How different are your favorites & opinions now vs as child?

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How different are your favorites & opinions now vs as child?

Postby CrystalRose » Tue Oct 01, 2024 6:43 pm

I was thinking about how a lot of my favorites and opinions are different now vs when you looked at me as a child.
I think it's normal, things change through time and when you get older.
But wonder if others have that too and what they are...

-> When I started watching (I think I was 7 or 8) my favorite fairy used to be Stella and I was a big Stella fan. I always wanted to play Stella Now I am not anymore and I am a Flora fan (I think I already switched to Flora when I was 10 or 11). I don't dislike Stella I just don't feel so connected to her, Flora is soft, kind, sweet, gentle and I feel more connected to that.
-> I used to dislike Layla in season 2, she was one of my least favorite fairies and I didn't really like Musa either. But I love Musa now and Layla really grow on me.
-> Brandon used to be my favorite specialist but I switched to Helia (no idea how old I was) and I prefer Helia and Nabu over Brandon. I used to love Sky and he was probably my second favorite, now I rather give that spot to Nabu.
-> My fav couple used to be Stella & Brandon but it switched to Flora & Helia.
-> I used to love Enchantix but it started to feel overrated and I didn't like it that much anymore. Now I am loving it again.
-> I used to hate the magic winx transformation after Enchantix ect but I don't hate it anymore, it's still not one of my favorites.
-> I used to hate Musa's Enchantix but lately I start to like it

There is probably a lot more...
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Re: How different are your favorites & opinions now vs as ch

Postby natie » Sat Oct 05, 2024 1:50 pm

I’ve also noticed how my views have changed!

✿ I used to be a Bloom hater, when I was about 10 y.o. :twisted: But I don't feel that way anymore. :mrgreen: I think she's actually very brave and a pretty good leader for 16 year old girl. She’s always ready to take on responsibility, which not everyone can do. I didn't pay attention to these Bloom's qualities before, but I now find them very valuable.

✿ Stella has really grown on me! I've always had a rather neutral attitude towards her, but now I think she's the second fairy I like the most. I love her optimism and I think she's actually the one who cares the most about the unity of Winx Club. She seems like a very deep character to me, even though she may not seem that way at first.
(But I have to say that I haven't watched Winx after season 4. I’ve heard her personality was ruined later.. :?: )

✿ Over the years I started to like season 2 more. For me it's almost as good and enjoyable as the third one.

I might remember something else later. :D
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Re: How different are your favorites & opinions now vs as ch

Postby Hallowinxer » Sat Nov 23, 2024 11:31 pm

This is actually a really interesting topic! :geek:

When I was a kid I chose my favorite characters based on how they look like. At first my favorite Winx was Bloom because she has orange hair and my favorite color was orange. But pretty soon Stella became my favorite because of her color palette and aesthetics: of course she has lots of orange clothes but I loved her bright and shiny aesthetics. I also had some kind of a blond phase because my favorite Winx was Stella, favorite specialist was Sky and favorite W.i.t.c.h. girl was Cornelia :lol: Stella is still my favorite Winx tho, and as an adult I've learned to love her because of her personality, not just because of what she looks like. Just like natie wrote earlier, Stella is such a deep character and I love her character development in the 2nd and 3rd seasons. /flowerpower/ And nowadays I find Sky really boring. Back then I liked him just because he was blond :lol:

I didn't like Tecna and Stormy at all when I was a kid because they had short hair and I liked only characters with long hair :lol: Yeah this sounds so ridiculous... :ehmeh:: Nowadays Stormy and Tecna are my favorite characters because of their personalities and I also like how unique they look like!

As a kid I wasn't interested in specialists at all and whenever I saw them fighting, I was like, sighing, "show me the Winx already, this is boring!" :lol: Nowadays I'm more aware of their personalities and find them more interesting and even amusing characters.

And an amusing fact... As a kid Winx Club was like, HOLY, and I didn't want to read Harry Potter because I considered it as betrayal towards Winx Club because I thought there's "wrong kind of magic" in Harry Potter and only the magic in Winx Club is "real" and "acceptable". But at the same time I read W.i.t.c.h. comics and found nothing wrong with that so there was no logic in my way of thinking :lol: :lol: Nowadays I enjoy many fantasy series/books/movies without feeling bad or feeling disloyalty towards Winx Club :lol:
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Re: How different are your favorites & opinions now vs as ch

Postby CrystalRose » Sun Dec 01, 2024 7:51 pm

Hallowinxer wrote:This is actually a really interesting topic! :geek:

When I was a kid I chose my favorite characters based on how they look like. At first my favorite Winx was Bloom because she has orange hair and my favorite color was orange. But pretty soon Stella became my favorite because of her color palette and aesthetics: of course she has lots of orange clothes but I loved her bright and shiny aesthetics. I also had some kind of a blond phase because my favorite Winx was Stella, favorite specialist was Sky and favorite W.i.t.c.h. girl was Cornelia :lol: Stella is still my favorite Winx tho, and as an adult I've learned to love her because of her personality, not just because of what she looks like. Just like natie wrote earlier, Stella is such a deep character and I love her character development in the 2nd and 3rd seasons. /flowerpower/ And nowadays I find Sky really boring. Back then I liked him just because he was blond :lol:

I didn't like Tecna and Stormy at all when I was a kid because they had short hair and I liked only characters with long hair :lol: Yeah this sounds so ridiculous... :ehmeh:: Nowadays Stormy and Tecna are my favorite characters because of their personalities and I also like how unique they look like!

As a kid I wasn't interested in specialists at all and whenever I saw them fighting, I was like, sighing, "show me the Winx already, this is boring!" :lol: Nowadays I'm more aware of their personalities and find them more interesting and even amusing characters.

And an amusing fact... As a kid Winx Club was like, HOLY, and I didn't want to read Harry Potter because I considered it as betrayal towards Winx Club because I thought there's "wrong kind of magic" in Harry Potter and only the magic in Winx Club is "real" and "acceptable". But at the same time I read W.i.t.c.h. comics and found nothing wrong with that so there was no logic in my way of thinking :lol: :lol: Nowadays I enjoy many fantasy series/books/movies without feeling bad or feeling disloyalty towards Winx Club :lol:

I had that too haha. Stella was my fav because she had blonde hair and Brandon because he had brown hair. Now my fav is Flora cause of her soft character and Helia cause of his personality (and his long hair)

Ohh no it doesn't sound ridicilous haha cause I had it too😅🙈 I didn't like Tecna and Stormy at all because of the short hair. And I only started liking Musa after she got long hair.
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Re: How different are your favorites & opinions now vs as ch

Postby natie » Wed Feb 19, 2025 5:08 pm

I remembered something else. :geek: As a child, I was against (or rather indifferent to) Roxy joining Winx Club. But now, I'm more in favor of it, even considering that Roxy is a less experienced fairy compared to the others. But her powers would fit well with Winx, and her status as the princess of Earth fairies could have somehow played a role in the plot. :geek:
(I'm saying this from the perspective of someone who just finished watching Season 4 and hasn't seen the next seasons yet :roll: ) And although I do have some arguments against it (which surely would have come to my mind 15 years ago if I had decided to argue with someone about Roxy joining Winx Club :lol: ), but still...
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