That's It! They Leave Me No Choice...

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That's It! They Leave Me No Choice...

Postby Tecna9930 » Wed Aug 23, 2023 1:44 pm

Hi Everyone:

I'm so impressed with this website that I intend to put it in several places:
1) As My homepage on all my personal devices
2) in the "Cool Tools" section of our employee portal at work
3) Ask IT if they can forcibly set everyone's homepage to this via group policy. Our default page is our "Charmix Start®" which is just a bunch of links to other tools, systems, and things of that nature (boring...), but those same tools are all available as favorites in the browser (set centrally via IT) so what would it hurt anyone to have this as the site as the default page when they fire up the browser? I mean, I wouldn't mind it personally and knowing how my colleagues are, most of them would actually prefer something a little more "lively". Before I ask IT about it, I'll definitely talk with a few department heads, colleagues, and the CEO (I know she would take one look at it and approve it, but still I got to show her this). This is what we call "Deep Winx Integration": the more employee systems we can "Winx up" the better :-)
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Re: That's It! They Leave Me No Choice...

Postby juleic1123 » Wed Dec 27, 2023 1:32 pm

Thank you! /houra// /flowerpower/
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