for celebrations after such a dire threat."

Faragonda, however, shook her head softly, a gentle but firm smile on her lips. "No, Griselda," she replied, placing a hand on her friend's shoulder. "This is not just a day of loss or fear. It's a beginning—a new chapter where witches and fairies continue their cooperation together. We must go on, not just for the sake of tradition, but to show that our resolve is unshakable, no matter the obstacles we face."

With that, Faragonda turned toward the stage at the front of the courtyard, where the microphone still stood in place from earlier festivities. She moved gracefully toward it, her presence commanding the attention of everyone gathered. Turning the mic on with magic, she took a deep breath, her eyes scanning the crowd before beginning her speech.

"Everyone," she began, her voice echoing through the now-quiet courtyard. "Today, we faced great challenges, and we fought bravely. Our schools stood strong because we stood together. But this is only the beginning. Starting tomorrow, we will do our utmost to find your headmistress, Miss Griffin. She is part of our family, and we will not rest until she is safe. Fairies, Witches and Specialists, we will all work together to find her!"

The crowd murmured in agreement, their spirits lifted by Faragonda's words. She continued, her tone growing more resolute. "Evil will not stop us. Be it the Trix, Zyron, or any other force that dares to threaten our unity, we will find a way to stop them. Together, we will protect not just our schools, but the peace and harmony of the entire Magical Dimension. This is a time for all, especially witches and fairies to join hands, to prove that our strength comes from our differences and our unity."

As Faragonda’s voice resonated through the courtyard, the words carried beyond the school grounds, stretching into the surrounding forest. There, hidden within the trees, the Trix hovered in the air, their eyes glinting with malice.

"Listen to her going on about unity and cooperation," Darcy scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "How nauseating."

Stormy rolled her eyes, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. "She really thinks they’re going to find Griffin after Zyron's spell? Ha! Not with us standing in their way."

Icy stared back at Alfea with narrowed eyes. "Let them have their little speech," she hissed, her voice dripping with contempt. "They have no idea what we have planned for them on the long run. And when the time comes, they'll wish they never stood against us."

The Trix turned away, flying off into the night as Faragonda's voice continued to echo behind them.

As the music started playing in the courtyard, colorful lights illuminated the grounds of Alfea, giving it a festive atmosphere. Despite the chaos and the battle that had unfolded earlier, the sense of camaraderie and victory filled the air. The party officially began.

The specialists moved confidently through the crowd, their eyes scanning for dance partners among the witches and fairies. Sky approached Bloom with a playful grin, extending his hand. "May I have this dance, sweet fairy?" he asked, bowing theatrically.

Bloom giggled, taking his hand. "Oh my, how can I refuse to dance with you, your highness?" she replied teasingly, but her eyes were sparkling as they moved to the dance floor.

Nearby, Timmy shyly approached Tecna, adjusting his glasses nervously. "Would you like to dance as well?"

Tecna smiled warmly and nodded. "I would love to, Timmy." With that, they joined the others, swaying to the rhythm of the music.

Riven casually walked up to Musa, who had been watching the festivities from the sidelines. "Hey," he said, his tone casual but his eyes softening as they met hers. "Want to dance or just stand around looking cool?"

Musa laughed, rolling her eyes. "How about both?" she quipped, taking his hand as they joined the crowd.

Brandon wasted no time in approaching Stella. "You look stunning, as always," he complimented with a wink. "Care to dance, my star?"

Stella flipped her hair with a confident smile. "I thought you'd never ask," she replied, allowing him to lead her to the dance floor.

As the Winx paired off with the specialists, Aisha opted for a quieter spot. She sat down at one of the tables with Piff, the tiny pixie already rubbing her eyes sleepily. Aisha carefully stroked Piff's head, the gentle motion soothing the pixie until she drifted into a peaceful slumber. Aisha watched the dancing with a fond smile, content to take a moment of calm in the midst of the festivities.

On the dance floor, Riven and Brandon turned to Helia, who was dancing with Flora. "So, this is what you wanted to tell us, huh?" Riven asked, his eyes narrowing slightly. "And how exactly did you know that spell, anyway?"

Helia glanced at Flora, then back at his friends. "Rory taught me," he admitted quietly, his eyes shifting toward the ground.

As if summoned, Rory and Manuel approached them, their expressions a mix of shame and uncertainty. Helia gave them a reassuring smile. "You did well," he said softly. "Again."

Manuel shook his head, crossing his arms. "We're going to get kicked out for sure this time," he muttered, his face a mask of worry.

Just then, Saladin approached the group, his gaze stern but not unkind. "Not exactly," he interjected, drawing their attention. "You didn't use your magic inside Red Fountain, so I can't do anything," he continued, his eyes sweeping over Rory and Manuel. "And despite my mixed feelings about you two, I have to admit that you were essential in turning the tide of the battle in our favor today, it would be unfair to hold it against you. But what I said a few days ago still stands."

Rory and Manuel exchanged a quick glance, a spark of hope igniting in their eyes. "Thank you, Headmaster," Rory replied, bowing his head respectfully.

Helia then turned to Saladin, a hint of concern in his voice. "What about your cane, grandfather?" he asked.

Saladin waved a hand dismissively. "Zyron has it," he said calmly. "But it's just a cane. It helped me focus and enhance my magic, but I can work without it. A true sorcerer doesn't rely solely on tools." He offered Helia a reassuring nod before turning his attention back to the festivities.

Flora, who had been standing quietly beside Helia, now turned to him with a curious expression. "So, you knew that Manuel and Rory were wizards this whole time, and you kept it to yourself?" she asked, her brow furrowing slightly.

Helia shifted on his feet, his gaze avoiding Flora's eyes. "Yes," he admitted, still looking nervous and glancing away. "I wanted to tell everyone in person."

Flora studied his face, sensing that there was more he wasn't saying. "Is that all?" she pressed, her tone gentle but probing.

Helia forced a smile and nodded. "Yes, that's all," he replied quickly. But his voice wavered, and Flora could tell he wasn’t being completely honest.

Before she could say anything else, Helia glanced around the courtyard, almost like he's looking at something in the distance. "I... I need to go," he stammered, turning abruptly and running off into the crowd.

Musa, who had been nearby with Riven, exchanged a puzzled look with Flora. "What's up with him?" she asked as Riven spinned her around, her voice filled with concern.

Flora shook her head, her eyes following Helia as he disappeared into the throngs of dancing students. "I don't know," she replied, her mind churning with worry.

At the table where Aisha sat, Roxy, Alice, Clarice, and Mirta joined in. Roxy chuckled, her gaze drifting toward the dance floor where the Winx were swaying with the specialists. “Well, with the punishment we got,” she said with a playful sigh, “the boys and my parents probably won’t show up.”

Just then, Faragonda approached the table, her expression warm but slightly mischievous. "Actually," she began, drawing the girls' attention, "I wanted to ensure the safety of the Earth boys. I thought they might be a safer until whatever was going down today passed." She paused, giving them a knowing smile. "They're all at the Frutti Music Bar waiting."

Roxy’s eyes widened in surprise. "Really? You mean they’re coming?" she asked, a mixture of hope and curiosity in her voice.

Faragonda nodded, looking at Roxy and her friends before waving a hand. “Yes, and I must admit, it’s been quite a long time since humans were inside Alfea,” she said thoughtfully. With a graceful motion, she opened a shimmering portal.

Through it, they could see the familiar interior of the Frutti Music Bar. On the other side stood Morgana, Klaus, and the earth boys, Andy, Rio, and Mark. Morgana smiled warmly, motioning for them to cross through.

Roxy stared at the portal, a question popping into her mind. “Really?” she asked curiously, “Who were the last humans to visit Alfea?”

Faragonda’s eyes twinkled with knowledge. “The Wizards of the Black Circle,” she replied, leaving the girls momentarily shocked.

"You mean last year?" Clarice muttered, confused.

"And a few centuries ago." Faragonda chuckled softly. "A story for another day, girls," she said, her tone light and mysterious. “For now, enjoy this moment.”

With that, the headmistress gestured toward the portal, and Morgana gave a little wave on the other side. Andy, Rio, and Mark began moving toward the portal, but they were quickly outpaced by Artu, who dashed ahead with excitement.

Artu leaped through the portal and bounded straight into Roxy, knocking her off her feet from the table and sending her tumbling to the ground. “Artu!” Roxy laughed as she landed with a thud, Artu joyfully licking her face. She giggled, wrapping her arms around her beloved pet. “Okay, okay, I’m happy to see you too!”

Morgana and Klaus stepped through the portal, quickly joining their daughter. They wrapped her in a tight, warm hug. "Oh, Roxy," Morgana said, her eyes glistening with relief, "Faragonda warned us briefly when we talked earlier today. Are you alright, my dear?"

Roxy looked up at her mother, a smile spreading across her face. “I’m okay, Mom,” she replied, squeezing both her parents tightly.

Just then, Andy approached with a bright smile, looking around Alfea in awe. "Wow," he breathed, "this place is incredible." Mark and Rio soon joined, their eyes wide with wonder as they felt the magic surrounding them.

Mirta caught Rio’s eye and walked over to him, a shy but inviting smile on her lips. “So, welcome to the Magical Dimension again, how about a dance?” she offered, her eyes twinkling playfully.

Rio blinked in surprise before grinning. “Sure, why not?” he replied, taking her hand as she led him to the dance floor.

Alice approached Mark, giving him a light nudge with her shoulder. “Up for some fun on the dance floor?” she asked with a smirk.

Mark nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely," he said, following her as they joined the others in the lively dance.

More portals began to open around the courtyard, catching everyone’s attention. From one of the glowing entrances, King Oritel and Queen Marion stepped through, looking around with bright, excited smiles.

Faragonda quickly waved at them, her expression lighting up with joy. Saladin approached, and the four of them shared a warm embrace. "Oritel!" Saladin exclaimed, his voice filled with warmth. "It’s been far too long, old friend."

Oritel laughed. "Indeed it has! I've been busy with our kingdom, but I was eager to make a visit," he replied, his eyes gleaming with fond memories.

Suddenly, a shout pierced the air. "Mom! Dad!" Bloom called out, her voice filled with joy and surprise. She ran toward them, throwing herself into their arms and kissing both of them on the cheek. Marion laughed softly, wrapping her arms around her daughter. "Oh, Bloom, it's so good to see you, you need to visit us more!" she said, holding her close.

Meanwhile, across the courtyard, Flora wandered through the crowd, her eyes searching for Helia. Instead, she was met with a surprise when Helia’s parents approached her. She quickly smiled at them, momentarily forgetting her search. “Oh! I didn’t know you’d be coming!” Flora exclaimed, greeting them with a polite but sweet hello.

They returned her greeting warmly, both leaning in to give her a gentle kiss on the cheek. Helia’s mother, Rose, suddenly began to cry, tears welling up and spilling over. Concerned, Flora carefully touched Rose’s hand, her eyes filled with worry. “Rose, what’s wrong?” she asked softly.

Rose shook her head, managing a smile through her tears. “Nothing, dear. I’m just… I like you so much,” she said, her voice thick with emotion.

Flora was taken aback by the comment but quickly smiled, feeling her own heart swell with warmth. "I like you too," she replied gently.

Just then, the music stopped, and the lights around the courtyard dimmed. A spotlight appeared on the stage, revealing a very nervous but happy Helia standing front and center, accompanied by Flora’s parents. Flora blinked in confusion, looking toward the stage as the sudden shift in atmosphere captured everyone’s attention.

“Flora?” someone called softly, and she turned to see Helia’s parents beside her, looking at her with gentle smiles. The crowd around her parted, stepping aside to let her pass. With some trepidation, Flora began to walk slowly toward the stage, guided by Helia’s parents.

As she approached, a light focused on her, illuminating her pathway. The crowd grew silent, their gazes fixed on the scene unfolding before them. Helia took a deep breath, his eyes locked on Flora’s as she moved closer.

When she finally reached the stage, he stepped forward, his expression a mix of nervousness and determination. “On Linphea,” he began, his voice trembling slightly, “it’s tradition for a marriage proposal to be done with the parents switched. That way, the parents of the groom take the bride and stand by her side during the proposal and vice-versa.” He paused, glancing at Flora’s parents, who gave him an encouraging nod.

Helia then quickly knelt down on one knee, holding Flora’s gaze. “The parents help seal the deal and let the world know it’s forever,” he continued, his voice now steady and clear. “So, Flora… will you be with me forever? Will you... will you marry me?”

Flora gasped, her hand flying to her mouth as happy tears filled her eyes. For a moment, she was frozen in place, unable to move or even speak. With a start, Flora realized she had to go to him. She took a few clumsy steps forward, almost tripping in her haste, prompting a few soft laughs from the crowd.

The Winx, watching from the side, had tears streaming down their faces, overwhelmed by the touching scene. Aisha, in particular, began to sob with joy, her shoulders shaking as she wiped at her eyes.

Finally, Flora reached Helia, her heart pounding in her chest. “Yes!” she cried out, her voice trembling with emotion. She then whispered again, her voice barely audible as she repeated, "Yes." Overcome with joy, she threw herself into his arms, kissing him passionately. Helia wrapped his arms around her, lifting her off the ground and spinning her around. His smile was radiant as he held her close.

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, the air buzzing with excitement and happiness. Aisha continued to cry, her emotions bubbling over. Riven, Sky, Stella, and Brandon approached her, offering comfort with gentle pats on the back.

Aisha wiped her tears, her breath hitching as she managed a shaky smile. "I’m happy," she said through her sobs. "I swear, I’m just… so happy for them." She covered her face with her hands, trying to regain her composure as her friends gathered around her, sharing in the joyous moment.

Griselda approached Faragonda, her eyes glistening with tears. “I never doubted them,” she said quietly.

Faragonda nodded, her gaze resting on Flora and Helia as they continued to embrace. “I knew it too, ever since Flora got her Charmix,” she replied with a warm smile. “The strength and kindness they carry toward each other have always been special.”

In the midst of the celebration, Oritel and Marion moved closer, their eyes scanning the courtyard with a hint of worry. “Where is Griffin?” Oritel asked, his voice low as he glanced at Faragonda, concern etched on his face.

Faragonda sighed, her expression turning somber. “That is what we would all like to know,” she replied, her eyes clouding with worry. “Let's enjoy tonight while we can...” She paused, looking out over the crowd, the happiness reflected in their faces. “Because tomorrow... tomorrow we begin the search for Griffin.”

Her words hung in the air, a solemn reminder of the task that awaited them once the light of celebration faded. Bloom stood nearby, catching Faragonda’s words. She looked down, her mind already beginning to churn with concern for their missing headmistress and the threat still lingering in the shadows. “Tomorrow,” she whispered to herself, a mixture of determination and fear flashing in her eyes. "We'll find her... we have to."
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Re: Roxy's Magical Journey: What If Season 5

Postby juleic1123 » Wed Oct 16, 2024 3:26 am

Chapter 28: Winter Break

It had been more than a month since the battle against Zyron and the Trix, and life at Alfea had returned to a cautious sense of normalcy. In the weeks following the intense battle, Mirta, Alice, Clarice, and Roxy had been kept busy with their studies and the punishment they had earned for sneaking out of school. Despite the extra work, the four girls had bonded even more as they tackled their punishment together, determined to make up for their reckless actions.

Now, with the first round of exams behind them, winter break had arrived. The dorm room shared by Mirta, Alice, Clarice, and Roxy was bustling with excitement as the girls prepared to head home for the holidays. Clothes were scattered across the room as they packed their bags, the air filled with the sound of laughter and the occasional pixie voice chiming in.

Livy sat comfortably on Roxy's bed, her wings fluttering lightly as she watched the flurry of activity with wide, curious eyes. Jolly hovered beside Clarice, giggling as she tried to help fold a scarf, though her tiny hands fumbled with the fabric.

"I can't believe winter break is already here!" Clarice exclaimed, zipping up her suitcase with a satisfied grin. "Feels like we just started the semester."

"Tell me about it," Alice agreed, tossing a pair of gloves into her bag. "It’s going to be weird not seeing you all for a few weeks. Plus, I can't even enjoy the festivities! On my home planet the rotation around the suns of Solaria is slower, so new year's eve is only six months from now. It's just so weird to have winter holidays on Alfea when I'll be actually heading to a perfect summer on the beach."

The girls giggle. Livy fluttered up next to Roxy, her expression filled with a mix of excitement and sadness. "And we're going back to Pixie Village to celebrate winter," Livy said softly, glancing at Roxy with wide, glistening eyes. "But we'll miss you so much!"

Roxy smiled, reaching out to gently stroke Livy's head. "I'll miss you too, Livy. But you’ll have an amazing time with your friends and family. And we’ll see each other again soon."

Jolly zipped over to join them "Yeah, but don’t have too much fun without us!" she teased, though her playful tone couldn’t quite mask the hint of emotion in her voice.

Roxy laughed, finishing up her packing before sitting down on the bed beside Livy. "I promise we won’t," she said. As she carefully placed her suitcase beside her, she continued, "You know, we celebrate something similar on Earth during this time of year. It’s called Christmas."

At the mention of Christmas, Livy perked up, her wings fluttering more quickly. "Christmas? Oh! We’ve heard a bit about it from Bloom, but we don’t really know much. What’s it about?"

Roxy’s eyes lit up with excitement as she realized she had the chance to share one of her favorite traditions. "Oh, Christmas is wonderful! It’s all about spending time with the people you care about, giving and receiving gifts, and celebrating kindness and joy. There’s a lot of warmth and love during the season, even though it’s usually cold outside."

"That sounds so nice," Clarice said, pausing in her packing to listen. "Is there more to it? Like, any special traditions?"

Roxy nodded eagerly. "Yes! We have things like decorating a Christmas tree with lights and ornaments, hanging stockings, and—oh! There’s also a big dinner with all kinds of delicious food. And we exchange gifts to show appreciation for each other."

Livy’s eyes widened with wonder. "Wow, that sounds so magical!"

"What’s the meaning behind it, though? Why do people celebrate it?" Alice asked, confused.

"Well," Roxy began, her voice thoughtful, "for many, it’s a religious holiday celebrating the birth of someone very important. But even for those who don’t celebrate it in a religious way, it’s a time to show love, kindness, and generosity. It’s about bringing light and joy."

As Roxy spoke, a soft knock came at the door, and Bloom peeked inside, smiling as she overheard the conversation. "Mind if I join in?" she asked, stepping into the room.

"Of course, Bloom!" Roxy said, grinning as her friend entered.

Bloom took a seat on the edge of the bed, her warm eyes reflecting fond memories. "Roxy’s right," she said. "Christmas is such a beautiful time. I used to love decorating the tree with my parents and making Christmas cookies. It’s a time to pause and appreciate all the good things in your life."

Clarice nodded thoughtfully. "It sounds like something we should all celebrate, even here in the Magical Dimension."

"Maybe one day we can all experience Christmas together," Roxy suggested, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

Bloom smiled softly. "I’d like that. Last year we celebrated with Roxy at the Frutti Music Bar. But Christmas on Alfea would be wonderful." She glanced at Livy and Jolly, who were listening intently, and added, "And maybe we can find a way to mix Christmas traditions with our own magical ones, creating something even more special."

Despite the excitement of preparing for winter break, there was a heaviness that none of them could shake, they all shared a look and their smiles started to fade, realizing what was coming next as the topic of the conversation. As they packed up their belongings, their thoughts continually drifted back to one missing figure: Miss Griffin...

Roxy sat on the edge of her bed, her suitcase packed but untouched as her eyes wandered to the window, Bloom quickly placed a hand in Roxy's shoulder, understanding.

"More than a month," Mirta finally said, breaking the silence that had settled over the room. Her voice was soft, but the weight of her words was unmistakable. "It’s been more than a month since Miss Griffin disappeared. How… how did we let this happen?"

Clarice, sitting cross-legged on the floor, sighed heavily, her hands pausing mid-fold. "We didn’t let it happen, Mirta," she said, though her voice lacked conviction. "It’s not our fault… but it still feels wrong. We’ve searched, we’ve tried everything, and there’s been no sign of her."

"But what if we missed something?" Alice asked, her voice laced with frustration. "What if we didn’t look hard enough? What if there’s something we overlooked?"

Bloom shook her head slowly, her gaze distant. "It’s not that we didn’t try. It’s just… Zyron and the Trix were too good. If they don’t want us to find her, we won’t. For once, they really did won..."

"And they disappeared like cowards since the party, they are up to no good for sure!" Clarice said, rage in her eyes.

Livy, sitting on the windowsill beside Roxy, looked up at her with wide, concerned eyes. "But Miss Griffin was always so strong… she has to be ok somehow!"

"Yeah, I'm sure you're right..." Roxy replied, her voice showing her concern.

Jolly flitted closer to Clarice, "She’ll be okay, right? I mean, someone as powerful as Griffin… she can’t just disappear forever."

Clarice forced a small smile, though it didn’t reach her eyes. "I want to believe that, Jolly. But every day that goes by without any news, it gets harder to keep hoping."

Mirta finally stopped packing, her hands trembling slightly as she placed the last of her clothes into her bag. "I feel terrible," she admitted, her voice shaky. "I keep thinking that maybe if we had gone to Cloud Tower sooner… if we had done something different, maybe she wouldn’t still be missing."

Roxy looked over at Mirta, her heart aching for her friend. "It’s not your fault, Mirta," she said gently. "None of this is. The Trix, Zyron… they planned this. They used everyone as pawns in their game."

"But what if we’re not strong enough to stop them?" Alice asked quietly, her hands resting in her lap. "We’ve been through so much already, but it feels like no matter what we do, they’re always one step ahead."

"It’s okay to feel like that," Bloom said gently. "Even I feel the same way with all the experience I already have. But it’s also important to remember that we can’t give up. Griffin wouldn’t want us to."

Mirta’s eyes welled up with unshed tears, and she quickly looked away, trying to maintain her composure. "I just don’t want to fail her," she whispered. "She’s done so much for me… for all of us."

Bloom crossed the room and knelt beside Mirta, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You haven’t failed her, Mirta," she said softly. "None of us have. We’re all doing everything we can. And even though it feels impossible sometimes, we have to keep trying. Griffin is strong, and we have to believe that she’s holding on, waiting for us to find her."

Roxy looked at Bloom, her brow furrowed. "But it’s been so long. What if… what if we never find her?"

Bloom’s expression grew somber, and for a moment, she didn’t answer. Then, she took a deep breath, her voice steady but filled with emotion. "We will find her. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but we will. Until then, we have to stay strong—for her and for each other."

The room fell into a reflective silence as the girls considered Bloom’s words, each girl feeling the ache of uncertainty. Mirta wiped away a stray tear, and just as the heaviness threatened to settle back in, the door burst open with a dramatic flair.

In strolled Stella, her usual dazzling confidence on full display. She struck a sassy pose, flipping her hair back with a theatrical swoosh, and raised an eyebrow at the group. "Why does it smell like sadness in here?" she asked with a playful smirk, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "Am I going to have to throw a fashion intervention to lift your spirits?"

Before anyone could respond, Stella launched herself into the room with a burst of energy, twirling around with her arms outstretched. She grabbed both Mirta and Bloom into a tight, enthusiastic hug, squeezing them with a mix of affection and determination. "Especially for you two. You look dead!"

Mirta let out a surprised laugh, her mood instantly lightened by Stella’s infectious energy. Bloom, caught in the whirlwind of Stella’s hug, couldn’t help but giggle too. "Stella!" Bloom said, her voice full of amusement. "Okay, okay! We’re alive now!"

Stella released them, her grin wide and satisfied as she looked around at the others. "That’s better. Now, who’s ready for some serious holiday fun? We can't just go back to our planets without doing a farewell party first!"

The rest of the Winx entered the room and appeared behind Stella with a big smile. Faragonda followed shortly after. She took a moment to glance at each of the girls, her wise eyes softening as she saw the strain they carried from weeks of searching and worrying.

"Girls," Faragonda began, her voice gentle but firm, "I know it’s been difficult. We’ve all been through a lot, and Griffin’s absence has left a void in everyone, believe me I know. But I’m here to remind you that the holidays are a time to replenish your strength, to heal and gather the energy we’ll need for what’s ahead."

Stella nodded dramatically, her arm draped over Bloom’s shoulder. "See? You should hear the wise words of the Headmistress."

Faragonda smiled but continued with her own steady tone. "We’ll continue searching for Griffin in the meantime, but until we find her, it’s essential that you all take this time to rest. Enjoy the holidays with your families and with your friends."

Clarice, who had been sitting cross-legged on the floor, sighed, her shoulders relaxing slightly. "You’re right. It’s just hard not to feel guilty for resting when she’s still out there somewhere."

Flora walked over to Clarice and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I know. But part of being strong is knowing when to take care of yourself. We’ll find her, Clarice. And when we do, we’ll need to be ready for anything, not worn out."

Mirta, feeling the warmth of Stella’s hug and Faragonda’s kind words, took a deep breath. "Thank you, everyone," she said quietly. "I guess I just needed to be reminded that we’re not giving up, we’re just… taking a break."

"Exactly!" Musa chimed in, flashing a supportive grin. "Even superheroes need a break sometimes, right?"

Bloom, who had been listening closely, smiled softly.

Faragonda also gave a faint but genuine smile at all of them, followed by a small nod. "I’ll leave you to finish packing."

With that, Faragonda gave them all a kind nod and excused herself from the room, leaving the Winx and the rest of the group in a much brighter mood.

"Alright, holiday fashion tips from yours truly!" Stella announced, grabbing a scarf from Mirta’s bed and tossing it around her neck with flair. "Who needs a wardrobe upgrade before heading home?"

The room erupted into laughter, the heavy sadness that had filled the space earlier now dissipating as they embraced the spirit of the holiday season, ready to take on the next challenge when the time came—but first, they would rest.
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